Johnny was fifty and looked a hundred, but those unwary ones who had felt the steely grip of his sinewy fingers were apt evermore to respect him.
There was an aeroplane upon the water and in the aeroplane a tall young man with considerable length of sinewy limb, lazily rolling a cigarette.
The younger man, a lean, sinewy chap with singularly fine eyes of blue above lean, tanned cheeks, frowned thoughtfully.
Erastus has acquired a sinewy chicken from somebody's barn yard," it read.
He was quivering all over with rage; the muscles of his sinewyarms were clinched and tense.
The two men were grasping the sinewy Cuban and holding him so tight that he could not move.
And I saw his sinewy hand quivering on his knife-hilt.
I have seen a sinewypanther so rebound when hurled from a high tree-top.
The savage looked at me a moment, then his sinewy arms flew up and he snatched the deerskin shirt from his naked body.
Then his sinewy fingers touched mine, warily at first, like the exploring antennae of a nervous butterfly.
Major Parr nodded, quietly offered his hand to the silent Siwanois, and, holding that warrior's sinewyfist in an iron grip that matched it, named him to Captain Simpson.
Miss Whiffle selected the aged gander for me, and I gnawed its sinewy limbs without a protest.
He seized my right hand in his left with a sinewy clutch, and pointed a stiff finger at the luminous blots.
All dignity but that of sinewy argumentation he held far beneath him.
High on her prow stood the form of a noble-looking leader, in the very prime of strength and manhood, his frame displaying all the graces of Antinous mingled with all the sinewy strength of Hercules.
Witham, answering nothing, swung an axe round his head, and the girl, kneeling beside the stove, noticed the sinewy suppleness of his frame and the precision with which the heavy blade cleft the billets.
The man's gaze was curiously steady, his skin clear and brown, and his sinewy form suggested a capacity for, and she almost fancied an acquaintance with, physical toil.
The wheel, under the influence of a single vigorous impulse from Williams' sinewy arm, went whirling round until it was hard over, when he caught and grasped the spokes and held it there.
In a rage, Reynolds threw his hand behind him, as though he would pull his revolver, but his wrist was caught by sinewy fingers from behind.
I have seen no fiercer beast than yon lion even in the amphitheatre of Rome,' said a gigantic and sinewy fellow who stood at the right hand of Sosia.
It was a man who had scarcely reached his fortieth year, of tall stature, and of a thin but nervous and sinewy frame.
The monarch motioned him to come nearer, and then addressed him in a low tone, laying at the same time one finger of his sinewy hand upon the blade of the naked sword that lay beside him.
The Captain of Vlaye, stooping his sinewy figure to his companion, well became a horse that moved as he moved, and caracoled because he allowed it.
Thus with arms entwined And grappling hands each seizes on his foe; With hardened muscles straining at the neck Long time in vain; for firm the sinewy throat Stood column-like, nor yielded; so that each Wondered to find his peer.
Who but Jasper would have seen behind the features of that young, sinewy backwoodsman the soul of the leader and liberator?
Young Lincoln liked to warm himself by the forge in winter and sun himself in the open door in summer, and tempt this sinewy man to talk.
The lake was a cat, he thought, a great sinewy cat, and the whitecaps rolling into the harbor were its sheathed and unsheathed claws.
Out of the shadows he came, a long, sinewy thing with the heart of a tiger and the jaws of a pike.
Monck stretched forth a sinewy arm and slowly closed his fist under the other man's eyes.
She knew nothing of the sinewy arms that held her back from death though she fought them fiercely, desperately.
As the dead brute stiffened out its sinewy length, we dragged it one side and made haste to examine its victim.
The sinewy old woodsman toppled over, and, losing his balance, sat down in a thicket of sand-plums.
His sinewy shoulders and broad-webbed feet drove him straight through cross-current and eddy to where the child had sunk.
He did not speak to her, did not, she fancied, even look at her; but after a few dumb seconds his hand came out to hers and held it in a close, sinewy grip.
And on his knees beside the bed, the inert wrists gripped close in his sinewy fingers, was Nap.
Vividly there rose before her his harsh face alert, cruel, cynical, and the sinewy hands that gripped and crushed.
I guess you must have known it," he said, the sinewy hand fast gripped in his.
He saw the same lean faces, the same lank, sinewy bodies, the same clear eyes and set jaws.
Now it was finding itself a turning point in the history of the world, with the sinewy young men from a country that had not been discovered when Chateau-Thierry already was hoary with age, rushing there to help keep it true.
Later in the day a delegation of awkward, sinewy men came upon his veranda.
A pair of sinewyarms reached out for her, groping in the strangling haze.
The trapper grasped the thin, sinewyfingers in both his own.
Being strung on leather strings, and several of them sewed neatly together with fine sinewy threads, they then compose what is termed a belt of Wampum.
Before he could pull the trigger again, the sinewy fingers of a man's hand closed over the weapon and pushed it flat with the earth, and Jason's upturned eyes looked into the grave face of the school-master.
She had a new ordeal before her now, for in her sinewy little hands were a paper bag, a first reader, and a spelling-book, and she was on her way to school.
It was to be an age of abstruse disquisition, that required a compact and sinewy intellect, nurtured in a class of learning not yet honoured in colleges, and which might arrive at conclusions conflicting with predominant prejudices.