Swarms of German troops were being hurried up to clear away the debris and to repair the damage by the dock-side, for a large section of the wall was in danger of sliding bodily into the basin.
To enable German troops to gain the stone portion of the Mole they must needs cross an iron pier connecting the stonework with the mainland.
But there was one element that could not be estimated exactly, but only guessed at and allowed for--the presence of German troops on the actual Mole.
Bodies of troops were actually on the way, when it was noticed that a submarine was approaching at a distance of a mile and a half.
Large bodies of troopswere embarked for the purpose.
Those of the fleet told off for India conveyed troops and munitions of war, for service in the Company's possessions there.
The crowds cheered in their fashion as the train moved on, and, excited by the yelling, the elephants began to trumpet as the troops were now nearly half across the parade-ground.
They formed a long line upon the road, escorted by two troops of cavalry.
For the "Conqueror" had carried off with him the elite of the troops quartered in Bristol, almost stripping it of a garrison, to the no small annoyance of Nathaniel Fiennes.
The troops under Massey were too well-disciplined, too often summoned into action with like suddenness, to go bungling about getting ready for the route.
Hall's head man, the steward of the estate, was among them, he too having come from a place of concealment as soon as warned that the troops had taken departure.
High Meadow House, where Massey's troops were quartered, was but a step from the Buckstone.
When trouble breaks out between this country and Mexico, the boys are eager to join the American troops under General Funston.
They denied altogether the report that a large body of troops were advancing towards the city, or that any violence or insult whatever was intended against the foreigners.
It would have been impossible for any troops to have long defended the island of Wantung, bristling though it then was with cannon, against the powerful force arrayed against it.
Upon this sudden order, the troops were paraded in perfect regularity, without a single instance of drunkenness or misconduct, after eight days of harassing duty on shore, amid temptations of every kind.
Some rockets were fired with great precision into the enemy's position, by Lieutenant Fitzjames and Mr. Jackson, of the Cornwallis, but the Chinese poured in a heavy fire of ginjals and matchlocks upon our troops as they advanced.
The troops left behind were quite sufficient to hold these positions against any force the Chinese could bring against them after their late defeat.
Having landed and formed, they immediately joined the small body of troops which had been stationed at the joss-house to protect the guns, stores, &c.
The results of the capture of Chapoo, and of the total defeat of the besttroops the Chinese had yet brought against us, were very remarkable.
While our troops were thus engaged upon the heights, the Chinese threatened an attack upon the landing-place at Tsingpoo.
No considerable account of the troops sent against the Duke, though great forces sent.
Then came the crossing of the Line; and in all ships Father Neptunes were busy lathering, dosing and abusing unlucky troops who tried to escape their gentle hands.
In the voyaging days of 1914 the New Zealand troops regarded their chances of actually joining in the campaign as being regrettably small.
Usually, during the day, in independent troops of thirty or forty men, they wandered about the district, among the pleasant suburban homes of Palmerston, along shady country roads or up into the hills.
Towards evening a nor'-west course was set, which the troops generally accepted as sufficient evidence that Colombo would be the next port of call.
There were no troops to spare in those days--the line was but thinly held, and, if the Turks broke through anywhere, the whole position must be involved in disaster.
In these trenches the troops were not supposed to sleep because of the bombs thrown so frequently by the Turks.
Several times the life-boat crews lowered the boats and raced clumsily with each other; and once the troops polished and cleaned all the morning for an inspection by the G.
Then their troop was stirred into animation and excitement by the information that they and two other troops were to make a counter-attack "Light as possible, fifty rounds of ammunition only.
In deep, impressive silence, they passed down between the lines, while the bluejackets and the troops stood at rigid attention, salute after salute sounded from each ship in turn, and ensigns dipped.
The troops quickly fell in with the life, and set out to make the most of Egypt and its pleasures.
Two days at Colombo passed merrily enough with forty-five shipfuls of light-hearted troops exploring that Oriental city for the first time; and at the end of it the Cingalees were left in a dazed condition.
The rôle of the Anzac troops was merely to keep the enemy always on the alert and in fear of an offensive movement from Anzac, and to make small demonstrations during heavy attacks on the big hill of Achi Baba.
Two days out from King George's Sound the fleet was joined by two more transports with Australian troops from Fremantle.
Whitchurch did for Baird; but now, as darkness was closing in, it was seen that our troopswere retiring, that the enemy were swarming round on all sides, and that even the retreat to the fort was threatened.
The flame of rebellion seemed to be spreading, and the gravest anxiety was felt for the safety of the detachments of troops at the various posts on the road and of the several parties which were marching towards Chitral.
Fortunately no opposition was met with, for the Chitralis had scarcely expected that the troops would be able to cross the pass in its then condition, and at about 7.
