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Example sentences for "cenotaph"

Lexicographically close words:
cendres; cene; cenizas; cenobites; cenogenetic; cenotaphs; cens; cense; censer; censers
  1. In the museum of the palace is the famous cenotaph of Jovinius, adorned with sculpture.

  2. The marble cenotaph of the Christian consul is to be seen in the city.

  3. Sealed within a cenotaph underneath are the remains of the great Akbar.

  4. His tomb is attended by groups of Brahmins who place fresh flowers upon the cenotaph every morning and cover it reverently with Cashmere shawls of the finest texture and pieces of rare embroidery.

  5. The cenotaph erected to Chatterton, in 1838, from a design by S.

  6. The late Sir Gardner Wilkinson considered this to be the cenotaph of Osirei, the father of Rameses the Great.

  7. It was the greatest discovery of the runaway Paduan Monk, and was undoubtedly the cenotaph or sarcophagus of a Pharaoh or Ptolemy.

  8. At Maubeuge then let us be silent with those who are silent whilst at Westminster the Unknown is buried and the Cenotaph unveiled and at Paris the Arc de Triomphe receives its guest.

  9. The Cenotaph rising in our midst may be our altar.

  10. A cenotaph is a monument erected to the memory of one dead, but not marking the spot in which his remains rest.

  11. The present chapter is a cenotaph to the French Encyclopædists.

  12. Besides the two for the Roman pontiffs already mentioned, there is one for Alfieri, another for Emo, a Venetian admiral, and a small model of a cenotaph for Nelson, besides a great variety of monumental relievos.

  13. After five years of incessant labour, he completed another cenotaph to the memory of Clement XIII.

  14. There a very large and tall cenotaph was prepared for him, covered entirely with brocade, and on the cenotaph was a large bed.

  15. Tirant had a very tall cenotaph made there so that all the people could be around it.

  16. Hippolytus had another cenotaph put up in the Church of Saint Sofia, much more beautiful and higher than Tirant's, and he had the emperor's body brought to the cenotaph.

  17. There was a lovely square in that villa, and Tirant had ordered them to make a pretty cenotaph there, nicely decorated with brocade and satin cloths.

  18. Then they had the men rise from the ground, and they were brought up to the cenotaph where they were armed and then degraded as is done with evil knights, and then they were returned to prison.

  19. When Tirant and the prisoners were in view of the emperor, they all knelt to the ground; then they went up to the cenotaph where the emperor was.

  20. Then Tirant, King Escariano, the King of Fez and many other barons and knights went onto the cenotaph until it was completely filled.

  21. Hippolytus went to the princess's chamber where the three bodies were lying, and on behalf of the empress he ordered them to take Tirant to his cenotaph in the church immediately.

  22. When they were in the market-place they saw a large cenotaph that the emperor had made, entirely covered with cloth of gold and silk.

  23. The emperor went up on a great cenotaph to watch the galleys come in.

  24. After all this the emperor came down from the cenotaph to go back to the palace, and they passed by a very beautiful lodging that had been prepared for Tirant and his men.

  25. And from the cenotaph to the end of the bridge where they would disembark, he had cloth of red velvet put down so that the captain would step on silk instead of on the ground.

  26. When Tirant was up on the cenotaph with the emperor, he knelt and kissed his hand, and he told the Grand Caramany to kiss his hand.

  27. Hippolytus went to the cenotaph where the prisoners were and told them to go with him.

  28. And he had a cenotaph placed in the center of the marketplace, covered with brocade and silk, for himself, the empress, the princess and all the maidens.

  29. I've heard of a cenotaph but never before of a cenogam.

  30. The burial of Anthia with its rich funeral gifts resembles the burial of Callirhoe and also the lavish equipment of the cenotaph for Chaereas.

  31. This last fact he conceals from Callirhoe and to comfort her for Chaereas' supposed death persuades her to erect a cenotaph to her first husband's memory.

  32. In the Plaza at Santa Fe, his name also appears cut on a cenotaph raised to commemorate the services of the soldiers of the Territory.

  33. Thereupon, she in despair went to his cenotaph and lamented his wretched end.

  34. On such stones it was the custom to carve a representation of her, and in many places a Chhatri, or ornamental cenotaph pavilion, was erected in her honour.

  35. One mourns the loss of the cenotaph of good Charles V, made in 1369 by the same Jean de Marville who designed the famous Dijon tomb of the king's brother.

  36. The ancient city exulted on Fourvière's hill, but it thought best to keep its cathedral as a solemn cenotaph for its white army of unburied martyrs.

  37. Cenotaph in Whitehall, it is as concrete and individual as an ordinary picture or statue: it is a manifestation and expression of the human mind in a particular set of circumstances.

  38. The Cenotaph in Whitehall is our mourning over the dead: Goya's etchings The Disasters of War are part of our concrete consciousness of war.

  39. The cenotaph was visible from the Tuileries.

  40. As the corpse was being removed from the cenotaph every head was uncovered.

  41. See in further illustration the second stanza inscribed upon her cenotaph in Coleorton church.

  42. They soon affected an opposite extreme, the clumsy sturdiness seen in so many of the portrait statues of the contemporaries of Maximilian round his cenotaph in Innsbrueck.

  43. One of the figures guarding the Maximilian cenotaph wears a precisely similar hauberk.

  44. The Duke of Leinster, doubtless with the best possible motives, but with a view of the subject differing from my own, suggested that Ireland should do honour to her patriot son, by erecting a cenotaph to his memory.

  45. After dinner, the Duke produced the design for a cenotaph inscribed to the memory of his aunt, Lady Janet King, which he proposed to place in the family chapel at Alton.

  46. And a voice within him asked, "Would that cenotaph be placed amid the monuments of an illustrious lineage if the secret known to thee could transpire?

  47. The cenotaph was moved to the parish church, and was broken up in the eighteenth century.

  48. Scotland, raised a splendid cenotaph here to her husband's ancestors, the Bruces of Annandale and Skelton, only a short time before her brother made the place desolate for ever.

  49. Slender columns divide the ends and sides of the cenotaph into twenty-four panels or compartments of white marble in which are scenes in relief (depicting the chief events and achievements of Maximilian's life).

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cenotaph" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    arch; brass; burial; bust; cairn; catacombs; cenotaph; cist; column; cross; crypt; cup; dolmen; grave; gravestone; headstone; inscription; marker; mausoleum; memento; memorial; monolith; monument; mound; necrology; obelisk; obituary; ossuary; pillar; pit; plaque; prize; pyramid; reliquary; remembrance; ribbon; sepulcher; shaft; shrine; stela; stone; stupa; tablet; testimonial; tomb; tombstone; tope; trophy; vault