He thinks that the origin of the poems dates from "the Mycenaean period," and that the later continuators of the poems retained the traditions of that remote age.
The copies of orders retainedby operators should remain in the book.
Those to whom the order is addressed, except enginemen, must then sign their names to the copy of the order to be retainedby the operator, and he will send their signatures to the Superintendent.
Much that appears in some rules gives the impression that either this idea prevailed or that the phraseology used in connection with it was retained while the practice had changed.
He would have retained the hand, but she gently withdrew it, though not in a way that involved repulsion.
He stillretained her hand, and she permitted him to toy with it, even slightly returning the pressure he gave.
In this way the speed at which the order is given is regulated so that everyone receiving it can easily get it all down, and a copy of the transmitted order is retained by the dispatcher.
I had retainedmy mask, and I was conducted through the crowd into the saloon into which I had previously entered when I delivered the packet to the Grand Duke.
His name was Cockle, but he had long been addressed as Captain Cockle; and this brevet rank he retained until the day of his death.
The judge, in the meantime, retained his calmness and presence of mind in a wonderful manner.
The judge's wife sat in her cabin, holding her boy in her arms and trying to quiet his alarm, while she herself retained her composure.
As we marched on through the midst of a wide-extending pine-barren, eagerly looking out for water, we allayed our burning thirst by sucking some leaves which still retained the moisture precipitated on them during the night.
No doubt the heads still retained their muscular power until nightfall.
Not that she did not season the odd avowals of Donnegan with a grain of salt, but even when she had discounted all that he said, she retained a quivering interest.
Such village scenes and sensations are to be witnessed at Amersham, Cringleford, and many other spots in England which have still retained their old village surroundings.
Hiltonbury was in danger of losing its reputation as a pattern parish, which it had retained long after the death of him who had made it so.
Of those who had taken up arms, many were slain in battle; the rest, with many persons of more rank and consequence, suspected of being implicated in the revolt, were retained in prison until the czar himself should decide their fate.
He retained the command of them till the close of the campaign of 1758.
The jewels that had been stolen from the merchant were largely retained by the Bagrees, though the Dewan found, one night, very mysteriously, a magnificent string of pearls on his pillow.
The mission to Amir Khan would be placed in the hands of Hunsa and Sookdee, Ajeet being retained as a pawn; also his wound had incapacitated him.
He could not believe that they had not been rendered harmless until shown that they still retained their poison-fangs.
With this tremendous amount of work pressing on him he retained his accustomed good health and buoyancy, due, undoubtedly, to his cheerful spirit, philosophical nature, and abstemious living.
These men were from the South, and I have always retained a soft spot in my heart for a Southern gentleman.
We have always retained our interest in them all; and they always make us a visit when they are at D----.
A very large part of the premiums paid by the insured is retained by the companies.
A large part of these gains have been in trade, in manufacturers, and in real estate as the cities have taken and retained an ever-growing share of the immigrants.
Evidently any person's cash reserve may be expressed as that proportion of his income that is to him of more value retained in money form for any period than if at once expended.
A method of distribution had to be found and retained that would work under the conditions of human nature at each stage of social progress; and competition, however imperfectly, has worked.
This office was longretained by the Highland chiefs, and usually conferred on a foster brother.
Footnote 173: This sort of expostulation is common to many barbarous nations, and is said to be retained by the native Irish.
The nature of the volume which called forth his poetical approbation, may lead us to suppose, that, at this time, he retained the puritanical principles in which he was doubtless educated.
Tégal, and this is still retained by the French, while in England the most popular form is Tagal.
Javas, being the darkest of the trio mentioned above, can have their colour retained to some extent, giving the finished article almost a perfect straw tint, but Brazilians and Bankoks assume a whiter tone without any tinge of yellow.
Perhaps he had retained out of boyhood some of that militant attitude of believing in his dreams and making them realities.
It was as if she read him easily in these days, while in herself she retained depths which he had no means of fathoming.
Within an hour the Frenchman had cut off his nose and parted with his wings, and retained nothing about him which recalled the sectary of the god Tingou.
The Paduan volume must after all have gotten into Boccaccio’s hands, for we know that Petrarch retained his own copy while Leonzio was engaged on the translation.
After all, you see, they retained their hidden power to please; like unto certain rich foods which should be served in gelatine, but in which the efforts of the cook have not been crowned with success.
In the United States certain land was reserved for school purposes, and if retained would now in some cases be yielding an almost incredible amount for public use; but it has usually been sold to private individuals.
He must have retained our chance meeting in pleasant memory.
The sun set in a mist of purple and gold, to the sound of the curses and imprecations of these wretched men who, expecting nothing more, hoping nothing more, had only retained the cruel instincts of the wild beast.
Such was Sir John's interest in the Force that, despite his heavy duties, he retained the headship of the corps to the end of his days.
It still retained its monopoly nominally, but it made very little effort to restrain the half-breed and other "free traders" who opened up stores and bartered for furs with the Indians.