The troops bivouacked in the forward position they had gained, and the 2nd Brigade was ordered up in the expectation that the enemy would make a determined stand on the morrow.
After a short halt the troopscontinued the advance by the left bank of the river till within three miles of Mastuj, where the river was forded.
The British officers were nearly two miles distant from the fort with a handful of disheartened troops in the face of vastly superior numbers of an elated enemy, who were now commencing to overlap them on all sides.
The Chitralis had not previously been considered of much account as a fighting race; but even they, once their blood was up, fought hard and well, and their Pathan allies were as skilful and brave as troops of a regularly-trained army.
At length the rest of the main body of troops came up with the artillery, and the assault redoubled in vigour.
Vigorously the troops pummelled the strong town with what artillery they had, but a siege can not be prosecuted without provisions and other supplies, and the King left them to get along without any support.
Of course the royal army should have followed him, but the triumphant spirit that filled the troops at Patay had been dissipated.
Jeanne and the captains wished to attack it at once, but the town sold food to the troops and sent bribes to La Tremouille to exempt it from assault.
The troops made a late start, it being eight o'clock before they marched out of La Chapelle, and wended their way toward Paris.
Charles's presence was needed for the authority and approval that it gave, and, too, the main body of the army was necessary for the attack as the city was too strong to be assailed with what troops Alencon and Jeanne had with them.
The Dauphin could not provision his troops at Troyes, and Gien, his base of supplies, was thirty leagues away.
All over northern France there were stir and activity as troops began to gather to go against the enemy.
Wheeling, they made for Clairoix, and brought up their troops on a gallop.
Normandy, being an English possession, was exempt from the truce, so Alencon prayed permission to lead troops against the English strongholds there, wishing also to take the Maid with him.
With a shout the troops hurled themselves upon the Burgundians, taking the enemy completely by surprise.
Then the Northern troops retreated slowly and defiantly, carrying with them all their wounded and every gun.
On 15 March German troops occupied Bohemia and Moravia, and on 16 March the German decree was issued incorporating Bohemia and Moravia into the Reich as a protectorate, and this decree was signed by the Defendants Von Ribbentrop and Frick.
He was informed that German troops had already received orders to march and that any resistance would be broken with physical force.
And on 13 May Keitel signed an order that civilians suspected of offenses againsttroops should be shot without trial, and that prosecution of German soldiers for offenses against civilians was unnecessary.
The above mentioned criminal offenses were perpetrated by the German troops in accordance with the orders of the Nazi Government and the General Staff and High Command of the German armed forces.
On the order of the Field Commander Hoersterberg a punitive expedition from the SS troops and the field police destroyed the villages of Machkovats, and Kriva Reka in Serbia and all the inhabitants were killed.
For this purpose it asks the German Government to send German troops as soon as possible.
The order for the execution of commando troops was extended by the Gestapo to include parachutists while Kaltenbrunner was Chief of the RSHA.
Preparations are also to be made to enable the Free State of Danzig to be occupied by German troops by surprise.
After the German troops had marched in, Von Ribbentrop signed the law establishing a protectorate over Bohemia and Moravia.
In 1744 they formed with Great Britain, Austria and Saxony, a Quadruple Alliance, and put a contingent of troops in the field.
Count Hohenloo took the command of the troops with the title of lieutenant-general.
The States of Holland objected, and, although the army was a federal force, gave orders for the general disbanding of the troops in the pay of the province.
In October 1627 he was given command of the troops sent to reinforce Buckingham at Rhe, but through delay in starting only met the defeated troops on their return.
To have thus worsted the dreaded Spanish infantry in open fight was a great triumph for the States troops and their general, but it was barren of results.
See there the happy troops of purest sprites That live above in endless true delights!
O struggling with the darkness all the night, And visited all night by troopsof stars,[164] Or when they climb the sky or when they sink!
The imperialtroops then returned to Delhi; and set Byram, the Empress's younger brother, upon the throne.
She heard that the British Government were sending more troops to Germany, so she enlisted in one of the regiments ordered thither, thinking to meet her husband.
Daher marched at the head of fifty thousand men to oppose the invaders, but in the battle which ensued he was slain, and his troops routed with terrible slaughter.
The troops were much distressed for want of provisions, as their supplies had been cut off by the enemy.
The pay for her troops was to be eighty piastres a month, besides tooth and stirrup money in every village through which they should pass.
During the war with Pertaub Sing, the Begum was stationed with her troops at Panniput; which being an important post, proves Scindiah's belief in her military capacities.
In 1866, in a skirmish between the Papal troops and the brigands in the neighbourhood of the Eternal City, two of the latter were slain.
This gallant exploit gave time for the Imperial troops to rally.
Two troops of the same regiment were ordered to charge; and riding at full speed through a narrow ravine, they captured a battery armed with three guns.
