These are commonly very strong cords, like belts or straps, made up of white, fibrous tissue.
The spleen has a fibrous capsule from which partitions pass inwards, dividing it into spaces by a framework of elastic tissue, with plain muscular fibers.
These are composed mainly of bundles of whitefibrous tissue placed parallel to, or closely interlaced with, one another, and present a shining, silvery aspect.
The true skin consists of elastic and white fibrous tissue, the bundles of which interlace in every direction.
The root is held in its socket by a dense fibrous membrane which surrounds the cement as the periosteum does bone.
A strong, fibrous material binding bones or other solid parts together.
In general, where white fibrous tissue abounds, structures are held together, and there is flexibility, but little or no distensibility.
Nature throws out between and around the broken ends of bones a supply of repair material known as plastic lymph, which is changed to fibrous tissue, then to cartilage, and finally to bone.
A delicate fibrous membrane which invests the bones.
In the skin and fasciæ, the yellow elastic is found mixed with white fibrous and areolar tissues.
The white, fibrous cord, or band, by which a muscle is attached to a bone; a sinew.
The outer membrane, the dura mater, is much thicker and stronger than the others, and is composed of white fibrous and elastic connective tissue.
A fresh or living bone is covered with a delicate, tough, fibrous membrane, called the periosteum.
The fibrous tissues, fasciæ, and aponeuroses retract less, and so give a somewhat irregular surface to a large wound.
The gaping of the wound is due to the retraction of the divided muscles and fibrous structures.
If the disease is of long duration, the fibrous tissue in the wall of the heart may increase to such an extent as to produce an unnatural hardness of the wall.
In this condition the natural structure of the gland has given place to embryonal tissue (small, round cells, with a few fibrous bundles), and its restoration to health is very improbable.
But cases occur in which all the treatment that has been described fails to effect a full recovery, and instead a fibrous tumor begins to develop.
This may be superficial, involving only the skin, or it may be deep-seated, involving the subcutaneous fibrous tissue and sometimes the muscle and even the bone.
All these bones are covered on the surfaces which go to make up the joints with a cartilage of incrustation, while the portions between are covered with a fibrous membrane called the periosteum.
It may also lead to sclerosis or increase of fibrous tissue, especially in the kidneys, when it may result in the condition known as arterio-capillary fibrosis.
These hurts are not often of a very serious character, though the union is never so solid and complete as in other fractures, the callus being usually imperfect and of a fibrous character, with an amphiarthrosis formation.
The fibrous and earthy cinnabar has a scarlet hue.
The first manipulations to which the beets are exposed, are intended to clear them from the adhering earth and stones, as well as the fibrous roots and portions of the neck.
In the latter case, the ingredients of the dye have already become aggregated into compounds too coherent and too gross for entering into combination with fibrous stuffs.
A moderate stream of water should be made to play into the hopper upon the potatos, to prevent the surface of the rasp from getting foul with fibrous matter.
The fibrous part must next be laid straight, and passed between wooden rollers.
This metal suddenly cooled, is very white, and possesses in general a fibrous radiated texture; or sometimes a cellular, including a considerable number of small spherical cavities, like a decomposed amygdaloid rock.
Caustic soda is a white brittle mass, of a fibrous texture, a specific gravity of 1.
These kinds consist of organized fibrous gelatine or skin, combined with the proximate vegetable principle, tannin, and probably also some vegetable extractive.
It presents fibrous or tuberculous masses with a silky lustre in the fracture.
If flax, hemp, long wool, or other fibrous material, be passed into the machine at the back part by a feeding cloth or creeper through a guide k, best seen in figs.
When it is treated with nitric acid, it yields the following remarkable products:--White fibrous matter 0.
One smells the smell of burning furze, one tastes the resinous breath of pine-trees, one feels beneath one's feet the tough fibrous stalks of the ling and the resistant stems and crumpled leaves of the bracken.
I feel as though no one but Balzac has expressed the peculiar brutality, thick, impervious, knotted and fibrous like the roots of the tree-trunks at his gate, of the small provincial farmer in England as well as in France.
