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Example sentences for "crystal"

Lexicographically close words:
cryptomeria; cryptomerias; crypts; crys; cryst; crystalized; crystall; crystalline; crystallisable; crystallisation
  1. The hero of the tale called the Crystal Ball finds two giants fighting for a little hat.

  2. Symeon Seth has for the firefly lithon stilbonta: the Turkish version in the Cabinet des Fees "Un morceau de crystal qui brillait.

  3. And while you are waiting here, my husband, you must not enter this crystal pavilion, lest you should fall into a lake there and go to the world of men.

  4. At that moment I found myself changed into a gold-fish, and swimming in the crystal basin where you first saw me.

  5. Do you remember how you used to come to the crystal basin, at the foot of the shining cascade, and stay all day long fondling a little gold-fish, kissing its eyes, and hiding it in your bosom?

  6. While absent from the crystal basin, his imagination was forever dwelling on the form and features of the princess, and the mysterious connection he was convinced subsisted between his waking thoughts and experience and his nightly dreams.

  7. He had scarcely seated himself, when the little gold-fish darted from under the rock as before, and winning its way to the surface of the crystal basin, looked at him with an expression of its beautiful eyes that spoke a joyful welcome.

  8. He remembered that it issued from the aperture through which he had emerged from the crystal basin, and constantly fed his sickly fancy with the hope that the little gold-fish might have vanished in the same direction.

  9. Then its eyes would glance rapidly and eagerly, sometimes toward himself, at others down on the crystal basin, and at others upward to the skies.

  10. The day the sun first shone full into the crystal basin, and I saw that you cast no shadow there, you may remember, I suddenly darted from your hand and disappeared.

  11. The young man quitted the presence of his father in despair, and, scarcely conscious of whither he was wandering, sought the crystal basin at the foot of the shining cascade.

  12. It is not the crystal glass, or the seed bead which we use, but those French colored glass beads that have lately been so much worn.

  13. This work may be termed a memento of the Crystal Palace.

  14. Even Pedro, the half-caste, might have dispensed with the day's drinking bout had his cup been fashioned of the magic crystal which enables credulous people to see future events in its shadowy mirror!

  15. They surveyed the long table in the dining-room, where gold and silver and crystal were bright upon the snowy napery.

  16. It takes a lower temperature to form a small crystal and a higher one to form a large crystal.

  17. The water is evaporated and the sugar crystallized in the vacuum pans, the size crystal depending upon the temperature at which the liquid is boiled.

  18. So we strolled out of the vaste parc avec chamois into the streets of the gay and charming little town, lying like a bright crystal at the foot of Mont Blanc.

  19. It was gaping wide, the mouth fixed in position with patent catches, and it lay where the disappointed thief had flung it, tumbled on its side, with a quantity of gold and crystal fittings scattered round about.

  20. I was given a peep into Molly's salon, which appeared to be a sort of crystal palace, with its two window-walls curtained by trailing roses; and Jack kept me for a moment at the door.

  21. We had showers of rain in the sunshine; and the long, thin spears of crystal glittered like spun glass, until dim clouds spread over the bright patches of blue, and the world grew mistily grey-green.

  22. Within the palace was a great hall richly hung with silken tapestries and gleaming softly with light that shone from carved crystal bowls.

  23. Then wise men read the stars and seers would gaze in crystal bowls to tell the coming good or ill they saw.

  24. The king and court sat waiting within a great hall richly hung with silken tapestries and gleaming with lights that shone softly through carved crystal bowls.

  25. And a Bond Street clairvoyant had seen in her crystal a picture of him and a woman in white driving away from a church in a black-draped hearse.

  26. They so manipulated them that they appeared to give out light or to flash supernatural glances from their crystal eyes.

  27. But it was now a mountain, rising high in the air, and flowing crystal and gold, like a volcano in an eruption of jewels.

  28. Beneath the cliffs the river steals In darksome eddies to the shore, But midway every sail reveals, Reflected on its crystal floor.

