Père Masse were discovered, and with whom originated the idea of erecting this monument.
I remember a masse of things, but nothing distinctly: a Quarrell, but nothing wherefore.
I cannot say Whore, It do's abhorre me now I speake the word, To do the Act, that might the addition earne, Not the worlds Masse of vanitie could make me Iago.
Towards half-past four the fire of the Versaillese ceased, and the Federals were snatching a little rest, when the soldiers debouched enmasse on the bridge.
They say that at the beginning, the heaven, the earth, and the water were a masse or lumpe ioyned in one.
His bryde abydeth him at his inne, And dighteth his dyner the mene whyle; He singeth his masse for he wolde winne, And so he weneth god begyle!
At masseserveth but a clergion; fyve squiers in hal.
If thou sayest thou wolt not travaile for to saye the masse but for the peny, +than certes, if this be soth, than thou lovest to littel mede for thy soule.
With hauke[s] and with houndes eke, 1005 With broches or ouches on his hode, Some say no masse in all a weke, Of deyntees is hir moste fode.
Some that had great hope of the matter sought secretly to haue a lease at her Maiesties hands of those places, whereby to inioy the masse of so great a publike profit vnto their owne priuate gaines.
Hauing buried onely in a preparation a great masse of substance, wherby his estate was impaired, his minde yet not dismaid he continued his former designment and purpose to reuiue this enterprise, good occasion seruing.
A prayer full profytable to them that shal saye masse / & here masse / or to them that shall be houseled & comunyed / and besyde for all other that ben on lyue or deed.
After complyn speke no worde tyl the massebe done the next daye folowynge without a grete cause requyre.
Now, the masse cuite goes direct from the vacuum pans to the receivers, and thence into the centrifugals.
In the old mill the masse cuite, the last stage of the product before the sugar is dried off, had to be dug out from tanks, men standing up to their knees in the sticky substance, and handling it in buckets.
Masse considered the navy yard a special source of the corruption which wealth had brought.
Masse continues to say that travelers were detained on board several days before they were allowed to land in Havana.
Masse comments at length upon these conditions in his book on Havana.
Masse mentions the fact that minor functionaries were ready to do the foreigners any favor--for a consideration.
Masse says that the art of conversation, unknown in Havana society, flourished only in their homes.
IX The greatest Earth his uncouth mother was, And blustering Æolus his boasted syre, Brought forth this monstrous masse of earthly slime 75 Puft up with emptie wind, and fild with sinfull crime.
Biard and Masse insisted, on which the merchants demanded reimbursement for their outlay, as they would have no further concern in the business.
And the gret fray that the [they] mad in the tyme ofmasse it ravyched my witts and mad me ful hevyly dysposyd.
Wherfore I pray yow werk wisely herin, for he may in no maner wise aske the money of me and kepe his bargeyn, for he hathe divers tymes desired me to have take of hym more masse (?
The crystals of masse cuite effect a crystallization of the otherwise inactive product contained in the molasses.
Sirup should not be used until all adhering sirup ofmasse cuite has been swung out.
A method to crystallize the sugar contained in the mother liquor of a masse cuite consists in mixing during 24 hours the hot product, direct from the pan, with low grade molasses.
On the voyage to England Brebeuf, Noue, and Masse had to bear insult and harsh treatment from men of their own race, but of another faith.
In the early morning, Francis assembled them, and forbade their speaking of this miraculous event, and then set out with Masse of Marignan for Perugia, where Pope Honorius then was.
Masse went first, and said to himself, "How uncivil!
Brother Masse was a very spiritual man, who was much attached to prayer.
And likewise it seems necessary, that the graver Solids do go to the Bottom, as being of a Force more than sufficient for the raising a Masse of water, equall to its own, though inferiour in weight.
And now he seith matyns of Our Lady and evesong, and herith his Masse devoutly; and Richard shall tell yow more tidings by mouth.
Thus ye se that all theise thinges which these massers do in their masse / ar contrarye to the institution of Christe.
And therfor ther Masse / in which they wold worcke such marueyles / and the Lordes supper ar vtterly vnlyke.
They saye that ther Masse is christes Institution / And our men (of whom I now haue spoken) do saye that the Masse hath sum affinitie with christes institucion of the holy supper.
And to proue that the masse with all such popishe baggadge is verye Idolatrie / I neade not to bring mani reasons / for this one thing dothe easelie teache it.
En masse they storm into the children's room, in a spirit of bravado.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "masse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.