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Example sentences for "need"

Lexicographically close words:
nedys; nee; neea; neebor; neebors; neede; needed; needefull; needes; needest
  1. No horsemen could enter the cove save by means of that low trench, cut as by the hand of man in the granite hill, and as Indian horsemen were the only enemies to be dreaded, his watchfulness need be concentrated only on that one point.

  2. You see," he observed apologetically, "I need Lahoma about, to keep me tame.

  3. Lahoma, divining as much, urged Wilfred to hasten, assured him that she enjoyed the publicity and stirring life of the Mangum hotel and expressed confidence that should she need a friend, Mizzoo would help her through any difficulty.

  4. He would have fled but for his need of this corner.

  5. I puts it this way, Bill: that the telegram traveled faster than old Red could, so no need to hide till tonight, though when you deals with Red, it behooves you to have your gun ready against chances.

  6. I don't need nobody to lean on--but Lahoma does; and if Red Kimball pops it to me before I get a chance to keel him over, you two must look out for her.

  7. You may need even more help, for Pete and Whipple are strongly entrenched.

  8. You don't need to put those things on me," said he.

  9. I am sure you must need rest after this terrible affair," she simpered; "so I will take the initiative.

  10. You need not be so violent, Talbot," Lady Bulstrode said, with offended dignity.

  11. He was not in the mood to engage others in talk, lumping all his neighbours together as a flock of silly snivelling sheep, sadly in need of a shepherd.

  12. Need it be added that such assurance, embodying as it did the accumulated wisdom and experience of generations, could not be cast incontinently as rubbish to the void.

  13. Women need all their strength and reserves of strength.

  14. He went on to the Home Farm, whither we need not follow him.

  15. You need not say more," observed the lady, and pointed to another boy.

  16. But if my master's prayers were heard--and I am sure they were--then there is no further need of any one praying for him.

  17. The Sixth Form need not shirk, as they may go anywhere.

  18. Names of informers are not to be revealed under penalty of excommunication; the advocate, if there is one, need be told the charges only.

  19. Christ had overcome the powers of darkness, and His true followers need fear no harm from them.

  20. The brain is] everywhere covered by it except on the posterior part; because this part being dry, it has no need of this membrane, as have the anterior and middle parts.

  21. The accused was burnt, for what need had they of witnesses?

  22. Again it may be pointed out that all the known medical works of Maimonides were written in Arabic and therefore did not need to be translated into that language as the Bodleian MS.

  23. When the body has all its organs properly arranged for a particular movement it has no need of the soul to carry them out.

  24. Nor need they ever have any point of contact.

  25. This assumption may be purely methodological; it need not, and should not, be turned into a dogmatic, metaphysical denial that there may be indeterminate happenings.

  26. But neither need it be denied on this account that history can, and should, be written in a scientific spirit.

  27. But whatever surprises Dunsley may have in store for those who choose to dig in the likely places, the hamlet need not keep one long, for on either hand there is a choice of breezy moorland or the astonishing beauties of Mulgrave Woods.

  28. In something less than an hour a light glows in the distance, and, although the darkness is now complete, there is no further need to trouble ourselves with the thought of spending the night on the heather.

  29. You sold me a gadget I didn't need five years ago," said Chambers.

  30. With our new power, the Solar System will especially need ships.

  31. We may need it some day and need it in a hurry.

  32. A voice that said the people need no longer submit to the yoke of Spencer Chambers' government in order to obtain the power they needed.

  33. That stuff they're throwing at us must be super-saturated force fields and they'd need a space-field condenser for that.

  34. From now on we need a base that simply can't be located.

  35. We'll need more televisor machines, more teleport machines, some for use on Mars and Venus, others for the Jovian moons.

  36. We need a better television set," said Russ.

  37. I don't think we need to worry about him throwing the entire load of the accumulators at us," he said.

  38. And we may need every type of armament we can get our hands on.

  39. Never again need you rely on Spencer Chambers for your power.

  40. We need your screen as a safeguard against the very thing we have created.

  41. We don't need to worry about him now," declared Greg.

  42. I really don't need you any more, anyhow.

  43. Kamehameha drove them back step by step; the priests fought in the front rank and exhorted them both by voice and inspiriting example to remember their oath--to die, if need be, but never cross the fatal line.

  44. He consented to do so while waiting for some other parties, and to come in if he heard my voice or thought I had need of protection.

  45. Hennery for Retired Wives--Children Need Marking--Cost of a Gift to No.

  46. No Irish need apply," and a hundred others, became so common as to fall from the lips of a speaker unconsciously--and very often when they did not touch the subject under discussion and consequently failed to mean anything.

