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Example sentences for "biting"

Lexicographically close words:
biter; biters; bites; biteth; bith; bitingly; bitings; bito; bits; bitt
  1. Chance volleyed into him, biting playfully at his sleeve, and whining.

  2. Chance gripped in and in, with each savage shake of his head biting deeper.

  3. But the wrath gave way under the soul-sickness which overcame her when charged with biting and pinching a black man, and throttling children, and serving their blood at the blasphemous supper.

  4. She suspected him of no desire to attack the customs of his congregation, for he must be ignorant of the line they took at Allenwood, but his words were edged with biting truth.

  5. The struggle, however, had tried him hard, and he drove with set lips and knitted brows across the great white waste, oblivious of the biting cold.

  6. My wounds burn sore; But I suffer still more From the king's angry word, Than his sharp-biting sword.

  7. From levelled halberd and spearhead Life-blood was dropping fast and red; And the keen arrows' biting sleet Upon the shore at Stord fast beat.

  8. The dogs were so affected that nobody could hold them, but they slipped loose; and when they came out they ran mad, biting all that came in their way, people and cattle.

  9. The Emperor then retired to the recess of a window, where he remained alone for seven or eight minutes, biting his nails; in the fashion of Berthier, and doubtless giving free scope to his projects of vengeance.

  10. Jack cried out (and his was a biting mirth!

  11. Barton was rolled up in rugs, lying in a deck-chair, biting his teeth hard together to keep them from chattering, though the temperature was in the eighties, and most of the passengers in white.

  12. Come in quickly out of this biting wind; my dwelling is rude and homely, but you will be better off within it than here in the open air.

  13. Now Ingvar, who had sat biting his nails and listening without a word, broke in, questioning me of Halfden's ship for long.

  14. Now came a whiff of biting smoke down the well shaft, borne by some breath of wind that eddied into it.

  15. Uphill and downhill, always against the biting cold wind and sleet, their man led them.

  16. His principal source of income, however, was derived from biting the ear of a rich uncle--one Alexander Worple, who was in the jute business.

  17. Until we started this business of floating old Chiswick as a money-making proposition I had never realized what a perfectly foul time those Stock Exchange chappies must have when the public isn't biting freely.

  18. I jest was wantin' this here seat that bull-biting cow-puncher had perempted.

  19. The good chap was deeply impressed, too, for his iron, bull-nose-biting jaw was sagging in a sickly grin and he was back on the bank offering a free passage to Billings to any of his mates who cared to accept.

  20. He looked at her keenly, still biting at the twig between his teeth.

  21. I've been snapping and biting like a wild beast all day long.

  22. He smiled at her absently, bade her, with an air of suppressed excitement, wait until she had heard them, and fell to biting his nails nervously.

  23. The older woman came down the steps towards the fugitive, apparently unaware of the biting winter wind on her bared shoulders.

  24. As her father said nothing more, biting his nails and looking at her uncertainly, she added in the accent which fitted the words, "Why shouldn't I?

  25. I'm a femme watt-man" said Molly, biting a large piece from a sandwich.

  26. He would make biting remarks to them which the distance prevented their hearing, and he would wish savagely that they would fall in the lake, or break a leg on some of the boulders.

  27. Before then Mrs. Singleton Corey had learned the feel of biting cold, when she waited on a bald nose of the hill while three shovels lifted the snow out of the road so that they could go on.

  28. There was a raw, biting chill in the air, and his hands, ungloved, as they swung at his sides, were blue with cold.

  29. Cherry, her eyes on the study door, stood biting her fingers in frenzy.

  30. She tentatively tugged at a loose spray, and stood biting her thumb.

  31. Such men take the truths of the gospel for biting satires, if they detect the least shadow of opposition to their views regarding personal interest, personal ambition, or particular prejudice.

  32. Tuscany took them up, and added her own biting wit.

  33. But at midnight the revolt again broke out, the soldiers attacking the party in the centre of the raft with the fury of madmen, even biting their adversaries.

  34. You are pleased to be saucy, girl," he replied, biting his lip.

  35. This he took, biting the gold to see that it was good, but bidding them in to inspect the rooms before he pouched it.

  36. The next moment the two youths were grappling together like wild cats, striking, kicking, and biting with no thought except of who should have the best of the battle.

  37. He did not answer for a moment, but stood biting his lips and glooming upon Sholto, as though the young man had been a prisoner waiting sentence of pit or gallows for evil doing.

  38. Her yellow shining eyes blinked sleepily and approvingly at him, while with her tongue she rasped the soft pads of her feet one by one, biting away the fur from between the toes with her long and gleaming teeth.

  39. The neighboring dogs pounce on him from all directions, biting his legs, tail and ears, but stopping short when they in turn reach the line, for fear they may also get into trouble for trespassing.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "biting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.