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Example sentences for "tissue paper"

  • Wrap separately in tissue paper, hang in a cool place, or pack in sawdust.

  • The usual method employed by growers for keeping these fruits is to wrap each one separately in tissue paper, and put in a cool, dry place.

  • Wash them very carefully, dry with a cloth, and wrap in tissue paper; bury in ashes not too hot, then cover with coals and roast until tender.

  • On Christmas Eve the Eyrie was emptied of the treasures it had held, the stockings hanging over the library fireplace were filled and little piles of tissue paper packages of all sizes were made for Jasper, Melodia and Maggie.

  • For a drumstick, wind a ball of cotton wool or tissue paper on the end of a stick and cover with a round of silk or bladder also, and bind it tightly on to the stick.

  • Then with a padding of tissue paper or wadding and a piece of pretty material make a neat cushion, using the cut-out circle of cardboard as a foundation; stitch or glue this neatly on the under side and fix it on to the support.

  • The Club had laid in a goodly store of tissue paper of a great variety of colors, buying it at wholesale and thus obtaining a discount over the retail price.

  • Holly is easily made out of green crepe paper or tissue paper," cried Della.

  • Good work," and James set about tying up the soft and comfortable knitted mufflers and wristlets and socks, first in tissue paper with a ribbon or a bright cord and then with a stouter wrapper of ordinary paper.

  • A slit was made in one side, and each child put in his hand and drew out some article wrapped in tissue paper.

  • A large hatchet covered with white curled tissue paper may be hung in the hall.

  • Orange blossoms, made of tissue paper, will add daintiness to the decorations.

  • This pie was made of pie crust, and was filled with tiny trifles wrapped in tissue paper, most of them representing birds, eggs, nests, etc.

  • It is sometimes called double carbon paper, and is mostly used by railroads in making up way bills on yellow (dandelion grade) tissue paper.

  • Tissue paper—generally of imported quality—with a fine, strong fiber is used.

  • It may be tissue paper, or it may be paper dolls' furniture, or it may be a new dress for Sylvia or Jane, but whatever it is, it must cost just sixpence.

  • There were flat parcels to be seen and three-cornered parcels, and long ones and square ones, and they were all done up in tissue paper.

  • I meant to get pink and blue and yellow tissue paper, but Guy Fawkes Day came and I got fireworks instead.

  • If it be found that the shadows still print too deeply when the detail in the high light is visible, another thickness of tissue paper may be applied, cutting out this time, perhaps, the high lights and the half tones.

  • We very much doubt if there exists any landscape negative which would not be improved by the use of tissue paper, since photography often tends to do away with atmosphere.

  • This sometimes is effected by giving the lights in the foreground a covering of tissue paper.

  • The volume of water of all the oceans is no more to the volume of the earth than a tissue paper wrapping on an orange.

  • If it isn't, the three of us are going to be pressed out like three sheets of tissue paper!

  • The cube-army struck the dwellings, disappeared into them as though they had been composed of tissue paper, and continued on!

  • Ordinary sealing wax, rubbed briskly on a coat-sleeve until it is warm will attract bits of tissue paper, or any other soft paper.

  • Tiny scraps of tissue paper, each numbered, are piled in the centre of the table and each player by means of a piece of sealing wax tries to draw out the greatest number in the shortest time.

  • The pieces of paper need not be of tissue paper, as any very thin paper will do.

  • True, its use would have to be explained, for not many people know that tissue paper is such a good cleaner of glasses; but when they have tried it they will be really grateful for the helpful little gift.

  • Tissue paper of different colours and papers with a lace edge make charming window curtains, while thicker fancy papers may be used for portieres.

  • If of tissue paper, the paper may be 6/8 of a circle, or 6/8 of an octagon, as fig.

  • The parachute is best formed of silk, or alpaca; it may also be made of black glazed lining, or of tissue paper, carefully rubbed, till the stiffness is removed.

  • Silk, alpaca, and glazed lining parachutes I can vouch for; tissue paper I have never tried, but am told it answers if it has not remained folded so long as to get set.

  • Then she took out some underclothes from a bureau drawer and a few toilet articles, which she wrapped in pieces of tissue paper.

  • I wrote you about the box yesterday just as soon as it came, but after I had sent my letter, I went back to it and found that rose point scarf of grandmother's wrapped in tissue paper in the bottom.

  • With a sharp instrument Mrs. van Warmelo had removed the entire tray-like bottom of the case, packed two or three closely-written sheets of tissue paper in the opening, and pressed the little tray firmly down in its place again.

  • The information, therefore, was written on tissue paper (the usual method) and packed in a small bottle of Dr.

  • You will require for materials, tissue paper, which may be all white, or varied in colour.

  • At the top of the box at C is a square of frosted glass or a piece of tissue paper, upon which from beneath the picture will be thrown, and may be seen by raising the lid D.

  • To use the camera place the tube with the lens in it opposite the object or scene, and having adjusted the focus, the image will be thrown upon the ground-glass or tissue paper.

  • He pointed to the ring and the bit of tissue paper on the table.

  • Then he put the ring down, tore a corner from the piece of tissue paper, rummaged the stump of a pencil out of his rags, and, humping himself over the table, seemed to be writing.

  • Santa Claus hurriedly pawed over the upper layer and then took out a little package wrapped in tissue paper.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tissue paper" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    been saying; dense mass; folded napkin; marriage feast; means easy; million pounds; nor his; other fishes; other islands; pulled down; second brood; small white; steel helmet; than the; the heaven; then pack; this class; thousand thousand; tissue cells; tissue paper; various periods; when full; write them