  29. His thoughts are alone of those who dwell In the halls of frost and snow, Who pass where the crystal domes upswell From the alabaster floors below, Where the frost-trees shoot with leaf and spray, And frost-gems scatter a silvery day.

  30. Is that a being of life, that moves Where the crystal battlements rise?

  31. The fresh water is thus conducted to the surface through the column of sand, which acts as a filter, the water being sweet and palatable, as well as remarkable for its crystal clearness.

  32. There is no dew to be encountered or avoided, no dampness; all is crystal clearness.

  33. I took the piece of crystal which was to represent the Diamond from my pocket, and gave it to her.

  34. Somewhere in his Indian wanderings, the Colonel had picked up with some wretched crystal which he took for a diamond.

  35. The earth between us and the glacier was carpeted with the most beautiful moss imaginable, all shades and colors, caused by reflection of the sun from the crystal ice.

  36. Before me lay a winding vale through which a crystal stream did wend to silver islands, whose golden shores faded away into one glorious star-lit eternity.

  37. If the stimulus were stronger, we should have cases of intense "visualization"; such as the figures which occur in the crystal ball, etc.

  38. Elsewhere I have classified visions of persons, whether seen in the crystal or otherwise, as: "1.

  39. Visions which are more or less of the nature of pictures, such as those which I voluntarily produce in the crystal from memory or imagination, or which appear in the background of real persons as illustrative of their thoughts of history.

  40. Look at this craggy precipice of rock, lost above among the green-tasselled evergreens, and trickling with crystal drops from every drooping sprig of moss.

  41. Now I see them huddle around the trickling grotto among the mossy bowlders in the steep gully yonder, where the mountain spring bubbles into a crystal pool.

  42. Frost-flower in thy grotto yonder Crystal sun-gem white and clear Thy reign must cease when I awaken Farewell!

  43. Her beautiful voice came out clear as crystal water from a crystal rock, and her words were cradled like doves, like boats on the boundless seas.

  44. The little lake is a crystal cup cut out of the solid conglomerated quartz.

  45. Twenty years ago Mr. Spurgeon exchanged Helensburgh House for the still more elegant mansion called "Westwood" on Beulah Hill, near Crystal Palace, Sydenham.

  46. Then there is some one keeps on watching us, and he stole that crystal in the night.

  47. Do I believe that about the demons who guard the crystal caves?

  48. Saxe, taking a little crystal of the size of his finger from the guide's hand.

  49. My life on it now, herr, Pierre will bring every crystal down to the chalet.

  50. We've found one crystal cave, and that encourages us to find more.

  51. Then sliding down, he soon set the crystal free, and the others were lowered down.

  52. They had had the crystal out to examine again, and the more it was judged the higher Dale's opinion of it grew.

  53. Wait a bit, and I dare say we shall discover a crystal cavern yet.

  54. Throw me a bit of crystal down, and I'll catch it," said Saxe.

  55. He drew the crystal from his breast, and held it up for Saxe to see.

  56. And as Saxe stood on one side and watched, he saw his companion's arm drawn out, then by degrees the handle of the axe, and in imagination he saw a tiny piece of crystal drawn along by the steel head.

  57. By the way, did you break off that crystal by which you held when you were in the grotto?

  58. The oak is but a foliated atmospheric crystal deposited from the aƫrial ocean that holds the future vegetable world in solution.

  59. He lives as Nature lives, putting on the splendor of green when the air is sunny, and of crystal when the blasts sweep by; and while his roots reach down into the earth, there rises nothing above him but the heavens.

  60. She nestled into the couch and picked up the crystal ball.

  61. On the couch, tucked away between a novel and a crystal gazing-ball, was a white Persian kitten, fast asleep.

  62. He's next on my list for the crystal business.

  63. Again there was a confused rustle; the crystal ball rolled from the table, and the seer laughed quickly.

  64. The next indication of life that came to him was the laying down of the crystal ball.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crystal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    crystalline form; crystalline substance