Water is said to exist in soils, either in a state of chemical combination, or of cohesive attraction.
Even the Albanians in Albania are not a cohesive lot - they are divided to Northerners and Southerners with bitter mutual enmity the only thing connecting them.
Their families are very cohesiveand tend to stick together geographically.
Barnum of New York (1864) provided a means for protecting the field of operations from the oral fluids, and extended the scope of operations even to the entire restoration of tooth-crowns with cohesive gold foil.
The cohesive properties of the foil were developed by passing it through an alcohol flame, which dispelled its surface contaminations.
On remelting, the temperature of solidification is found to be quite fixed, and the mixture is evidently eutectic.
Brooks and Steward, from experiments made in America; but, prior to these Mr. Clerk had given others which were in the main in accordance with them.
When the reduction of aluminic oxide by carbon is conducted without the addition of copper, a brittle product is obtained that behaves in many respects like pig iron as it comes from the blast furnace.
It has been proposed to connect the key of the manipulator of the optical apparatus with the manipulator of an ordinary Morse apparatus, thus permitting the telegram to be preserved upon a band of paper.
As a source of light, there may be conveniently employed an incandescent lamp, g, capable of giving an intense light, and arranged (as shown in Fig.
On drying such bark in full sunlight the quinine is decomposed, and there are formed dark-colored, amorphous, resin-like masses.
The extent of the loss by the cooling water was thus well ascertained; and it was no doubt by a reduction of this loss that further improvement in the working of gas-engines would eventually be obtained.
An interesting modification of this well-known process has recently been described by Mr. E.
With respect to gas-engines, the limits of temperature are much further apart.
He accordingly determined that, whatever else he might fail or succeed in achieving, his most resolute effort should be to weld into one cohesive and effective whole Andijani and Tungani, Kashgari and Khitay.
But the cohesive materials were not sound enough to make it a lasting union of the whole people.
It lost its independent character and cohesive force.
We have said that woman is the cohesive force which holds society together.
Give us now some illustrations of the effect of heat in overcoming cohesive attraction.
It expands bodies, weakens cohesive attraction, and quickens the chemical affinities into activity.
Heat expands bodies, relaxes cohesive attraction, and brings the chemical affinities into activity.
Heat relaxes or overpowers the cohesive attraction of bodies.
Perhaps this is only a weakening of the cohesive force, thus allowing the chemical attractions to assert their strength.
Perhaps cohesive attraction diminishes according to the same law, though the spaces are so small that this cannot be demonstrated, but it is certainly weakened by the expansion of bodies through the agency of heat.
Heat relaxes the cohesive force of ice and changes it to water, and by farther heating its cohesion is entirely overcome and the water is changed to a gas.
We use heat also in cooking our food," spoke up Peter: "is it not because heat destroys the cohesive attraction, and thus softens it?
Will you please tell us, Mr. Wilton, how this weakening of cohesive attraction is explained upon the dynamic theory of heat?
It is employed in overcoming the cohesive attraction of the molecules of water and changing the liquid to a gas.
The blacksmith heats his iron in order to overcome its cohesiveattraction and render it soft, that he may easily hammer it.
The cohesivepower of water is beautifully illustrated.
This rallying power in the cohesive force is called Elasticity, and it exists in no small degree in glass.
The cohesive power of liquids is overcome by heat as well as that of solids, only to a much greater degree, for under it they assume a new form, acquire new properties, and expand immensely in volume.
The outcome of certain atomic grouping, for instance, is a mirror, table or clock because a cohesive power has magnetized and bound these atoms together.
The vegetable kingdom possessescohesive properties plus the power of growth, or augmentative power.
Do not make it too thin; it should be of cohesive consistence: if it is not sufficiently stiff, it is good for nothing.
A cohesive 'family' is the best germ for a campaigning nation.
In autocratic societies the cohesive force exists in traditions or can at any moment be generated executively.
He did it with shy reluctance and usually the feelings he had about them never emerged all that much in a cohesive thought.