Scapes: Clustered from a dense mass of fleshy, fibrous roots; 4 to 12 in.
Leaves: 1 to 3, erect, lance-oblong, sometimes one with long footstem from fibrous root.
The leaves, which are pinnately divided into from three to five leaflets, cleft or lobed, chiefly arise on long petioles from a cluster of thickened fibrous roots.
Striking its long fibrous root deep into the dry soil, the plant spreads in thrifty clumps through heat and drought - and so tough are its fibers they might almost be used for violin strings.
Rootstock: Thick, several inches long, withfibrous roots, and filled with orange-red juice.
Herb gatherers have searched far and wide for this plant's bitter, fibrous root, because of its supposed medicinal virtues.
The ends are removed by a saw, and the bones are steeped in a 1% brine solution for three to four days, in order to separate the fibrous matter.
Thus we have four poison spines, each with a sac at its base; the walls of the sacs are thin, composed of a fibrous membrane, the interior of which is coated over with mucus.
When within the limits of their natural haunts, the osseous, muscular, and fibrous parts of the body will have that solidity which is required for the rapid and powerful movements of a predatory fish.
The nests are frequently constructed of fine bark fibers, withered grass and pine needles woven together with moss and lined with plant down, fine grass and small, fibrous roots.
The chalcedonic varieties of quartz agree in having a fibrous structure and in being somewhat softer (hardness 6-1/2) and somewhat lighter (specific gravity 2.
Its nest is usually made of sticks and twigs and lined with soft fibrous strips of bark, leaves and feathers that fall from the breasts of the setting birds.
Fibrous peat is found near the surface, and as we dig down into a very deep bed we find almost invariably that the fibrous structure becomes less and less evident until at a certain depth it entirely disappears.
Doubtless they go on most slowly in case of the fibrous compact peats, and perhaps some of the lighter and more porous samples of swamp muck, would decay nearly as fast as rotted stable dung.
The fact that peat is fibrous in texture shows that it is of comparatively recent formation, or that the decomposition has been arrested before reaching its later stages.
Moss peat is more often fibrous in structure, and when dried forms somewhat elastic masses.
In its upper portions, salt-peat is coarsely fibrous from the grass roots, and dark-brown in color.
When peat exists, not as a coherent more or less fibrous mass, but as a paste or mud, saturated with water, it cannot be raised and formed by the methods above described.
The latter was originally applied to fibrous moss-peat, but has since been adapted to all kinds.
Nearly or altogether destitute of fibrous structure, drying to earth-like masses which break with more or less difficulty, giving lustreless surfaces of fracture; sp.
The above process is not applicable to fibrous peat.
At Neustadt, in Hanover, a loose-textured fibrouspeat was prepared for metallurgical use in 1860, by passing through iron rolls of ordinary construction.
The principle is, however, a good one, though his machinery is only applicable to earthy or pitchy, and not to very fibrous peat.
They wove the fibrous roots into baskets that carried water and plaited the bark into matting.
The bark is fibrous in appearance and may be readily separated into long strips.
He became expert in flax products, and through this grew rich; he so studied kindred fibrous plants that his partners boasted that he had succeeded in marketing handkerchiefs made of twenty different fibrous plants.
The non-fibrous constituents of paper are the mineral fillers, the ingredients for sizing, and the coloring pigments and dyes.
No other fibrous material is so rich in cellulose; no other which lends itself so easily to paper-mill processing.
An idea of their fibrous strength may be had by folding in various directions.
The pith, being cellulose of a non-fibrous structure, has a value for other industries than paper-making.
The beating and refining of the fiber, and the admixture of non-fibrous components.
The fibrous casing of the fruit when woven makes him ropes, nets, matting.
The mineral also occurs in compact granular masses, and sometimes in fibrous forms.
The horny plates grow from a fibrous and vascular matrix, which covers the palatal surface of the maxillae, and sends out plate-like processes, one of which penetrates the base of each blade.
The two halves of the lower jaw are arched outwards, their anterior ends meeting at an angle, and connected by fibrous tissue without any symphysis.