  47. You need never go down again, for you have seen it all.

  48. Arrived there, he said he did not need the flour, and asked what the people thought he had better do with it.

  49. But when the other four months come along, you will need to go and steal an umbrella.

  50. And--you need not speak of this --foolishness to the boys.

  51. You never need a lightning-rod, because it never thunders and it never lightens.

  52. With encouragement like that, I felt that I could take my pen and murder all the immigrants on the plains if need be and the interests of the paper demanded it.

  53. He had time and means and did not need to sacrifice men.

  54. This matter has been so well established that all military engineers are unanimous both as to the urgent need for the change and the excellent result that will follow.

  55. The generous Nation that never yet had denied a need when the need was made apparent, was as generous with its lives as with its dollars.

  56. Small need was there in New York City of the many placards and notices warning the people against disorder.

  57. It was toiling almost literally over a mine; for the foundations were mined, ready for the dynamite that was to blow them up when the need came.

  58. We need them so badly that we’re putting them all in the first line.

  59. There was no further need of cruisers with shotted guns to protect them.

  60. The Army War College has repeatedly called attention to the urgent need of the mobile army for siege artillery and for the organization of an efficient body of troops trained in its use to be available whenever needed.

  61. And the longer we can hold on here, the longer the ordnance works at Watervliet can continue to turn out the heavy guns that we need so sorely.

  62. As to the story itself, I need say only that I have tried scrupulously to avoid twisting any fact to prove a point; and I have cited no fact, even the most unimportant, without verifying it by reference to the original source.

  63. With our new methods," she said, "we probably need a new system of bookkeeping.

  64. There is just so much work that has to be done in the world every day, so we can all be fed and clothed, and have those things which we need to make us happy.

  65. And aloud in quite a humouring tone he said, "We don't need men?

  66. Perhaps they need your places for some of the men who are coming back.

  67. She will probably need some clothes, as they always look at a girl's clothes so when she goes to school.

  68. Because of his quick hand, he was never in need of employment.

  69. We need a new director to take your father's place.

  70. What they can do, yes, we can do--and add something for good measure, if need be!

  71. Of course he knew that women were employed in textile mills and match-box factories and gum-and-glue places like that where they couldn't afford to employ men, and had no need for accuracy.

  72. Now first of all," she said, "just how badly do you four women need your pay envelopes every week?

  73. Now I have two girls, An old one and a new, So now I need two hearts, A false one and a true.

  74. Thus, you see, I need your charity truly, for I have broken deliberately, for your entertainment, Three out of a possible Ten.

  75. You need not at present try to understand the summary or the words given in brackets.

  76. But you need not bother yourself with theories at present.

  77. Principle of Unity, so patently corresponds with the ultimate results of modern Science and Philosophy, that I need not dwell on it at any great length.

  78. It need not necessarily mean Political Revolutions as in Europe.

  79. No man need hesitate to join in the solemn recitation of either.

  80. You need not come to work this afternoon.

  81. I thought if those were off my hands I could help you, and then mother need not have any of this work to do, or be so driven and put about.

  82. If you are a woman of sentiment and eloquence, you have advantages of which I scarcely need apprize you.

  83. I acquit you honourably; therefore you need not stand any longer like a criminal.

  84. She was, indeed, an extremely pretty girl; but we need not stop to relate all the fond praises that were bestowed upon her beauty by her partial parents.

  85. We need not, in imitating them, have any scruples of conscience; we need not apprehend, that to ridicule our Hibernian neighbours unmercifully is unfriendly or ungenerous.

  86. So now jump out of the window as fast as you can, and unlock the door--you need not be afraid of breaking your neck--you know your life is insured.

  87. Let it be some comfort to those whose polite sensibility has laboured under such distress to be assured, that they need never henceforward fear to be reduced to similar dilemmas.

  88. You need not say Irish bulls with such emphasis; for bulls are not peculiar to Ireland.

  89. I spoke a good word for my son, and gave out in the country that nobody need bid against us.

  90. I take it for granted that you have already acquired sufficient command of voice; you need not study its compass; going beyond its pitch has a peculiarly happy effect upon some occasions.

  91. And perhaps ours would be unintelligible to Cicero himself, if he were to overhear us: I fancy we are all so far from right, that we need not dispute about degrees of wrong.

  92. I can give you proof--sure need you go farther than the scar on his head?

  93. Reflection, study, and dialectic discussion, are superfluous and useless to him: he is a measure to himself on the subject of geometry, and need not therefore consult a professed geometrician like Theodorus.

  94. A portrait is more or less like its original, but it is never exactly like: it is never a duplicate, nor does it need to be so.

