And let the story of her dolorous voyage For all true hearts be blazoned on her tomb In letters gold and azure!
The two cenotaphs in the center of the exquisite enclosure have no carving except the plain Kalamdan or oblong pen-box on the tomb of Emperor Shah Jehan.
Beneath it an enclosure of marble trellis-work surrounds the tomb of the princess and of her husband, the Emperor.
On his tomb was engraven an inscription, conceived in a similar spirit.
A tragedy by AEschylus, so named from the chorus that bear offerings to the tomb of Agamemnon.
FN#5] It is important to mention this because a few months ago a report went the round of the newspapers to the effect that the tomb was in ruins.
One night as I sat in the garden between the tomb and the pulpit.
Payne Burton I passed by a ruined tomb in the I past by a broken tomb amid midst of a garden way, Upon a garth right sheen, Whereon whose letterless stone seven on seven blooms of Nu'aman blood-red anemones lay.
At Jeddah he saw its one sight, the tomb of Eve, and then bade adieu to Mohammed, who returned to Mecca.
In July 1832, the family stayed at Siena and later at Perugia, where they visited the tomb of Pietro Aretino.
And presently from behind a screen of cypresses they looked out on the expanse of flagging in the midst of which stood the tomb of Richard Jenkins.
What, now, was it that lay behind the tomb of Richard Jenkins, or Jenkinson, in Wrychester Paradise?
Round about that tomb were five men whose faces were visible enough in the light thrown by a couple of strong lamps, one of which stood on the tomb itself, while the other was set on the ground.
And in the meantime--let me find out something about the tomb of Richard Jenkins, or Jenkinson--whoever he was.
She spends the night in prayers and tears, and in visiting the tomb of St. Swithun: the saint bids her be of good courage.
The postponement may seem strange, as the tombwas but a few feet from the church; but it was a main object to have a great concourse of people.
The tomb of Petrus de Sancta Maria, who died in 1295, was opened some time since, and the features were found perfect; but as has happened in other cases, crumbled into dust in sight of those present.
Here are four rings--one with a large square sapphire, found in the disputed tomb of Rufus or De Blois.
His tomb is still extant, made of the most precious porphyry marble.
It has been surmised to be thetomb of some royal Saxon, or of Bishop de Blois.
The smith was still afraid, but when the saint had appeared three times to him he went to the tomb and took hold of the ring, which came out of the stone at once.
During the late restorations the tomb of a priest was opened, and with him were found a chalice and paten of latten, now in the vicar’s possession.
The occupant of the tomb immediately to the north of Bishop Sumner is unknown, but to the north-east lies Petrus de Rupibus.
Next to this is a tomb of some bishop of the fifteenth century, not that of Silkstede--a nearly perfect skeleton in black serge and funeral boots was found in it.
It was, as has been since ascertained, during this stay of the Emperor at Munich that the Emperor Alexander and the King of Prussia pledged themselves at Potsdam, on the tomb of Frederick the Great, to unite their efforts against his Majesty.
A year later Napoleon also made a visit to the tomb of the great Frederick.
In the latter part of July large crowds visited the Church of the Hotel des Invalides, in which were placed the remains of General Saint-Hilaire and the Duke de Montebello, the remains of the marshal being placed near the tomb of Turenne.
His Majesty the King of Bavaria is now in the tomb, like him who gave him a throne; but this tomb is still a royal tomb, and the loyal Bavarians can come to kneel and weep over it.
The stranger took a roll of paper from his pocket, and spread it on the worn surface of a tomb that stood by.
This Moravian nobleman had authority from the then head of the family to remove the tomb of Mircalla, Countess Karnstein, which he did effectually, so that in a little while its site was quite forgotten.
A young warrior was let down into the profound tomb by a cord, which was drawn up shortly after, in hopes of news from beneath.
The tomb was formed after the ancient northern custom in what was called the age of hills, that is, when it was usual to bury persons of distinguished merit or rank on some conspicuous spot, which was crowned with a mound.
With this purpose a deep narrow vault was constructed, to be the apartment of the future tomb over which the sepulchral heap was to be piled.
His resting-place on the crest of Væa Mountain is covered by a tomb of gray stone.
He was buried in the corona at Canterbury, where his tomb yet remains.
He died at Croydon, and was buried at Guildford, where his tomb and effigy still remain.
