As we intended to take horses here, and it required some time to find them, I went up about three miles to the mouth of Yohogany, to visit queen Alliquippa, who had expressed great concern that we passed her in going to the fort.
Don't you concern yourself with it: we took and carried them to Canada, to get intelligence of what the English were doing in Virginia.
He had no concernwith the Pippin--nor had the Pippin any concern with him.
It did not concern her, but he listened now intently.
We are very dull and stupid in what does not immediatelyconcern us, until we are roused and enlightened by such as she.
It does not concern the people of the United States any more than it does the people of England, France, and Germany, nor as much as it does the people of Spain and Holland.
Some of these affairs do concern those I am interested in, if not myself directly.
Where are there any acts of Assemblies, or proceedings of the church, which discover any due concern or zeal for the covenanted interests?
With the inquiry, however, what may be the precise class of constitutions under which we ought to bring a political arrangement which is "singular" in the strictest sense of that word, English inquirers need not concern themselves.
No doubt something was sacrificed; this "something" was a matter which did not greatly concern the citizens of the North.
His concernis the merit or demerit of a legislative enactment.
The clauses which mainly concern the points discussed in the following pages are printed in italics.
The laws of thought are formal, and are as binding in transcendental subjects as in those which concern phenomena.
As a general mental phenomenon it does not so muchconcern knowledge as belief; its province is to teach faith rather than facts.
Every day, on this mere pretext of a motive, he gave punctual attendance; Madame always received him with the same empressement, the same sunshine for himself, the same admirably counterfeited air of concern for her child.
This circumstance, taken in connection with prior transactions, suggested to me that perhaps the case, however deplorable, was one in which I was under no obligation whatever to concern myself.
When we did meet again there was no mistaking his concern about his troubles, and his esteem of my ability to aid him.
I know there is a concern by that name, with a plant up the river somewhere.
The ax must fall now and cut where it would, the details of which shall be avoided, only so far as they concern this son of a man who was given the credit of beating gold--who owned the gold instead of it owning him.
We shall here concern ourselves with a few outstanding features of each phase, enough to characterize the strange path along which man has been led by the discovery of electricity.
It is with these two innovations that we shall concern ourselves in this chapter.
They concern the reflexion of the various planetary movements, observable in the sky, in the behaviour of certain mineral substances of the earth.
Further, a large business concern had been founded in Stuttgart in an attempt to embody some of Rudolf Steiner's ideas for the reform of social life.
His first concern is to bring the recorded measurements of weather phenomena into their proper order of significance.
His concern over the state of affairs speaks from his utterance: 'Microscopes and telescopes, in actual fact, confuse man's innate clarity of mind.
Directly the separation of the nerve system was completed, and thereby the full clarity of the brain-bound consciousness achieved, man began to concern himself with science in the modern sense.
However this may be, it need not concernus here; what matter to us are Reid's actual observations.
This conversation with Rudolf Steiner took place in a large hall where, while we were talking, over a thousand people were assembling to discuss matters of concern to the Anthroposophical Movement.
The nature of these causes does not concern us here; it will be dealt with later.
What makes the animal differ from man need not concern us here, for it belongs to a dynamic realm other than the one we are now studying.
Your words here justify our concern in meeting you.
René’s first concern is to inspire wonder even in the women who love him.
If we view life solely from the naturalistic level and concern ourselves solely with the world of action, we are justified in neglecting, like Hobbes, the other lusts and putting supreme emphasis on the lust for power.
The first concern of the decorous person was to avoid lowness, and the ass he looked upon as hopelessly low--so low as to be incapable of ennoblement even by a resort to periphrasis.
In America, as elsewhere, Chateaubriand’s chief concern is not with any outer fact or activity, but with his own emotions and the enhancement of these emotions by his imagination.
His next concern was to make the murder jibe completely with Captain Strawn's theory of a gunman who had trailed his quarry to the Miles home and shot him through the window.
His chiefconcern seemed to be for another ashtray, which Sergeant Turner, with a grin, produced from one of the many little tables with which the room was provided.
She betrayed no emotion of pleasure at his approach, or of concern at his departure.
It is often said that in the classes most exposed to temptation, a man's wife and children tend to keep him honest and respectable, both by the wife's direct influence, and by the concern he feels for their future welfare.
That distinction has been carefully elaborated by Indian grammarians and philosophers, but it does in no way concern us in purely historical researches.
But as they were not able to get off, for I desired them to stay, they looked down with concern at my words to them.
When my soldiers heard of this, they were afraid I had been worse hurt than I was; and so they did not go on with their pursuit any further, but returned in very great concern for me.
The mistake which men of scientific temper made, Hugh thought, was to concern themselves only or mainly, with material phenomena.
He saw that his own concern must be with the emotions and the hearts of his fellows, rather than with their minds; that if he possessed any qualities at all, they were of a poetical kind.
I do not concern myself with the historical accuracy of the Gospel narratives, or even with the incidents there recorded.
He had been there but a few weeks, when he realised that the old feeling of a vague friendliness and intimate concern with nature had come back.
The true concern of the believer is to be his own attitude to life, his relations with the circle, small or great, in which he finds himself.
He wants the concern to make him a bid on an option he holds on some coal and iron lands.
He takes it all meek and cheerful, and so far as I could make out he's most as useful around the office as a lot of others that gets chesty whenever they think what would happen to the concern if they should be sick for a week.
He's been with the concern ever since Old Hickory Ellins flim-flammed his partners out of their share of the business and took out a New Jersey chartered permit that allowed him to practice grand larceny.
So that, in all matters which concern this association, to violate society is to violate justice and equality.
You are very right there, said I, but pardon me if I presume to say that I deny that God had I no Concernin them.
She smiled at Gordon through her pale mask of suffering; but her greeting turned to swift concern at his battered countenance.
A slight concern was visible upon his countenance, as though he expected at any moment to see revealed the "string" of which his brother had spoken.
An expression of concern instantly banished Sim's content; he gazed doubtfully at the jug, then, as Gordon made no move, rose and with marked diffidence proceeded to open the door.
Gordon's only concern now was to get away, to take the money with him.
It's the custom-house people's business; it doesn't concern you and me.
These are legal questions which concern the German courts.