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Example sentences for "brickbat"

Lexicographically close words:
bribery; bribes; bribing; bricht; brick; brickbats; bricke; bricked; brickfield; brickfields
  1. I have read every issue of Astounding Stories published so far, and have not a brickbat to report as yet.

  2. He had heard the informer ask the peddler of charcoal and the farmer to run against the effigy with their teams; had seen the snowballs and brickbat fly, the shooting, and had assisted in caring for the wounded and summoning Doctor Warren.

  3. Losing his temper, the informer threw a brickbat in return.

  4. Morris, I'm a good deal troubled about you, and would do you good for my Master's sake, even if I knew that you would fling that brickbat at the other cheek.

  5. He told how he watched Mr. Clayton at Kesterton town-end with the brickbat in his hand.

  6. So whilst me and Jim filed away at the pens on a brickbat apiece, Jim a-making his'n out of the brass and I making mine out of the spoon, Tom set to work to think out the coat of arms.

  7. Policeman; but there was an ugly cracking and splintering of shutters, and the crowd halted, with oaths and growlings, before the house whence the brickbat had been thrown.

  8. As the first tazia, a gorgeous erection ten feet high, was borne aloft on the shoulders of a score of stout men into the semi-darkness of the Gully of the Horsemen, a brickbat crashed through its talc and tinsel sides.

  9. Another brickbat followed, and the tazia staggered and swayed where it had stopped.

  10. These details brought Brickbat up in the market.

  11. The last thing that created doubts in my mind was this that not one brickbat had hit anybody.

  12. At the same time a brickbat came rattling down from the roof and fell near my feet, thus I could feel it with my feet and tell what it was.

  13. Then we saw another brickbat come from the roof of the verandah, and fell in front of Prayag a few inches from his feet.

  14. Well, sir," replied the gardener, "I have heard as how a dose of brickbat and pond is a good thing in a general way.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brickbat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affront; aspersion; atrocity; bolt; boomerang; brickbat; contempt; contumely; cut; despite; dump; enormity; flout; gibe; humiliation; indignity; injury; insult; jeer; jeering; missile; mock; mockery; offense; outrage; pellet; pelt; projectile; rock; rocket; scoff; stone; taunt; torpedo