Owing to the fibrous or platy structure, the floes crack easily, and where the ice is not over thick a ship under steam cuts a passage without much difficulty.
Havasupais use willows and certain fibrous plants found growing in the strange canyon which is their home.
These balls, when broken, are fibrousand woolly in appearance, hence the name.
The Hopi Indians use yucca and grasses, while the Indians of Northern California make use of spruce roots and fibrous barks found in that locality.
The soil is bared of its covering of leaves, broken and loosened by the plough, deprived of the fibrous rootlets which held it together, dried and pulverized by sun and wind, and at last exhausted by new combinations.
The transfer tends to keep them stocky, increases the fibrous roots and makes the plants hardier.
The fibrous structure, and the planes of cleavage, thus determine the magnetic condition of a substance.
The plant at this period is little more than an arrangement of cellular tissue, a very slight development of vascular and fibrous tissue appearing as a cylinder lying in the centre of the sheath.
In cases of hospital gangrene of the extremities, and in cases of gangrene of the intestines, heart clots and fibrous coagula were universally present.
In cases of ulceration of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal, the fibrous element of the blood was increased; while in simple diarrhea, uncomplicated with ulceration, it was either diminished or else remained stationary.
In both the well and the sick the red corpuscles were diminished; and in all diseases uncomplicated with inflammation, the fibrous element was deficient.
These may have been strips of hide, lengths of tough, flexible wood, fibrous roots, and such gifts of nature, and in time all these were twisted together to make a longer and stronger cord or rope.
The larger ropes used by them, two inches in diameter, were made from the fibrous roots of the spruce.
The fibrous husks of cocoanuts are prepared in such a way as to form “cellulose,” which is used for the protection of warships, preventing the inflow of water through shot holes.
Outside of this hard shell we are accustomed to seeing another covering of considerable thickness, of an extremely fibrous substance.
The fibrous coat of the nut is made into a preparation called “cellulose,” which is described in another story in this book, and also into the well-known cocoanut matting.
To obtain planting stock large clusters of roots may be divided to propagate from, but these usually have but few fibrous roots and are not as good as first year's growth suckers, springing from roots near the parent plant.
The Siberian and many of the fibrous rooted iris will stand a great deal of water.
The best is the fibrous sawdust made in sawing shingles by those machines which cut lengthwise of the fiber into the side of the block.
The cellulose in this condition reacts with the closest similarity to the original fibrous cellulose; the products are similar in composition and properties, including that of instability.
The uses of the cellulose nitrates as a basis for explosives are limited by their fibrous character.
The fibrous celluloses of which the typical members receive important industrial applications, graduate by insensible stages into the hemicelluloses which may be regarded as a well-established sub-group.
The 'pectic' group consequently must be extended to include hydrated and soluble forms of the mixed complex of condensed and unsaturated groups with normal carbohydrates, such as constitute the fibrous lignocelluloses.
The moisture retained by the fibrous nitrate--nitrobenzoate--in the air-dry state was found to be 1.
Further researches on the typical fibrous lignocellulose have given us a basis for correcting some of the conclusions recorded in our original work, and a study of the esters has thrown some light on the constitution of the complex (p.
It must be noted that in the conversion of the fibrous cellulose into these (still) fibrous monobenzoates, there are certain mechanical conditions imported by the structural features of the ultimate fibres.
The paper-making quality of the fibrous raw materials is also discussed, not merely from the point of view of the form and dimensions of the ultimate fibres, but their capacity for 'colloidal hydration.
The fibrous character disappears, and the product assumes the form of a free, bulky, still opaque mass, which rapidly sinks to the bottom of the containing vessel.
The structureless guncotton prepared as above described is of quite exceptional character, and entirely distinct from the ordinary fibrous nitrate or the nitrate prepared by precipitation from actual solution in an undiluted solvent.
The elimination of these mechanical impurities, and also to a very great extent of coloured compounds contained in the fibrous nitrate, makes the product also useful in the manufacture of celluloids, artificial silk, &c.
The stems, further, were hollow, with transverse partitions at the joints, and having neither true wood nor bark, but only a thin external fibrous shell.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fibrous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.