But the Mahratta chiefs, who had long been jealous of her influence over Shah Aulem, stirred up a mutiny amongst the troops left in Serdhauna, and compelled her to return thither with all speed.
On the 14th of June, the native troops at Jhansi broke into rebellion, murdered several of their officers in the cantonments, and seized the "Star Fort.
It was not uncommon for the widows of these officers to be given the post left vacant by their deceased husbands; and these female commanders led their troops to battle, or stopped at home, as they pleased.
In an encounter with the royal troops in August or September, 1863, Donatello, compelled to fly, left behind him this woman, who fought desperately before letting herself be taken.
Troops of wild flowers gaze at the sky Up through the latticed boughs; Till comes the green cloud by and by, It is not time to house.
True enough, but they are burning up my cars, and so far as I can see, your troops are not doing one thing to defend United States property.
Mr. Cleveland had ordered the United States troops to Chicago.
He was approached by the general manager, and asked this question: "What are your troops out here for if they are not going to stop the ruin of our property?
THE news had reached us that Bug-Jargal had left Morne-Rouge, and was moving through the mountains to effect a junction with the troops of Biassou.
He proved to be a prisoner of the white troopswhen I believed that he lay buried in the depths of Grande-Riviere—the slave become a king, the prisoner a liberator.
After his statement had been taken down, I noticed these allusions, and I inquired, what surrender, and what were French troops doing in Austria.
Your excellency will have noticed, in his statement, certain allusions to the Austrian surrender, and to French troops in Austria.
And as for what French troops are doing in Austria, they're doing the same things Bonaparte's brigands are doing everywhere in Europe.
These troops had been engaged in two or three skirmishes with the Indians, and according to the reports of the soldiers, had been worsted in each.
When we arrived we found that the troopshad come to build a fort on Rock Island.
They said they had observed a great war chief, with a number of troops going up on a steamboat, and thought it likely that the mission of this war chief was to prevent them going up Rock river, but they were bound to go.
He said that if we did not, troops would be sent to drive us off.
Zackary Taylor, who commanded a small force of United States troopsat a small fortification at Dixon's Ferry on Rock river.
Atkinson, who ordered troops to proceed at double quick.
The Illinois volunteers were ordered to Dixon, at which place they were discharged, while the troops of the lead mines were mustered out at Galena.
Beach not to proceed up the river until the afternoon of the next day, as the sight of troops by the miners might make them hard to manage; otherwise, I assured the Major, he would have no trouble.
The day after the battle on the river, I fell down with the regular troops to this place by water, and the wounded men will join us to-day.
At this time the Illinois troops were rendez-voused at a place known as Fort Wilbourn on the Illinois river, at or near where now stands the city of LaSalle.
This confirms the evidence from other sources that they havetroops to burn.
I never really longed for gore, And any taste for red corpuscles That lingered with me left before The German troops had entered Brussels.
It is a great fortress and the Germans thought they could take it but I rejoice to say they couldn't as the bravery and patrioticness of the French troops came in the way.
It was only too well known in diplomatic circles that Russia coveted the railroads of Graustark, as a means of throwing troops into a remote and almost impregnable portion of Austria.
He was beginning to recall the presence of uniformed bands and mountedtroops in the side streets near the station.
There was once, in a province of Persia, a king of the kings, who was mighty of estate, endowed with majesty and venerance and having troops and guards at his command; but he was childless.
When Abou Sabir's troopssaw this, they marvelled and said, 'What is this deed that the king doth?
Now a party of the troops had banded themselves together for Belehwan; so they sent to him and bringing him privily, went in to the little Melik Shah and seized him and seated his uncle Belehwan on the throne of the kingship.
What is come of thetroops that were encamped beside my palace?
Then they went forth to the field and Khedidan also came forth and ranged his troops and took the spear and sallied out in person and fought a sore battle and overcame his enemy, who fled, he and his troops, ignominiously.
When this came to the king's knowledge, he despatched troops in pursuit of Zourkhan, to stop the road upon him, whilst he himself went out and overtaking the vizier, smote him on the head with his mace and slew him.
He heard a sound of low moaning from the bottom of the pit} so he arose and mounting his horse, waited till the troopswere assembled.
So he sat down and ate thereof after the measure of his sufficiency, and finding there three troops of singing-girls, was amazed and made the girls eat.
His troops were dispersed from him and his money lost and the enemy followed after him.
I know not," answered I, and he said, "Because thou puttest thy trust in the multitude of thy troops and reliedst not upon God the Most High.
This pleased the Government, anxious to avoid expense, and a bond was made for so many rupees a month that Hilas and Bunar should guard the Passes as soon as the State's troops were withdrawn.
When the troops were withdrawn, I was left behind to pay the coolies who made new roads in the Hills.
The troops were recalled because the Government believed the Five Kings were cowed; and it is not cheap to feed men among the high Passes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "troops" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.