The tomb itself is worthy to support the figure and guard the ashes of the Black Prince.
The tomb is of pure gold, and embellished with jewels, and so enriched with splendid offerings that I know not its peer.
Journeying on to Canterbury, our pilgrim proceeds: "There we saw the tomb and head of the martyr.
The translation of Becket's remains from the tomb to his shrine took place A.
His tomb remains in the Transept of the Martyrdom.
Every day I visited histomb and passed part of the day on a little bench in the interior of the vault.
When I visited my father's tomb in the morning I found him there watering the flowers; when he saw me he went away and returned home.
His tomb and his bones must be sought elsewhere now, with those of many other of the knights who fell at Roncesvalles' fight.
The two spires of the southern portal are of great beauty, and the whole fabric is full of interest, though scarcely a tomb remains.
There is not a tomb or monument of any kind left in the cathedral; but it is entirely paved with inscribed stones, few of them earlier than the beginning of the seventeenth century.
One of the glories of Bordeaux is having been the birth-place of Montaigne, whose tomb is in the church of the Feuillants, now the college.
Being informed of the act of appeal which the unfortunate bishop would not part with at the time of his death, he had a great desire to see it, and commanded that his tomb should be opened.
It is like coming out of the tomb into the fresh air.
It was really very interesting, and the tomb of William the Conqueror is there.
They founded a monastery in gratitude, and their tomb was in the church, which is now in ruins.
So this is thetomb of the husband of Diana of Poitiers?
William's tomb is just a flat slab in front of the altar, but he really isn't there any more, for they have dug him up and scattered him over and over again.
But there are authors who venture to assert, that the tomb of which we are now speaking, is not the sepulchre of Virgil.
On the whole, few places are in themselves more picturesque, and from the recollection inseparably interwoven with it, no spot is more interesting than the tomb of Virgil.
Translation of the epitaph: This tomb was built for Geoffrey Chaucer, who in his time was the greatest poet of the English.
But its chief use, and the noblest use of all tributes to the tomb of civil heroism, is, to tell others by what strength of principle, and by what perseverance of purpose, the rescue of nations is alone to be achieved.
Around the tomb where lie the relics of this unhappy pair innumerable small lamps are ever burning, and every day at sunrise young Persian maidens deck the double urns with flowers.
They had carried the dead man off, so we went into the tomb to see the curiosities.
It is, of course, possible that the tomb of Porsena was erected on the hill above this labyrinth, but we have not much evidence on the point.
Plan of Tomb of Double Axes, showing position in which relics were found.
This is the only Etruscan tomb described by the ancient writers, and is mentioned by Pliny solely because it was alleged to contain a subterranean labyrinth.
Rose of the World, not Rose the peerless Flow'r, Within thisTomb hath taken up her Bow'r.
He pointed out that the possession of a labyrinth was the distinguishing feature of Porsena's tomb which alone caused Pliny to mention it.
He drew attention to the fact that a tomb somewhat of this nature is still in existence on the Appian Way at Albano, the pyramids being represented in this case by cones.
Sir Arthur Evans for the use of his illustrations of double axes and of the Tomb of the Double Axe which appear as Figs.
A splendid mosaic labyrinth of Roman times was found some forty or fifty years ago on a family tomb in the ancient necropolis of Susa, Tunis (Hadrumetum).
The Tomb of the Double Axes at Knossos" in Archaeologia, Vol.
If the tomb possessed a labyrinth, no doubt the latter would have been something of this type.
And the chief priest of the temple, taking pity upon him, buried him by the side of the Rônins; and his tomb still remains to be seen with those of the forty-seven comrades.
But, as from the very beginning they had all made up their minds that to this end they must come, they met their death nobly; and their corpses were carried to Sengakuji, and buried in front of the tomb of their master, Asano Takumi no Kami.
Amid the changes of a fitful world, this tomb is decaying under the dew and rain; gradually crumbling beneath its own dust, its outline alone remains.
The key is kept by a ghoulish old dame, almost as time-worn and mildewed as the tomb over which she watches.
Long she prayed and bitterly she wept over the tomb of him whom, with all his faults, she had loved so well, and then, drawing a dagger from her girdle, she plunged it in her breast and died.
If that is thetomb of Nicodemus, that seems to settle the question.