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Example sentences for "assume"

Lexicographically close words:
assuage; assuaged; assuagement; assuages; assuaging; assumed; assumes; assuming; assumpsit; assumption
  1. Now to apply this to the consideration of a Balloon of superior magnitude, let us assume one of 100 feet in length, and fifty feet in height.

  2. Good night: but go not to mine uncle's bed; Assume a virtue, if you have it not.

  3. If it assume my noble father's person, I'll speak to it, though hell itself should gape And bid me hold my peace.

  4. However, if account keeping is attempted, it should not be neglected even for a day, for it will soon assume the proportions of a large task and will have a tendency to discourage the housewife with this part of her work.

  5. Spores are a protective form that many kinds of bacteria assume under unfavorable conditions.

  6. I assume it was a love affair," she hastened to add.

  7. It was her habit to assume that she was happy--and she now so assumed.

  8. But please assume also that, whatever I am or am not, I want my freedom.

  9. Freed slaves were permitted to assume the gentile name of their former master, but this did not bestow any gentile rights on them.

  10. Nothing remains but to assume that the woman in her first marriage wedded a man from another gens and thereby became a member of her husband's gens.

  11. The one stands in the middle of society, the other is forced to assume a position outside and above it.

  12. Of course I don't mean to say that I don't at times assume the pose of hatred and contempt, only of course to produce better results upon her.

  13. George, who noticed this with regret, endeavoured to assume a lighter and more sympathetic tone.

  14. But they stick to their cigars, and assume a lofty moral superiority over the lovely beings, the evidence of whose better civilization is sounding in their ears.

  15. The columns, as we pass on towards the west, diminish in size, and assume in many of the beds considerable variety of direction and form.

  16. Its columnar structure bore evidence to the action of great heat; and its pale red color was exactly that which the Oölitic sandstones of the island, with their slight ochreous tinge, would assume in a common fire.

  17. I will assume the disguise of a gentleman and you that of a servant, and we will take passage on a steamboat and go to Cincinnati, and thence to Canada.

  18. So saying, he took up his bag, and with the best swagger he could assume slunk from the room.

  19. If at times they were amused at Brother Officer's peculiarities, so were some members of his own flock, and Brother Officer was wise enough to assume that no disrespect was intended.

  20. Joe Carbrook, with one or two of his friends, was finding it agreeable to assume a superior air concerning the Institute.

  21. But when the hour of twilight spread its majestic mists around, then did the face of nature assume a thousand fugitive charms, which to the worthy heart that seeks enjoyment in the glorious works of its Maker are inexpressibly captivating.

  22. As I pace the darkened chamber, and lose myself in melancholy musings, the shadowy images around me almost seem to steal once more into existence, their countenances to assume the animation of life--their eyes to pursue me in every movement!

  23. After losing sight of New York, the river becomes narrower in its bed, and the banks on either side assume a higher and more rocky appearance.

  24. An alternative basis is to assume that two millions of the members are house-holders.

  25. On the evidence of this report from Sir John Hampden we may assume that within twenty-four hours our aggressive work will be over.

  26. For the purpose of facing the worst, we may therefore assume that the work of digging and handling thirty-five million tons will be suddenly cut off.

  27. Of course," he added, as he turned away, "we shall have to assume his acquiescence to any arrangement we may reach.

  28. London, in its ice-bound straits, began curiously to assume the appearance of a mediaeval city.

  29. It was rather the manner of a brother than of a lover; but it was familiar and confidential beyond what those assume that are not brothers.

  30. You assume somewhat too much knowledge on my part of people's designs," said Eleanor carelessly.

  31. She will assume the attitude of war, but she will never fight.

  32. Then I assume that you and Mr. Beecher have made up?

  33. They receive what they believe to be messages from the departed, and now and then the spirits assume their old forms --including garments--and pass through walls and doors as light passes through glass.

  34. What phases will the Southern question assume in the next four years?

  35. It is fairly safe to assume that all gasteropods that possess a proboscis are carnivorous.

  36. When the outer surface of a shell is devoid of any sculpturing and is perfectly smooth, one may assume that the mantle margin of the animal was simple.

  37. The flatworms are the first animals to assume pronounced bilateral symmetry.

  38. Soon after, Aruna, the charioteer of Surya, weakening the splendour of the moon, appeared, causing the welkin to assume a coppery hue.

  39. Causing the firmament and the earth to assume the same hue, the sun assumed his favourite form of fire.

  40. Once more, he was seen to assume a prodigious form, with a hundred heads and a hundred stomachs, and looking like the Mainaka mountain.

  41. Where should you get experience, and what right have you to assume all the airs of sage old age?

  42. It is a hard task for a frank and honest mind to assume an easy and a careless air when there are dark thoughts and heavy doubts within.

  43. She is far too wise a woman to assume authority where she possesses none, but that which affection and reverence give her.

  44. I do not assume to be competent to give instruction in quail shooting.

  45. It is evident therefore, that the West is not likely to gain anything permanently by the new route, except in so far as it may open up some local trade, which, inconsiderable at first, may eventually assume considerable importance.

  46. Doubtless there is immense wealth still to be developed in these enterprises, and this element of wealth in the Lake Superior region is yet to assume a magnitude now unthought of.

  47. The ratio of increase is, therefore, increasing, and we may assume it will not be less than ten per cent, per annum till 1860.

  48. It is not wonderful that great alarm should prevail, or that, in panic-stricken minds, it should assume extravagant forms.

  49. It was not in his nature to assume or attempt to bolster up a false position.

  50. Caesar was slain because he had shown that he was going to assume the title of king.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assume" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accept; acquire; act; admit; adopt; affect; allegorize; appropriate; arrogate; assume; attack; attempt; believe; bluff; borrow; bring; change; chorus; colonize; commandeer; comprise; conceit; conceive; conclude; conjecture; connote; conquer; consider; contain; copy; counterfeit; crib; dare; daresay; deduce; deem; derive; disguise; ditto; divine; dramatize; draw; dream; echo; embark; encroach; endeavor; enslave; entail; esteem; estimate; expect; fake; fancy; feel; feign; figure; forge; gain; gather; get; grant; guess; have; hazard; hint; hog; hold; imagine; imitate; implicate; imply; import; indent; infer; infringe; insinuate; intimate; invade; involve; judge; let; maintain; mean; mirror; mock; monopolize; obtain; occupy; opine; overrun; pirate; play; posit; postulate; prefigure; premise; preoccupy; prepossess; presume; presuppose; pretend; proceed; profess; pull; receive; reckon; reflect; regard; repeat; repute; require; requisition; say; secure; seize; sham; shoulder; simulate; steal; strike; subjugate; subsume; suggest; suppose; surmise; suspect; tackle; take; think; throw; trespass; understand; undertake; usurp; venture; wear; wit

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    assume command; assume that; assume the; assumed character; assumed command; assumed name; assumed the