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Example sentences for "easily distinguished"

  • This tree closely resembles the preceding from which it can be easily distinguished by the following characters.

  • On this account in early Spring it can be easily distinguished in the forest.

  • This species is not usually separated from the preceding, but it is easily distinguished from it by its pubescent twigs.

  • BROWN BETTY Butter the inside of a baking dish, cover the bottom with a layer of tart apples, peeled and sliced.

  • Steere it is easily distinguished by the narrower and much brighter yellow band across the forehead, as well as by the shining blackish gray crown and mantle.

  • Easily distinguished by the cross-bars of sandy or reddish buff and dusky brown, which give the upper surface a freckled appearance; throat uniform, with scarcely any indications of streaks on the lower part.

  • From Zosterops whiteheadi the Mindoro form is easily distinguished, when similar seasonal plumages are compared, by its greater size and more yellow coloration.

  • This species is easily distinguished from B.

  • The former grows from six inches to a foot in height, and may be easily distinguished by its creeping stems, which give off root fibres and produce new plants at every node.

  • The order Polygonaceae also includes several wayside plants which may be easily distinguished as a group by the following characters:--At the bases of the alternate leaves are membranous stipules that form a sheath round the stem.

  • It is easily distinguished by its waxy yellow color.

  • This plant can be easily distinguished by the remnant of the veil which adheres to the margin of the cap and is of the same color.

  • The plant resembles the dark forms of the Amanitopsis in having the marked striations and the entire and closely fitting volva at the base, but can be easily distinguished by its ring.

  • This species will be easily distinguished from B.

  • It may be easily distinguished by the position and splendor of its principal star, Arcturus, which shines with a golden yellow lustre.

  • Lyra may be easily distinguished because of the brilliant Vega, its brightest star, which is situated about 12° southwest of the Dragon's head.

  • It is easily distinguished by reason of a beautiful and very striking semicircle of six stars of the fourth magnitude, forming the bowl of the cup.

  • The Red-barred Sulphur is another splendid butterfly, somewhat larger than the Brimstone, which is easily distinguished by the broad reddish bar across the upper surface of the front wings.

  • It is commonly associated with the Silver-bordered Fritillary, from which it is easily distinguished because it has no silver spots upon its wings.

  • The Comma is easily distinguished by the conspicuous silver mark in the middle of the under side of each hind wing.

  • It differs but little in color and size from the European pungent Russula, Russula drimeia, but it is easily distinguished from it by its mild taste.

  • This species is related to Russula delica, but is easily distinguished by its short stem and crowded gills.

  • This is easily distinguished by the white band across the rump.

  • The above are all birds of distinctive colouring and may be easily distinguished.

  • This is in shape and colouring very like the Indian skylark, but is easily distinguished by the pointed crest that projects upwards and backwards from the hind part of the head.

  • Arundo Phragmites is easily distinguished by the ligule (see p.

  • From Holcus it is easily distinguished by the sheaths, ligule and soft hairs of that genus.

  • Easily distinguished from Digraphis arundinacea, which has a basal hair-tuft and very different caryopsis; less easily from Agropyrum and Lolium, except in the velvety surface.

  • This species is easily distinguished from P.

  • Easily distinguished by the broad yellow submarginal band on both wings, shaded outwardly by red.

  • Easily distinguished by its large size, being the largest species of the genus in our fauna.

  • This species is easily distinguished by the color and shape of its carapace, taken in connection with its posterior swimming-feet.

  • It is easily distinguished by its large carapace, the posterior portion of which is marked off in transverse ridges, the anterior end running into a sharp-pointed rostrum.

  • It grows in bunches in deep water, and is easily distinguished, since it is the only alga having a midrib and veins, and resembling the leaf of a tree.

  • This species, which ranges from South Carolina to Brazil, and is also found in Bermuda, is common on mud-flats and is easily distinguished by its oblong or elliptical shape.

  • Another species (Ranunculus bulbosus) is, also, sometimes called the buttercup; but it is easily distinguished by its bulbous root.

  • The genus Datura is nearly allied to Brugmansia, but it may be easily distinguished by its calyx, which divides when the ovary begins to swell, and the upper part drops off, leaving only the lower part to enfold the capsule.

  • The Chrysanthemum is nearly allied to the Daisy, and its seeds also are destitute of pappus; but it is easily distinguished by its involucre, which is scaly, and by the flower forming a kind of depressed globe in the bud.

  • It is easily distinguished by the six conspicuous longitudinal rows of large white warts, between which are several other rows of smaller ones.

  • It may be easily distinguished by its brilliant orange-coloured disc, surrounded by white tentacles, which, when fully expanded, commands a circle of from one to one and a half inches.

  • His long arms were bare, and his bright red sweater was to be easily distinguished in the line.

  • In the row of beautiful little canoes which took their places in line, Ben's long form could be easily distinguished.

  • There were at least fifteen of the contestants, and Bob's sturdy form could be easily distinguished, for he was the fourth from the end nearest our friends.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "easily distinguished" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    deceased person; different lights; easily broken; easily digested; easily discovered; easily distinguished; easily done; easily enough; easily explained; easily known; easily made; easily obtained; easily pierced; easily removed; easily seen; easily soluble; easily tamed; easily worked; far the greater number; five degrees; never forget; open plain; rather think; said that; this wise; will secure