However, I am not discussing this question, and I have merely made the above quotations for the purpose of showing that Sir W.
The timber much smaller and more like scrub, showing that we are nearing the sea.
A little before sundown, after I had passed them some distance, I observed flocks of pigeons flying towards them, showing that there is water still there.
On the other side of the valley, which is rather more than a quarter of a mile wide, is growing a line of thick heavy bushes, very dense, showing that to be the boundary of the beach.
We have now sketched the natural history of deism, by showing that in this as in former periods the forms which free thought assumed were determined by the philosophy, and, in a slighter degree, by the critical knowledge of the age.
Punishment in a future world is denied as incompatible with Divine benevolence; and the safety of the deist creed is supported by showing that a moral life is superior to belief in mysteries.
It proposes to eliminate Theology from the scheme of our knowledge, by showing that it is utterly inaccessible to our faculties, and neither necessary to society nor useful to morals.
In many of the Anglo-Saxon graves which have been opened, long iron swords have been found, showing that weapons of that metal were in common use.
In 1681 Denis Papin published his Traite des Operations sans Douleur, showing that he had discovered methods of deadening pain.
Prince Bolkonski listened as a presiding judge receives a report, only now and then, silently or by a brief word, showing thathe took heed of what was being reported to him.
The universal experience of ages, showing that children do grow imperceptibly from the cradle to manhood, did not exist for the countess.
And he described each hound with great minuteness, showing that he allowed little to escape his trained eye while on this tour.
He has also told us much about the habits of the beasts and birds that he has hunted, showing that he followed the sport intelligently and not in the haphazard fashion of many who go out merely to get a big bagful of game.
Mr. Roosevelt also brought down five bob-cats, showing that he was just as skilful with his rifle as ever.
The twelfth Philippic was spoken with the object of showing that no such embassy should be sent.
Some of the following cases have been selected for the sake of showing that, when a slight departure from the rule occurs, the child is affected somewhat earlier in life than the parent.
Mr. Meynell's famous foxhounds have been adduced, as showing that no ill effects follow from close interbreeding; and Sir J.
They have first mistaken the assertion which they oppose, and then exposed its absurdity; they have introduced a bugbear, and then attempted to signalize their courage and their abilities, by showing that it cannot fright them.
Samuel, showing that, when God gave Israel a king, it thundered and rained.
Duffield culminated in a declaration which deserves to be cited asshowing that a Presbyterian minister can "deal damnation round the land" ex cathedra in a fashion quite equal to that of popes and bishops.
He therefore nodded and patted the gun handed him, showing that he knew well how to use it.
The old man drew it towards him, and began to eat far more voraciously than usual, showing that in one respect at all events his assertion was correct.
Sayd," answered the Arab immediately, showing that he understood what was said.
The last three lines of the sonnet are the gravest of the series, showing that something of true chivalrous feeling survived even among the Cavalieri di Corredo of Tuscany.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "showing that" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.