Tom took the now harmless bomb to his stateroom, and there, after taking the infernal machine apart, he discovered that it was not as dangerous as he had at first believed.
I thought of the afanc, a creature which some have supposed to be the harmless and industrious beaver, others the frightful and destructive crocodile.
Would he have had recourse to them to draw out the little harmless beaver?
A hint at harmless little jobs Would shake him with convulsive sobs, While as for Revelations, these Would simply bring him to his knees And leave him whimpering like a child.
But this insolence is renderedharmless by the fertility of his imagination and his inexhaustible invention.
She delighted to join them in their harmless amusements, and to take her part in their playful contests, whether of wit or knowledge.
Camilla glanced toward the hall where the two young people were sitting in the big haircloth sofa engaged in a harmless investigation of the science of palmistry.
This agreement was made as a sort of harmless joke, neither Mr. Parsons nor myself having, up to this time, investigated the philosophy of Modern Spiritualism in any form.
Younger men feel a certain reserve, and do not reveal their inclinations before a crowd, but theharmless old gentleman makes no secret of his admiration.
No matter if the wanderer approach with the most harmless of intentions, it is exactly the same as if he were a species of burglar.
He was already an accomplished actor and a born mimic, full of odd sayings and harmless mischief, clever and imaginative, utterly devoid of self-consciousness or affectation.
You all have seen lightning conductors, which prevent tall chimneys and steeples from being struck by storms, so that the lightning runsharmless downward.
Oh, my friends, there is a second death to which that first death of the body is a mere trivial andharmless accident--the death of sin which kills the true man and true woman within you.
She'll ruin our innocent and harmless reputations if we don't.
Poor Mrs. Johnnie Dunn had a very harmless but very great desire to shine before her neighbours.
The harmless sheep with her warm fleece Clothes man, but who his dark heart sees Shall find a wolf or fox within, That kills the castor for his skin.
Shall the dull market-landlord with his rout Of sneaking tenants dirtily swill out This harmless liquor?
If these youths were brothers, it was very unlikely that either of them was a quack; and surely the harmless vanity of wishing to appear in his own native costume, was not sufficient to authorize so severe an appellation.
One of these is appropriated to the use of harmless insane people, who are permitted to wander about it at will: had I known this at the time, my interest would have been greatly enhanced.
It began by regarding him as a brilliant and witty writer whom no one could take seriously; it now regards him as a serious, and indeed responsible, thinker whose wit is a matter of harmless inspiration, and often a tactical advantage.
The marquis is the most well-bred, harmless of men.
At night such new vagaries, Such gay and harmless sport; All look'd like giant fairies, At this their monarch's court.
The intent of their meeting was to solace themselves with harmless merriment, and promote good fellowship * among neighbours.
IV March's irony fell harmless from the children's preoccupation with their own affairs, but he knew that his wife felt it, and this added to the bitterness which prompted it.
In that group of impassioned individualities, March felt him a refuge and comfort--with his harmless dilettante intention of some day writing a novel, and his belief that he was meantime collecting material for it.
This seemed queerer and less and less sufficient as she examined it, and she even admitted a little curiosity as a harmless element in her motive, without being very well satisfied with it.
Why, my dear, it was nothing but a harmless New York flat--seven rooms and a bath.
They really enjoyed Bohemianizing in that harmless way: though Tom had his doubts of its respectability; he was very punctilious about his sister, and went round from his own school every day to fetch her home from hers.
The ladies present seemed harmless and reputable-looking people enough, but certainly they were not of the first fashion, and, except in a few instances, not Americans.
The English shells were, in a vast proportion, harmlessfrom their bad manufacture.
If this bill was the most harmless modification under which reform could be proposed, that which was subsequently brought before parliament by Mr. O'Connell was, on the other hand, the most wild and ruinous.
And the fact in itself still seemed harmless enough; only it was a fertile source of harmful complications.
Could one never do the simplest, the most harmless thing, without subjecting one's self to some odious conjecture?
Put by Rosedale in terms of business-like give-and-take, this understanding took on the harmless air of a mutual accommodation, like a transfer of property or a revision of boundary lines.
Surrounding the camp were numbers of booths and shops where necessaries could be purchased and harmless refreshments obtained.
The Turk was silent for a moment or two, and then opened a tremendous but harmless fire all along the line.
The neutral is left to get what satisfaction he can out of the ruling of the last Hague Conference that all contact mines must be so constructed as to become harmless after breaking loose from their moorings.
David Bushnell was later captured by the British, who failed to recognize him and soon released him as a harmless civilian.
Your pleasant pursuits, your harmless recreations, your nice occupations, even your improving ones, what fruit are you having from them?
I assure you he is fully as harmless as a spinster.
Though once and a while producing a scalp wound upon our side, it was altogether a very harmless play, with just enough excitement to keep it alive.
His visit had been a mere freak--an intrinsicallyharmless one.
And in accordance with that curious law, by which, under certain conditions, the ugliest mortals become only amiably hideous, Yillah at length came to look upon Samoa as a sort of harmless and good-natured goblin.
But this was a comparatively harmless onslaught of the valiant Chevalier.