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Example sentences for "lava"

Lexicographically close words:
lauro; laurustinus; lauter; lautre; laux; lavacrum; lavas; lavatories; lavatory; lave
  1. Are not all these vines rooted in the lava and ashes of the volcano-side?

  2. But under all this there lie, as under the cultivated crust of this fair world, deep abysses of soul, where volcanic masses of molten lava surge and shake the tremulous earth.

  3. It consisted of building anew his air castle, and in riding out to the forbidden lava ridge that rose like a wall out of the sandy plain west of Sinkhole to choose the niche which might best be converted into a secret hangar.

  4. Johnny was seeing a real, military airplane in his possession, cached away in some niche in the lava wall to the west of Sinkhole--a wall that featured queer niches and caverns and clefts.

  5. He--" Just then the travois hung itself on a lava out-cropping which Sandy himself had dodged with his feet, and Johnny had a few busy minutes.

  6. The geology of St. Jago is very striking, yet simple: a stream of lava formerly flowed over the bed of the sea, formed of triturated recent shells and corals, which it has baked into a hard white rock.

  7. These trees are covered by other sandstones and streams of lava to the thickness of several thousand feet.

  8. There were caverns there and desolate lava wastes; there were almost impenetrable beech forests.

  9. It lies near the sea between Catania and Messina, but beyond the black and forbidding lava land.

  10. But you can't drive over those lava flats, or go round, either.

  11. I was, however, much exhausted by my previous exertions, and the ground was of the difficult and almost impracticable honeycomb lava rock, and I was obliged to abandon the attempt, and returned to the advanced position of the 9th infantry.

  12. The whole field of approach was a perfect honeycomb of lava projections, entirely impracticable for horse and difficult for foot.

  13. According to the proportion of silica, the lava is distinguished as "acid" or "basic.

  14. Streams of rain-water, formed by condensation of exhaled steam often mingled with volcanic ashes so as to produce mud, are known as lava d'acqua, whilst the streams of molten matter are called lava di fuoco.

  15. The term lava is applied by geologists to all matter of volcanic origin, which is, or has been, in a molten state.

  16. As we land upon Hawaii, we perceive it to be composed mainly of lava of no very ancient date.

  17. I am not aware that we have evidence of any eruption of lava in those regions, within historic times, except, perhaps, some mud volcanoes in the Caucasian range.

  18. Near Honolulu, just beyond one of the great sugar plantations, is a ledge of lava deposited centuries ago.

  19. Fire-holes opened in the floor and streams of lava burst out.

  20. The lava was piled up into mountains, now dissolved into slopes of the richest sugar-land in the world.

  21. Lava came out and fire was burning all around him.

  22. Broken lava was always near the site upon which a temple was to be built.

  23. The gods gave him a ghost body and also prepared a hollow stick like bamboo, in which they put food, battle-weapons, and a piece of burning lava for fire.

  24. Back and forth they forced each other over the lava beds.

  25. One account relates that the pahoa (stone) from which the axe was made came from Kalakoi, a celebrated place for finding a very hard lava of fine grain, the very best for making stone implements.

  26. To this day these small water places border the path across the pahoehoe lava field which lies adjacent to the broken a-a lava upon which the Wahaula heiau is built.

  27. Illustration] On one of these ancient lava ridges was the outline of an old man's face, to which the Hawaiians have given the name, "The Old Man of the Mountain.

  28. That night Ka-moho-alii came to the beach black with lava sand, crawled out of the water, and put on the form of a man.

  29. The temple is built near the coast on the rough, sharp, broken rocks of an ancient lava flow.

  30. Then he poured out the portion of burning lava which the gods had placed inside.

  31. He taught Kukali the wisdom of the makers of canoes and also how to select the fine-grained lava for stone knives and hatchets, and fashion the blade to the best shape.

  32. Lono saw this and ran after the bird, but it flew swiftly to a deep pit in the lava on one side of the valley and dashed inside, leaving blood spread on the stones.

  33. When his indignation was fully roused, he boiled like a volcano; yet there was no excess of action or noise, but an eruption whose lava consumed all before it.

  34. Lava was emitted for fifteen hours and the sea boiled 100 yards from the coast.

  35. In other places they were licked up by the lava that flowed on them and turned them to steam.

  36. Pompeii was not a parallel, for Pompeii was eaten up by demoniac rivers of lava, and lava became its tomb.

  37. The entire mass of lava ejected is estimated to be equal to an area six miles long by two miles broad, with an average depth of about twelve feet.

  38. A number of new mouths were opened on the south slope near La Fontanelle, and a quantity of lava burst forth which flowed in the direction of Catania, destroying a part of Nicolosi, and St. Antonio.

  39. On the night of the 30th a violent shock was felt on the northeast side of the mountain, and a mouth opened below Monte Frumento, from which lava was ejected.

  40. In 1646 a new mouth opened on the northeast side, and five years later several new mouths opened on the west side of the mountain and poured out vast volumes of lava which threatened to overwhelm Bronte.

