For some four hours I was travelling as hard as I could in the mud, slipping down in filthy ditches, entering in narrow cuttings in the earth made to protect one from sniping, and called concentration trenches.
By some good luck, the 2 houses alongside, though they were full of my men, had also shelters erected toprotect them from shell fire.
He has asked the courts to protect him, and they will.
It was very chilly, and they had brought along no wraps to protect them from the frostiness of the upper air.
It did not protect George through the most of his campaign, but it saved him in his last inning, and the veracity of the proverb stood confirmed.
It distressed her to see me do heedless things which could bring me under criticism, and so she was always watchful and alert to protect me from the kind of transgressions which I have been speaking of.
All that could be done to protect them from the full force of the shock was done by relatives and good friends.
Having done my best to protectthe papers from wet, I came out and found the men on the yard and the sail being lowered.
I asked the Inca to have mercy and protect me, and so he delivered me from them, and hid me until the morning.
It has an outer label, which indicates that when it was built in there was then no porch toprotect it.
A thick coat of plaster had been placed over the face to protect it from injury, perhaps in the seventeenth century or earlier, and this was never completely removed.
The Gujars of Hazara hang the berries of the Batkar tree (Celtis caucasia) round the necks of men and animals to protect them from the Evil Eye.
Hence monkeys are commonly tied in stables to protect horses, and an old adage says that "the evil of the stable is on the monkey's head.
Indeed, no one will give his daughter in marriage to a family without one, saying, 'If my daughter has children, what will become of them without a witch to protect them from witches of other families in the neighbourhood?
His special function is to protectthe cattle from beasts of prey.
In Persia many houses are adorned with rams' heads fixed to the corners near the roof, which are to protect the building from misfortune.
The men collect outside, and each has a kind of shield made of two parallel sticks joined with a cross-piece held in the hand to protect themselves from the blows.
In the Hills there are various benevolent ghosts or godlings who protect cattle.
Sets of these symbols are placed, one on the east and one on the west of their huts to protect them from evil spirits, snakes, tigers, and all sorts of misfortune.
The old man was constantly bruising his shins over the ropes and pegs, because he was in the habit of stumbling out before dawn with his hands pressed over his eyes to protect himself from the sight of his ill-omened companion.
So in the mythology the Naga king Machalinda spreads his hood over the Buddha to protect him from the rain and flies.
He then covers the pile of grain with a cloth to protect it from thieving Bhuts, and puts in a basket three handfuls of grain as the perquisite of the village priest who lights the Holi fire.
Hence the dog is regarded as the guardian of the household, which they protectfrom evil spirits.
The tail of the cow is also used in the marriage ritual, and the tail of the wild cow, though nowadays only used by grooms, was once the symbol of power, and waved over the ruler to protect him from evil spirits.
As soon as you take away your support the brutes I've borrowed from will come down on me like wolves, and, to protect your interests, you'll have to enforce your mortgage rights.
Learn how the German masses were deluded with the idea that they were making a defensive war to protect the Fatherland.
Young Mowbray was not a fool, and these people from the Old Country had a strong sense of caste; they stood by one another and were capable of making some sacrifice to protect their common interests against an outsider.
Brand saw that it was now out of his power to protect his companion; and the Colonel realized that the sacrifice of his daughter might prove useless.
The blizzards were often followed by bitter evenings when the prairie lay white and silent in the Arctic frost, and no furs would protect one against the cold.
The hue and cry will not follow us for some days, and there is still a degree of independence in the cities of Holland which may, since I have friends here, protect us for a time.
Ay, they would protect me--as one sheep protects another against the wolves.
I seized not the gate, but part of the tower, in order to preserve my life and to protect certain ladies traveling with me from the violence of a crowd which, under a misapprehension, was threatening to do us a mischief.
He seized my other hand and held it as though he would protect me from something.
However, by walking over the worst of it, you protect the latter and save the former, thus rendering accidents of rare occurrence.