  95. Each man is a measure for himself: all his judgments and beliefs are true: he is therefore as wise as Protagoras and has no need to seek instruction from Protagoras.

  96. For example, the pleasures of exercise do not need to be preceded by pain: it is enough that there has been a certain intermission, coupled with the nourishment of the exhausted parts.

  97. Footnote 24: We need only compare the observations made by Hippias in that dialogue, to the objections raised by Sokrates himself in his conversation with Euthydemus, Xen.

  98. You need not quarrel with Gorgias, for you may admit to him the superiority of his art in respect of usefulness to mankind, while my art (dialectic philosophy) is superior in respect of accuracy.

  99. If we turn to the close of the dialogue, we find that the principal elements which he assigns as explanatory of Good, and the relation in which they stand to each other, stand as much in need of explanation as Good itself.

  100. You have that within you, of which you need to be relieved; and you cannot be relieved without obstetric aid.

  101. In the majority of cases the reader will not need any knowledge whatever of chess, but I have thought it best to assume throughout that he is acquainted with the terminology, the moves, and the notation of the game.

  102. Now, the remaining four figures can be arranged in 24 different ways, but there is no need to make 24 multiplications.

  103. The geometrician will, of course, give the answer at once, and not need to make any experiment.

  104. The tape may be quite plain--that is, it need not be a graduated measure.

  105. The bishop need not end his visitation at the parish from which he first set out.

  106. But he always put off his visit to C as long as possible, for trade reasons that I need not enter into.

  107. Of course you could cut each strip into seven separate pieces, each piece containing a number, and the puzzle would then be very easy, but I need hardly say that forty-nine pieces is a long way from being the fewest possible.

  108. But this is assuming that he need never go along a passage more than once, which is not the case.

  109. This was to exclude an easier solution in which only four planets need be moved.

  110. Fractions are not allowed, and I shall show that no number need contain more than two figures.

  111. Black's moves are forced, so need not be given.

  112. We should not need to change the house; the empty corners were always so uncanny.

  113. Not only is advice given gratis and the animal thoroughly examined, but, should it need medicine, or call for an operation, this is readily done, the students generally performing it under the superintendence of one of the professors.

  114. Your Excellency need not rise any earlier--we shall reach Pistoja in good time.

  115. You will reach Pistoja early enough, if you do not need to meet your murderers before the afternoon.

  116. A good-sized specimen need not exceed four inches in height.

  117. That such a transformation is possible need not for a moment be doubted, for there are many land mollusks to-day that give abundant evidence of having been at some past time aquatic or marine species.

  118. The very large size of the liver leads one to suspect that /Fulgur/ and /Buccinum/ must be voracious creatures to need so large an organ for the secretion of bile.

  119. Miss Barbara said to him that he need not come any further, but he held out his arm, and came with her to our back gate.

  120. That's past and done with, Miss Corny, and none of us need recall it.

  121. Not a doubt but you need it in that trim," retorted she.

  122. But now that I have had my say out, I shall stop; and you need not fear I shall be such a simpleton as to go prattling of this kind of thing to the servants.

  123. The testimony of the witnesses already given need not be recapitulated.

  124. She said she need not let that man kidnap her.

  125. The details need not be given, and will not be.

  126. Your acting in this affair need not put it any the more in jeopardy.

  127. West Lynne has not been so complimentary to me, it appears, that I need put myself out of my way to satisfy its curiosity.

  128. Treadman need know nothing of the affair at first; and when Ball puts things in motion, he need not know that you are here, or where you are to be found.

  129. I would; and you need not stare at me as if you were throttled.

  130. Should he come in and see Richard--oh, I need not enlarge upon the consequences to you, Archibald; the very thought sends me into a shiver.

  131. You need not doubt my word, for the proofs will be forthcoming.

  132. Before we can amount to anything either in blossom or as fruit, we must undergo much honest criticism, and of such we need never be afraid.

  133. He need not be a tough nor a bully, nor need he be cruel nor untender because he is a boy, but I want him jolly and brave and up to every harmless prank that's going.

  134. Indeed it is," I replied, prepared to get down on my knees and swear to the truth of what I said, if need be.

  135. And if there was ever need of downing the devil it is in the particular instance of a boy's inhumanity to birds and beasts.

  136. We do not need to pray for April; it comes.

  137. Children need love as flowers need the southerly exposure and sunshine.

  138. There is constant need for charity and forgiveness in a world so full of self-blinded and ignorant evil-doers.

  139. The tiny shoots that come up faster than flies swarm in dog-days, and need to be forever stood over against with a steady hand and a hoe.