  41. Soon after a torrent of lava poured from the crater, and red-hot masses of rock were projected into the air.

  42. Whenever an eruption took place, great quantities of hogs and other articles of property were thrown into the lava stream in order to appease her anger.

  43. In proportion as this cloud grew, the eruptions gained fresh force, and the floods of lava poured down the mountain sides without ceasing, and spread into the valleys, where they swept all before them.

  44. And black crosses formed of lava stones laid down in the sand; these abide over all the length of the Road of the Dead Men from Caborca to Yuma to cry to the white-hot sky of slain hopes and faith betrayed in those buried years gone.

  45. Always Quelele was sure to keep a height of land between the car and the Road of the Dead Men until finally he brought his gas mustang to a stop on the crest of a lava ridge and pointed back.

  46. Here were the mazes of the Pinacate, raw shards of volcanoes and wilderness of lava flows down by the Gulf sandhills; country so fire-scarred and forbidding that even the Indian nomads give it wide berth.

  47. He knew his punishment: to be taken to the burning lava fields of Pinacate, where the dead volcanoes are, there to be left without gun or canteen; no man would see him again.

  48. Quelele read the white man's thoughts, for he pointed farther up the canyon beyond the lava cistern.

  49. Below the lava crest and near at hand was the objective of their detour, the road that led to the Casa O'Donoju and those who must be warned.

  50. To-day this forgotten remnant of a high road of adventure and hot romance exists a streak in an incandescent inferno of sand and lava slag, wherein death is the omnipresent fact.

  51. The horses' hoofs struck sparks from lava aprons; the beasts had to pick their way carefully over traps and crevices.

  52. Here a paved road of large blocks of lava has lately been laid bare, and is identified beyond a doubt as part of the Via Nova, which led from the Porta Mugonia of the Palatine along the base of the hill to the Velabrum.

  53. You can't trail stock across Granite Ridge, nor them lava ledges.

  54. They would wait, he thought, until the fence was completed and they had made a trail around through the lava rocks.

  55. This ancient bed of lava was full of the most singular and fantastic details of lava structure.

  56. Rounded domes were common, sometimes broken, sometimes whole; now and then some great lava bubble was pierced with a window blasted out of the side, through which one could look down to the floor of a deep, underground hollow.

  57. Some parts of their surface are entirely bare, and a great many of the craters and lava streams are so fresh, that the atmospheric agents have not yet made an impression on them.

  58. The whole company, some six or eight persons, lunched in one of the caves, resting on the seats formed by the ledges of lava along its sides.

  59. The whole story of this lava bed is so clearly told in its blackened and extinct remains, that it needs no stretch of the imagination to recreate the scene.

  60. It is the general opinion that the Black Reef is formed of lava that long ago flowed down into the plain from the crater of Longernot.

  61. The party reported that near the base of Longernot, the northern volcano, a belt of lava rock rises perpendicularly from the plain.

  62. On the plateau the ground was covered with rugged lava blocks, and the scrub and creepers were so dense that when Kearton shouted Ulyate's name the white hunter answered from not more than ten yards away.

  63. To the southward it ends abruptly, as though the lava flow had suddenly stopped and cooled.

  64. A lava field stretched directly in front of them, barring the way.

  65. Lava beds, rugged and barren, reached out like fingers to the edge of the plateau as if reaching for the far-away painted desert.

  66. The Professor now and then would point to holes in the lava to show where explosions had taken place, bulging the lava around the edge and hurling huge rocks to a considerable distance.

  67. It's one of those thin crusts," announced the guide, examining the broken place in the lava with critical eyes, in which occupation the Professor joined.

  68. The route up the mountain side was over a cider-buried lava flow, the fine cinders under foot soon making progress almost a torture.

  69. As they climbed the mountain proper they found that Sunset, too, had engaged in some gunnery in those far-away ages, as was shown by many lava bombs lying about the base.

  70. The tufaceous stratum on which this feldspathic lava rests is much hardened, stained purple, and has a spherico-concretionary structure; it here contains a good many pebbles of claystone porphyry.

  71. First a dike appears; this is a wall of black basalt crossing the river; it is of lava thrust up from below through a huge crevice broken in the rock by earthquake agency.

  72. Many of the cones are of red cinder, while sometimes the lava is piled up into huge mountains which are covered with forest.

  73. The lava might engulf him, but he was "posted," and must stand until relieved, by his commanding officer or death.

  74. I stand like the Roman sentinel at the gate of Herculaneum, awaiting the lava flood that will bury me.

  75. And the night's come down apace, And the lava flame, through its sulphurous cloud, Is ruddy on my face.

  76. Regarded from the geological point of view, these black cones of cinders and these black rivers of lava are of comparatively recent formation.

  77. From each a flood of rugged black lava has flowed forth, bursting out at the foot of the cone, and then rushing down the dale to the bed of the Hermus.

  78. The adjoining town of Koula, built of the black lava on which it stands, has a sombre and dismal look.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lava" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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