The particles of iron glowing in this spongy mass are partly welded together; they are sticky and stringy and as the cooling continues they are rolled up into wads like popcorn balls.
Her hat slid forward at a rakish angle over one ear, and her hair blew about her face in stringy wisps, as the doctor broke the speed laws on the long, level stretches of quiet roads.
It blanches quickly, and is recommended for its hardiness and crispness; the stalks rarely becoming stringy or fibrous, even at an advanced stage of growth.
Compared with the common field variety, the Canada is much more flattened in its form, more regularly and deeply ribbed, of a deeper and richer color; and the flesh is generally much sweeter, and less coarse and stringy in its texture.
It is also quite uniform in quality; being seldom of the coarse and stringy character so common to other varieties of this class.
When full grown, it is still tender and fine-grained, and much less stringy and fibrous than the last named, at an equally advanced stage of growth.
But the lean, yellow face and the stringy throat were in horrible contrast with the plumpness and sleekness of this monstrous growth.
He chuckled hoarsely to himself, and the long, stringy sinews of his throat jerked and quivered.
He was a large flabby man, with scant stringy hair and a not unpleasant smile.
It was otherwise open forest land, thickly timbered with large, stringy bark trees, casuarinae, and a large species of eucalyptus.
The timber chiefly box, with some few trees of another species of eucalyptus called stringy bark, and cypress.
Granite and a hard whinstone were the most predominant among the stones; small pieces of quartz, and loose rotten slates covered the tracks, on which grew some of the finest stringy bark trees I ever saw.
We accomplished fourteen miles with much ease, and halted for the evening in a thick stringy bark forest, where there was worse entertainment for both man and horse than we had experienced for some weeks.
The timber consisted of blue gum and stringy bark, and forest oak [Note: Casuarina torulosa.
Among the timber in these glens were some of the stateliest stringy bark trees that we had ever beheld: in fact, the timber altogether is unusually good.
Stringy bark trees were seen most generally on barren ridges, the larger sized blue gums in the valleys.
On crossing the river, we passed through some noble forests of stringy bark, growing generally on the sides and ridges of stony barren hills: thew forests extended above two miles from the east of the river.
The hills were particularly rich and thickly clothed with fine timber, blue gum, and stringy bark.
For the last five miles the country was thickly timbered with stringy bark and gum trees, the soil bad, and crossed by numerous wet hollows, which showed we were nearly on the summit of a level and extensive range of hills.
During the boiling of the 6 gallons, introduce 6 pounds of litharge gradually, and boil until it feels stringybetween the fingers; then ladle or pour it into the pot containing the boiling asphaltum.
The stringy filaments and epidermis are to be removed, called mulle; as also the pith, so as to leave nothing but the ligneous fibres.
The first named is probably the best; the last named has the disadvantage of becoming stringy if it matures during a long, dry spell, or if allowed to stand too long.
If too much water is applied during the latter part of the season the result may be an abundant growth of vine and a small yield of stringy potatoes.
His body was slender and rangy, and his strength more stringy than massive, His coat was the true wolf-grey, and to all appearances he was true wolf himself.
If you rinse this with water you will soon have left nothing but a quantity of soft, stringy material matted among the twigs.
Next, a procession of men, disguised in stringy bark fibre, drew near.
A man, disguised with stringybark fibre, lay down in a grave and was lightly covered up with sticks and earth.
Lightly Sheeta sprang after his victim, and presently the wicked days of Kai Shang of Fachan were ended, and Sheeta was gorging himself upon tough and stringy flesh.
It was upheld on all sides by heavy wooden supports of bluegum and stringy bark, the scarred surfaces of which made them look like the hieroglyphic pillars in old Egyptian temples.
Three koolimans (vessels of stringy bark) were full of honey water, from one of which I took a hearty draught, and left a brass button for payment.
This vegetable should always be eaten young, as when allowed to grow too long it tastes stringy and tough when cooked.
Should there be a great deal of white stringy pulp, remove it before cutting the rind into chips.
I have crossed the rolling plains, covered with hard stringy mosses, and I shall take away curious mineralogical and geological specimens with me.
No effort was made to catch or shoot them; it would have been useless cruelty, since their oily and stringy flesh is not eatable.
But let him beware, as he is likely to, of the similar looking, but hollow, stringy apples growing on the bushy Andromeda, which turn black with age.
Brother Samuel was a gnarled and stringy old monk whose stern and sharp-featured face reflected no light from above but only that sordid workaday world toward which it was forever turned.
In height he was tall, and his figure was thin and loose-jointed, but stringy and hard-bitten.
In the plasma the fibrinogen is in a liquid form; but during coagulation it changes into a white, stringy solid, called fibrin.
Flesh pale green, very juicy, somewhat tough, stringy and with some foxiness, sweet at skin to agreeably tart at center, good in quality.
Its flesh is tough and stringy and, though sweet at the skin, is acid at the seeds.
For the most part he subsists upon chestnut-bread, stringy mutton, sinister cheeses, and a horrid sour wine.
Small as he was, his bones were as strong and his muscles as stringy as a wolf's.