Velde, A Drawbridge, A Stone Bridge, and A Canal in Holland.
The canal, shut by the gates, is crossed by a stone bridge, on which some people are walking.
There are ruins partly surrounded by water, two bathers, a shepherd and goats, a stone bridge, and mountainous background.
The scene is a courtyard with a large tree, under which is seated a shepherd playing a flute; a horseman is in a gateway on the left; and several persons are standing on a stone bridge on the right.
General Evans has left a portion of his command at Stone Bridge, and is hastening with the remainder to the second ridge of land north of the turnpike.
Three miles above Mitchell's there is a stone bridge, where the turnpike leading from Centreville to Warrenton crosses the stream.
On the other side of Helstone we came to a beautiful valley, where we saw trees again, and by means of a stone bridge we passed over Looe, a small stream, which at a short distance empties into the sea.
Close to the entrance of the park we crossed the Catwater upon an old, very narrow, stone bridge of five arches.
In this River there is a stone Bridge, certainly a most wonderful work!
Starling by Stahr, explaining it to be ‘a spur to the pillar of a stone bridge, for dividing the water.
The Confederate line extended five miles, from Union Mills Ford to Stone Bridge.
A little above our landing place on the right bank, a stone bridge of thirty-eight arches runs across the river, rocks showing everywhere.
You'll be able to see both Glaze an' Stone Bridge.
From Centreville the Warrenton Turnpike bears off a little south of west, crossing Bull Run at Stone Bridge (four miles).
A curious thing happened which dashed McDowell's hope of making a stand at Stone Bridge.
Near the mills a stone bridge of three arches has been erected across the Derwent, at the expence of the county, the former one having been washed down by a dreadful flood, in 1795.
The Guadalete winds through the valley overlooked by the Cartuja,[39] and is crossed by a stone bridge of five arches.
Be that as it may, the Corbones is but an inconsiderable stream, and is now crossed by a stone bridge of three arches.
Colonel Burnside, seeing the aspect matters had assumed, formed his troops into line and fell back to the Warrenton road, fearing he might be cut off at Stone Bridge.
A stone bridge, roofed throughout its entire length, crosses the bed of the river, which has very steep banks, but contains very little water.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stone bridge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.