If you will forgive the things my family have done, I will protect you and let you know whenever good luck is coming your way.
If you do not give it back to me I will be your enemy for ever, but if you do, I will be your friend and protect you like a god.
Pierre told him that he was seeking his sheep, and the horseman bade him take courage, saying that if he would only have faith, his master would protect the straying sheep and see that no harm came to them.
For who can save himself from his own timidity, and who can protect himself from his own courage?
The dust rises in clouds, and we are covered from head to foot with it as with a garment: we all wear veils pinned around our heads to protect our eyes.
This town, situated about five miles north of Monnikendam, abounds in beautiful old trees which protect it from the heat of the sun, and render it very attractive.
The screen is sometimes shaped like a fan, sometimes it is heart-shaped or oval, and is intended to protect the person seated at the door or window from the idle gaze of the pedestrian.
Large trees here protect Monnikendam from the heavy wind and rain storms which come from the Zuyder Zee, when old Neptune rises in one of his dreadful tantrums.
The women are large, muscular and well shaped, and appear fully able to protect and care for their households in the absence of the men.
All the knights were sworn to uphold the laws of chivalry--to go to the aid of anyone in distress, to protect women and children, to fight honorably, to be pious and loyal to their king.
And if Dagonet so wishes, he can protect our rear.
Seaton, as he drew a long shivering breath; and snatching up both the oars, projected them on each side of the boat to protect it from the rocks that bounded the narrow channel.
At this time too, they had to watch their fields with guns, or protect them with scarecrows and have the children watch them to keep them clear from the blackbirds, which were an awful pest.
Early in August of 1862 Lincoln called for five hundred thousand men and those men in this immediate vicinity who had not already joined, went to war, leaving only those not able to join to protect their homes and property.
I asked Mrs. Dunn what she had to protect herself with.
What few men there were could protect us better there than at different homes.
As fast as a company was organized it was rushed off somewhere on the frontier to protect the white settlers and drive back the Indians.
One was exceptionally pleasant looking and I thought he would protectus if the rest got ugly.
At different points tiers of sandbags, several feet high, protect the more exposed places, and to these again has been added, as an exterior facing, banks of earth.
It was his duty, and it is every loyal man's duty to protect that heritage in every way he can; and the best way to do that is to attract attention elsewhere.
I should not be able to protect myself from such balls for half-an-hour, or less.
Freedom means that we must love our diversity well enough to be willing to unite to protect it.
We got their measure on the Somme, and we found that when their guns failed to protect them, many of them threw up their hands.
The establishments permitted to continue business are compelled to sell all their raw spirit to the Regie at a fixed rate; and in order to protect home trade the Regie is obliged to buy at least one-fourth of its spirits from native producers.
These pateroles or whatever they was got after him and claimed they were coming to get him, and the old man and the old woman he stayed with took him upstairs and said they would protect him if the pateroles came back.
Cuesta, who had advocated bolder counsels, undertook to guard the rear, and to protect the British wounded at Talavera.
The attitude of the king, too, was not only strictly constitutional but friendly, though it afterwards appeared that he relied too implicitly on Grey and Althorp to protect him against the machinations of the radicals.
The house of commons, on the motion of Wilberforce, offered to protect her honour (whatever that might import) on condition of her waiving this last point, but she courteously declined its conciliatory proposals on June 22.
It was also found necessary to employ ships of war to guard against pirates in the West Indies and to protect British commerce in that quarter against French privateers.
To protect them, the district from time to time raised strong guards of mounted riflemen to patrol the road, as well as the neighborhood of the settlements, and to convoy the immigrant companies.
You have my Lord Comyn's signature to protect you," I went on ill-naturedly, for I had not had enough sleep.
In a war of workshops the women of Britain were needed to save Britain; it was for Britain to protect them.
For work in the Danger Zone no metal fasteners are permissible, and the coat, or overall, is cut so as to protect the neck and throat from contact with the powder used in the process.