The whole plant is smooth or slightly hairy; and its creeping stem, from two to twenty inches in length, sends down root-fibres from its nodes.
It is an erect, smooth, plant, from six to twenty inches in height, a common weed in cultivated ground, flowering from May to July.
It has a slender, smooth, erect or ascending stem, from six totwenty inches high, which is usually branched.
Its stem is from six to twenty inches in height; and the leaves are very narrow, and generally entire except in the case of a few of the upper ones, which are slightly toothed at the base.
One of these should be only a few inches from the lead, and the other about eighteen or twenty inches higher.
The finest trees are sometimes seventy-five feet high and three or four in diameter, but the average height ranges from forty to fifty, with diameters oftwenty inches or less.
Specimens of fair size are from twenty-five to sixty feet high, and ten to twenty inches in diameter.
Trees are from fifty to eighty feet high, and from fifteen to twenty inches in diameter.
The altars are generally of fine clay brought from some distance, burned hard sometimes to a depth of twenty inches.
The burial vases are sometimes thirty-six inches long by twenty inches high, painted usually on the outside with alternate streaks of black and scarlet, while serpents or other ornaments are frequently relieved on the surface.
This supposition has been strengthened by the discovery of many openings of seven feet deep by twenty inches in breadth, dug horizontally in the walls of the caverns.
The tail is much longer than the head and body, being sometimes nineteen or twenty inches.
The length of his body, including the head, is about eighteen or twenty inches.
His tail is nearly as long us all the rest of the body, being about eighteen or twenty inches in length.
Good Circus Seats= can be made out of boxes eighteen or twenty inches high, with planks laid across their tops.
Lay uprights A and B upon the ground, twenty inches apart, and with the lower ends on a line with one another.
Cut two pieces of seven-eighths inch maple, or other hard wood, twenty inches long by six inches wide, and one piece twenty inches long by four inches wide.
We prefer common straight ladders, with sides from sixteen to twenty inches apart at the bottom and six inches at the top, rounds fourteen inches apart.
Some of them are eighteen or twenty inches long; at the same time, others scarcely exceed the eighth part of an inch in length.
Its very small calyx is borne upon a stem of from eighteen to twenty inches in height, terminating in long movable arms, the internal surface of which bears its tentacles in a groove.
The eastern coast of Asia and the western coast of Europe are exposed to extremely high tides; while in the South Sea Islands, where they are very regular, they scarcely reach the height of twenty inches.
Individual trees of larger size are common on the islands and points over which forest fires have not run, and such trees may attain in some instances a diameter of twenty inches, but the average is under eighteen inches.
They would average eighteen or twenty inches in diameter at the butts, the largest being about two feet.
It has been burned over, and there are good large spruce in the valleys of Little Churchill river away up to about eighteen or twenty inches in diameter, but they are very few.
The beds are all ridge-shaped, eighteen to twenty inches wide at the base, eighteen to twenty inches high in the middle, six inches wide at top, and the sides sloping.
At the upper end of the adytum is the altar, a large slab of blue coarse marble, twenty inches thick, sixteen feet long, and four broad; pressed down by the weight of the vast stones that have fallen upon it.
The height of the full grown stalk is from eighteen to twenty inches, altho they sometimes grow higher.
The fourth year the perennial stalk grows as large around as an ordinary lead pencil and from one foot totwenty inches high.
When the filling has reached a height of from fifteen to twenty inches, the men may jump into the ditch and tramp it down evenly and regularly, not treading too hard in any one place at first.
In trenching with the spade, a narrow strip of land is excavated across one end of the piece to be trenched, eighteen or twenty inches wide, and as deep as the spade can take it out at two diggings.
This is common trenching, which reverses the two layers of soil, and stirs the whole to the depth of eighteen or twenty inches.
Grape cuttings are generally made eighteen or twenty inches long; and those which have a heel of old wood are preferred, and command a higher price.
In fact, it is the almost unanimous testimony of the oldest dry-farmers of the United States, operating under a rainfall from twelve to twenty inches, that the crop yields have increased as the cultural methods have been perfected.
Under a rainfall of less than fifteen inches, the land should be summer fallowed every other year; under an annual rainfall of fifteen to twenty inches, the summer fallow should occur every third or fourth year.
In the portion of the dry-farm territory where the rainfall approximates twenty inches, this problem is not so very difficult, since ground water may be reached easily.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twenty inches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.