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Example sentences for "wiry"

Lexicographically close words:
wireworm; wiring; wirk; wirklich; wirst; wis; wisdom; wisdome; wisdomes; wisdoms
  1. But hurry as he might, his overdriven teams were no match for the tireless desert horse, the wiry mountain mount and the hardy mules of the tidy little pack train of Banion and his companion Jackson.

  2. As he came on at speed, guiding his wiry mount with a braided rope looped around the lower jaw, he easily might have been mistaken for a savage himself had he not come alone and from such company as that ahead.

  3. Tony was small, but he was wiry and strong.

  4. Me, Sarge,” said Private Latham, a wiry little fellow who knew more jokes than anyone in the group and so was a favorite among the men.

  5. His wiry legs carried him in silence; his senses were whetted to fineness.

  6. The usual nesting place is on the gentle slope of the drier tundra, where the reindeer moss is interspersed with tufts of wiry grass and allowing a wide field of view over the neighborhood.

  7. Doctor Nelson (1877) writes that "the young have a fine, wiry peep, inaudible beyond a few feet.

  8. The note of the white-throated sparrow, a very inspiriting but almost wiry sound, was the first heard in the morning, and with this all the woods rang.

  9. His knotted, wiry fingers had already found Jack's throat; he lifted the young fellow's head and strove to break his neck.

  10. Jack wheeled his horse and brought him alongside of Georges' wiry mount.

  11. The other was of medium build, but wiry and quick as a cat in his movements.

  12. It was drawn by a pair of wiry mustangs that champed impatiently at the bit.

  13. The Dandie Dinmont is hidden away in the dark depths of a rabbit burrow, and the two wiry wee Scotch terriers are eagerly watching the hole 'gainst the rabbit bolts.

  14. The other fellow and I went to the ground, and our struggle was of short duration, for Mac bought into the ruction with his carbine for a club, and under its soothing touch my wiry antagonist ceased from troubling.

  15. But there Quintana held him in his wiry grip.

  16. Instead of the Rangers a stranger rode in on a wiry little pony.

  17. Ned saw a powerfully-built, wiry man, whose lean face and deep-sunken eyes created a most unfavorable impression.

  18. Donald glanced affectionately at the wiry mass of bone and sinew which went to make the police dog every inch a warrior, and doubted it.

  19. Nevertheless it is covered thickly with an extremely nutritious grass peculiar to this region of country, the blades of which are wiry and about two inches in height.

  20. And while we ate and rested under the shade of a tree, it added much to our enjoyment to see the famished beasts regale themselves upon a plat of short wiry grass beside the stream.

  21. You've the flat thigh, the strong knee, the wiry back, and the light caressing hand; all you want is to learn the whisper.

  22. Jackanapes, his hand lingering in the wiry mane.

  23. Madame PATTI, who takes the Patti-cake here, is far too wiry ever to be a Patti de foie gras.

  24. His mount was a plains-bred pony, as wiry and unkempt and enduring as himself.

  25. Up the ladder scrambled, simian in agility, a tall and wiry man of middle age.

  26. The Scot’s long, wiry arms wrapped round him, hampering his fist-work.

  27. La Petite could feel the twitch of it in the wiry fingers that were intertwined with her own.

  28. She took Edna's hand between her strong wiry fingers, holding it loosely without warmth, and executing a sort of double theme upon the back and palm.

  29. When I tried to make him tell me what he had done with the keys, the wiry little creature ran outside and down the edge of the highway toward the Peacock.

  30. The wiry little man unlocked the coin box and extracted a handful of quarters, dropping them into the cloth sack he carried for the purpose.

  31. He was a wiry boy with a small head, close set ears, and eyes that darted about continually in search of insects to be dismembered or walls to be scribbled on.

  32. And this man, a short, wiry creature with very intriguing mannerisms, was hard to ignore.

  33. His big head, his little eyes, the tuft of wiry whisker under his chin, the high cheek bones, all contributed to the unhappy total of ugliness.

  34. There was a separate entrance from outside, by means of a flight of iron steps, and the department was presided over by a small, wiry man named Jim Hobb.

  35. But the wiry little animal had gone mad and was kicking and biting like a devil.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wiry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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