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Example sentences for "stone unturned"

  • Our present enemies have gone literally raving mad, and leave no stone unturned in order to put obstacles in Wilson's way.

  • I trust we shall not be disappointed in this regard, and I shall, certainly, leave no stone unturned to keep Mr. Wilson on the right path.

  • I should like to leave no stone unturned in order to avert war with United States.

  • Our enemies will, however, persist in leaving no stone unturned in order to cast a slur upon the Embassy, for their principal object is to succeed in bringing about my recall, or the rupture of diplomatic relations with Germany.

  • Though the mandarinate, at the head of which stood Yuan Shih-kai, left no stone unturned to save itself from its impending fate, all was in vain.

  • She will leave no stone unturned to have what she will call justice done towards my brother; and by some means must I take from her the power of doing me an injury.

  • She was a brave, fearless, high-minded girl, never leaving a stone unturned to help others, and influencing many people by the power of a great love.

  • I mustn't leave a stone unturned, all the same," he continued; and after meditating deeply for a moment he strode rapidly away in the direction of the Eastern Docks.

  • From the day of their arrival the Americans had been actuated with but one purpose, namely, that of leaving no stone unturned to enhance their value as a reenforcement.

  • They did not set themselves up on pedestals as men who could not fail--they left no stone unturned to ensure success.

  • Whether or not they considered that such attacks would only form part of some more ambitious operation, such as a military landing on the coast, our enemies had left practically no stone unturned to repel them.

  • He certainly is leaving no stone unturned to restore your father to his old standing in the community.

  • If I knew I had wronged your father I would not leave a stone unturned until I had made him full amends.

  • The police are suspicious, of course; they won't leave a stone unturned.

  • Yes, I think you are, but if the police should get wind of your presence in town, why, they would not leave a stone unturned.

  • The devil will leave no stone unturned to drive us off the true ground which, as Christians, we ought to occupy in these last days; and we, in ourselves, have no might whatever against him.

  • He will leave no stone unturned to oppose it.

  • Satan will leave no stone unturned to mar or hinder the blessed work of God's Spirit.

  • The only person who really worried was the Doctor, and I believe he didn't leave a stone unturned to rout up "Turbot.

  • And he routs about and leaves no stone unturned, as they say, until he finds somebody who wants to buy just what you want to sell.

  • And when Fortescue wouldn't become a soldier, Rice left no stone unturned, as they say, to worry him about it.

  • They have left no stone unturned to interest the public in this expected clash of argument and trial of brain-power.

  • And they are leaving no stone unturned to get votes.

  • The least thing a man in your position can do is to institute a hearty search for the missing papers, and to act in accord with us in leaving no stone unturned to find them.

  • As difficulties increased their ardour also deepened, and they were resolved not to leave a stone unturned to effect their object.

  • When I owe money, I don't leave a stone unturned to pay what I owe.

  • Mr Hayes left no stone unturned to effect his object.

  • He left no stone unturned to fish out the names of things, and the inflexions, and force of the words.

  • The relations leave no stone unturned, not only diligently to investigate, but severely to punish the authors of the death, and of the sorcery.

  • My duty, I felt, was to leave no stone unturned until I had discovered whether Gabrielle Engledue had died from natural causes, or as a result of foul play.

  • You may try to befool me, but I tell you that I will leave no stone unturned to solve the problem which you alone can explain.

  • I see by your travels to Spain and the South that you are leaving no stone unturned to arrive at a true solution of the problem--and I will help you.

  • But the sternest of those who had made the renown of the greatest of Parliaments were still in their places, and it was soon clear that they meant to leave no stone unturned to dethrone their enemy.

  • He was sure his Presbyterian and Cavalier enemies would leave no stone unturned to damage him and his party.

  • The English Expedition was far from ready, and Ormonde was leaving no stone unturned to make the whole island his own before it could sail.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stone unturned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    anything for; both surfaces; came upon; comparatively shallow; conceal their; conclude that; distant period; great town; intelligence from; pint bowl; should imagine; stone and; stone bench; stone bridge; stone circle; stone from; stone house; stone knife; stone laid; stone mortar; stone quarry; stone steps; stones were; that island; total population; white glass