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Example sentences for "stone bridge"

  • Velde, A Drawbridge, A Stone Bridge, and A Canal in Holland.

  • The canal, shut by the gates, is crossed by a stone bridge, on which some people are walking.

  • There are ruins partly surrounded by water, two bathers, a shepherd and goats, a stone bridge, and mountainous background.

  • The scene is a courtyard with a large tree, under which is seated a shepherd playing a flute; a horseman is in a gateway on the left; and several persons are standing on a stone bridge on the right.

  • General Evans has left a portion of his command at Stone Bridge, and is hastening with the remainder to the second ridge of land north of the turnpike.

  • Three miles above Mitchell's there is a stone bridge, where the turnpike leading from Centreville to Warrenton crosses the stream.

  • On the other side of Helstone we came to a beautiful valley, where we saw trees again, and by means of a stone bridge we passed over Looe, a small stream, which at a short distance empties into the sea.

  • Close to the entrance of the park we crossed the Catwater upon an old, very narrow, stone bridge of five arches.

  • In this River there is a stone Bridge, certainly a most wonderful work!

  • Starling by Stahr, explaining it to be ‘a spur to the pillar of a stone bridge, for dividing the water.

  • The Confederate line extended five miles, from Union Mills Ford to Stone Bridge.

  • A little above our landing place on the right bank, a stone bridge of thirty-eight arches runs across the river, rocks showing everywhere.

  • At Stone Bridge I never heard him mentioned.

  • You'll be able to see both Glaze an' Stone Bridge.

  • From Centreville the Warrenton Turnpike bears off a little south of west, crossing Bull Run at Stone Bridge (four miles).

  • A curious thing happened which dashed McDowell's hope of making a stand at Stone Bridge.

  • Near the mills a stone bridge of three arches has been erected across the Derwent, at the expence of the county, the former one having been washed down by a dreadful flood, in 1795.

  • The Guadalete winds through the valley overlooked by the Cartuja,[39] and is crossed by a stone bridge of five arches.

  • Be that as it may, the Corbones is but an inconsiderable stream, and is now crossed by a stone bridge of three arches.

  • Colonel Burnside, seeing the aspect matters had assumed, formed his troops into line and fell back to the Warrenton road, fearing he might be cut off at Stone Bridge.

  • A stone bridge, roofed throughout its entire length, crosses the bed of the river, which has very steep banks, but contains very little water.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stone bridge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being sick; beyond measure; described elsewhere; full heart; live here; nice colour; other wise; pretty place; stone bench; stone bridge; stone circle; stone fence; stone from; stone mortar; stone quarry; stone steps; stone unturned; stone wall; stone walls; stones were; supernatural revelation; then indeed; thin glass; thinking only; watered stock; wheeled carriage