The crude petroleum is distilled as rapidly as possible with fire heat to vaporize off the naphthas and the burning oils.
As the fuel became stale it was difficult to vaporize it, and it had to be drained off and fresh fuel provided before the proper mixture would be produced.
Third--The character of the work will demand that the oil should not vaporize when heated or thicken to such a point that it will not flow readily when cold.
It is well known that a "high-test" gasoline, such as a 76, will vaporize more easily than will one of a lower degree of specific gravity.
This is another feature in which the Diesel motor is entirely different from the Otto type, for the latter must employ a carburetor to vaporize the fuel before it can be admitted to the cylinder.
No hard-and-fast rule can therefore be adopted for determining its heating surface; but this surface should in all cases be sufficient to vaporize under atmospheric pressure from .
The hot gases given off by the burning fuel travel around this tank and vaporize the water which it contains.
Heat is necessary to vaporize the kerosene as quickly as it is required, and the degree of heat must be held between the temperature of vaporization and that at which the oil will be carbonized.
Most of these vaporizers use the heat and the exhaust gases to vaporize the fuel, but they differ greatly in construction; some are of the retort type, and others are of the float-feed carburetter type.
We vaporize at 20° a certain quantity of the liquid, and the vapors fill the known capacity of the pump.
Decontamination procedures can be enhanced by using heat to vaporizethe chemical agent; by reaction with decontaminants; or by removing with hot soapy water.
As the clothing warms to room temperature, the CW agent will vaporize (off-gas), contaminating the shelter and exposing occupants to potentially hazardous levels of the agent.
When gasoline is used in a stove, it is necessary to vaporize the gasoline before lighting the burner.
In one type of wickless stove it is necessary to heat the burner so that the kerosene will vaporize when it comes in contact with it (see Figure 15).
The plant is a device for forcing air thru the gasoline to make itvaporize as fast as wanted.
This heats the burner enough to vaporize the alcohol.
Gravity eventually brings the nebular particles into closer aggregations, and increased collisions finally vaporize the entire mass, forming planetary nebulae and gaseous stars.
He found that when liquefied oxygen was allowed to vaporize under the pressure of one atmosphere, a temperature as low as -181.
The Green Cross shell was filled with diphosgene, or a particularly dangerous combination of phosgene in liquid form, which would remain in pools on the ground or soak into the ground and would vaporize when it became warm.
The material in the shell was a liquid which was very hard to get rid of because it would vaporize so slowly.
In the first place there was trouble with the burners, for it seemed to be impossible to get one that would vaporize the gasoline in sufficient quantity to do the work, and various forms were successively tried.
In this design two pipes were led from the upper portion of the cylinder, one to a large Bunsen burner which heated the boiler, the other to a small burner placed under the tank to vaporize the alcohol.
Vapors of alcohol are thus disengaged from the undermost slices, and these vapors as they rise through the cylinder vaporize the remaining alcohol, and finally pass out of the top at a considerable strength and are condensed in the worm.
But as it requires less heat to vaporize alcohol than water, so it also requires more cold to condense alcoholic-vapor than water-vapor.
The difficulty is, not to find fuel with which to vaporize it, as in case of water, but to keep the fuel from finding it whether or no.
Cullen, by exhausting the air from a vessel containing water, made the water boil or vaporize at a low temperature.
Sufficient heat is produced to vaporize the ammonia, whose boiling point is very low, and distill it out of the water in the solution.
With regard to the amount of heat used, it will have been seen that the whole of that required to vaporize the ammonia, and whatever water vapor passes off from the generator, has to be supplied from without.
We have seen that, to produce the phenomena of the Glacial age, it was absolutely necessary that it must have been preceded by a period of heat, great enough to vaporize all the streams and lakes and a large part of the ocean.
Within a limited number of miles the blast of its atomic warhead would vaporize any substance that could exist.
During experiments with man not all the heat leaves the body by radiation and conduction, since a part is required to vaporize the water from the skin and lungs.
The water drawn from the faucet will continue to vaporize as it comes into the air until the water in the tank is cooled by the incoming cold water.
Gasoline being a highly volatile liquid will vaporize at temperatures as low as -10°F.
Gasoline for household purposes, as for use in cold-process lighting systems should contain not more than a very slight amount of constituents that do not vaporize readily.
The heat used to vaporize water in a steam boiler is given up in the radiators when the steam is condensed.
As the process of distillation continues, this part of the petroleum is entirely driven off and it is necessary to raise the temperature of the still in order to vaporizean additional portion of the oil.