  140. Bent reeds need careful handling, and smoking flax gentle tending, else they will perish on your hands and disappoint both you and heaven.

  141. Nor do we need to pray for release from the first dark dominion of fear and dread when our beloved are snatched from our arms.

  142. Don't send the shoes--I shall not need them--but let me come home!

  143. I can do as I like, sir: I need not go home at all.

  144. I'll need a pencil and a bit o' paper, Miss Rose.

  145. You need have no fear on that score, mister," said the red-headed sailor.

  146. There's no need to fancy anything of the sort.

  147. For if you want to get these Government people to do anything, by Jupiter, you need to commence early.

  148. I'm a bit lonesome and miserable; and I badly need a well-cooked meal.

  149. You'll need a miner's right," said the digger.

  150. I reckon we'll need to get away pretty sudden.

  151. There's never no need to tell her to look after her old father, none at all.

  152. The tide was ebbing, and when the boat was in the stream her speed doubled, and there was no need for using the oars.

  153. There's no need for you an' me to quarrel.

  154. Owing to losses over an unfortunate investment, I find myself in immediate need of £150.

  155. It doesn't need for more than two to go," he said.

  156. And we need not draw all the designs now.

  157. They could not have said it except to each other, and for that there was no need of speech.

  158. It is not drugged," he said with a laugh, "you need not fear.

  159. There's no need o' speechmaking to make an adder bite or a gude man work.

  160. You need a companion who understands such work.

  161. No one need be told more than that I am lame through an accident.

  162. He need only rise high enough to see his goal,--and fly there.

  163. Holy Church," observed Brother Ambrosius, "hath always need of our hearts and of our gold, lady.

  164. Any tavern worth the name would need more room than that within a twelvemonth.

  165. The need for slave labor for such work was greater than the supply.

  166. These walls don't need to be so thick--not more than eighteen feet.

  167. It means that quarantines need no longer be established when yellow fever breaks out in a district; quarantines which have inevitably caused the loss of millions of dollars to the world of commerce.

  168. In fighting these domestic species you need be concerned only with your own yard and that of your near-by neighbors.

  169. But we need to call attention to just one more example, that of the harvest-mites or jiggers (Fig.

  170. In that case we need not talk of explanations.

  171. No need for much more of the rubbish, Jack.

  172. After all, in such a place you need an opening.

  173. Had we discovered Miss Molly there would have been no need to discuss the magical waters of the spa.

  174. The chairmen stood retired, a little in the shade, but not so far off as to need calling, when Lord Fylingdale handed in the lady.

  175. I need not point out to you, Jack, that the good old man became like wax in his lordship's hands.

  176. Said his lordship, coldly, "These inventions need no reply.

  177. As regards the girl, she is in point of manners and appearance so far beneath your lordship's notice that we need not consider her in the matter.

  178. That the consideration--but I need not go on; in a word, he will give me nothing.

  179. I need not guard 'gainst ills they may be dealing.

  180. Gu-drun you here are seeking, but need not thus have hasted; The queenly Hegeling maiden at last is dead, with toil and hardship wasted.

  181. None better need he wish for, or seek in any land the heavens under.

  182. They said: "Most noble lady, to make us rich we need your gold but slightly.

  183. Hettel was an orphan, and so he felt the need That he a wife should find him.

  184. Queen Hilda's faithful warders opened soon the gate; Those who had ridden thither need no longer wait; They to come in were bidden.

  185. One of the heralds answered: "We did not hear it spoken That he had need of fighters; for you alone did his words a wish betoken.

  186. Bring Irold, too, from Friesland, with all his men, for sorely do I need him.

  187. Then spake the knightly Hettel: "For this I bade thee come; Need have I of riders, to send to Hagen's home.

  188. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "need" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absence; ardor; ask; beggary; break; call; charge; claim; commitment; compulsion; concupiscence; consequence; curiosity; dearth; defalcation; defect; deficiency; deficit; demand; deprivation; desideratum; destitution; discontinuity; drive; drought; due; duty; eagerness; essential; exact; expect; famine; fancy; fantasy; gap; gripe; have; hiatus; hope; imperfection; incompleteness; indicate; indigence; indispensable; interval; lack; lacuna; libido; mendicancy; mind; must; necessaries; necessarily; necessity; need; obligation; occasion; omission; passion; pauperism; penury; pinch; pleasure; poverty; prerequisite; privation; require; requirement; requisite; requisition; scarcity; shortage; shortcoming; should; starvation; starve; stomach; take; urge; urgency; want; warrant; way; will

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    need for; need hardly; need have; need not; need only; need scarce; need scarcely; need thee; need were; needlepoint lace; needs must