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Example sentences for "contributory"

Lexicographically close words:
contribution; contributions; contributive; contributor; contributors; contrite; contritely; contrition; contriue; contriued
  1. This form then must be reckoned with in the eighteenth century and borne in mind as contributory all along in the subsequent development, as we try to get a clear idea of the qualities which demark and limit the Novel.

  2. That the essay and its branch form, the character sketch, both found in the Spectator Papers, were contributory to the Novel's development, is sure.

  3. The expression "contributory place" means a place other than a parish chargeable with special expenses.

  4. In Wales there are 10 borough parliamentary areas, all of which, except Merthyr Tydfil and Swansea town division, consist of groups of several contributory boroughs.

  5. Education can, therefore, have no higher or more righteous motive than as a contributory agency in the perpetuation of the function upon which all existence depends.

  6. The position of the woman is a matter of choice and is not contributory to the results at all.

  7. But its stand was one of the important battles of the western war and a contributory cause to the subsequent victory at the Marne.

  8. If the state or county does not wish to take the contract, the General Government will advertise and give it to the lowest bidder, and will pay its contributory share and the other party will pay its contributory share.

  9. Yet I often feel that brevity is of the very essence of fine poetry, and it is possible that limitation of space may be contributory to the finest expression of gardening.

  10. Indeed at all points there have been collateral avenues to fortune, contributory enterprises more profitable than those which were purely commercial.

  11. The scandal of the almost open co-operation of the Bond with the Boer leaders had become notorious, and this assistance was recognised as a contributory cause to the protraction of the guerilla war.

  12. Among the many contributory causes of failure that can be distinguished, the two most prominent are the nationality difficulty and the native question.

  13. Indeed consciousness of self, as the more inclusive and complex form of awareness, may perhaps be regarded as pointing to a greater variety of contributory and generative conditions.

  14. Retired from pastoral work, owing to vocal disability, he has held contributory and editorial relations with the Youth's Companion for more than forty years, for the last twenty years a member of the office staff.

  15. As it is with some other diseases, one may unprofitably theorize on cause and readily enumerate many conditions which are apparently contributory toward producing the affection.

  16. Everything tending to increase strain upon these ligaments is contributory to possible fibrillary fracture of these structures.

  17. It has also been held that a statement made by a patient on the physician’s last visit as to what occurred at the time the patient was injured, tending to show contributory negligence, was not necessary information.

  18. In short, the same rule as to contributory negligence applies in this as in any other case of negligence.

  19. Death may occur from culpably careless exposure to cold, as a contributory if not as a direct cause, in such conditions of enfeeblement.

  20. It is otherwise with a dynastic State, to the directorate of which all other interests are necessarily secondary, subsidiary, and mainly to be considered only in so far as they are contributory to the nation's readiness for warlike enterprise.

  21. So much so that hasty observers, and perhaps biased, have reached the inference that one of the immediate contributory causes that led to the present war was the need of a heroic remedy to correct this untoward drift of sentiment.

  22. It has organized its work under subcommittees dealing with the many contributory causes of our situation and has enlisted the aid of investigators in fields requiring special consideration.

  23. I shall also recommend voluntary health insurance on a contributory basis for Federal employees and their dependents.

  24. I have already advocated, in my last annual message, the adoption of a civil-service retirement system, with a contributory feature to it so as to reduce to a minimum the cost to the Government of the pensions to be paid.

  25. These may be indefinitely extended through voluntary association and contributory schemes, or through the agency of savings banks, as under the recent Massachusetts plan.

  26. Full contributory coverage under old-age and survivors' insurance should be made available to all Federal personnel, just as in private industry.

  27. There were a number of important contributory conditions (enumerated in Harnack's Mission und Ausbreitung des Christentums) which Gibbon did not take into account.

  28. Aberystwyth was a contributory parliamentary borough until 1885, when its representation was merged in that of the county.

  29. And where such faith is absent, may we not still say that conditions of the present life to which the great mass of mankind are {54} subject must be contributory to forming their spirits for their future existence?

  30. Considering that in all he said and did he had in view his Father's purpose of making the spirits of men meet for immortality, it may be asked, In what way was such teaching contributory to this end?

  31. In fact, it is not too much to assume that all the deeds and experience of the present life are contributory in different ways to the final purpose of the judgment.

  32. Another contributory cause lay in the constitution of the Governing Body.

  33. But there was a second and a contributory cause.

  34. Intermarriage among these, intermingling of enfeebled and tainted blood is one of the main contributory causes why the walls of our asylums are enlarging.

  35. Mainly because of the criminal neglect of colleges in the past to cultivate the abundant material placed at their disposal; other contributory causes are cynical criticism and want of courageous ambition.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contributory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.