It is therefore requisite that the coal-viewer should consult the barometer before inspecting the subterraneous workings of an old mine, on the Monday mornings, in order to know what precautions must be observed in his personal survey.
The state of the barometer ought also to be considered in making comparative experiments of this kind.
Tubes of glass of every colour, are drawn out to great lengths in a gallery adjoining the glass-house pots, in the same way as the more moderate lengths of thermometer and barometer tubes are drawn in our glass-houses.
The weather was variable, but the barometer did not fluctuate by sudden movements, and they could therefore count on tolerable weather.
The weather was fine, the barometer was rising, the wind appeared settled, everything then was in favor of these brave men whom an act of humanity was taking far from their island.
My barometer is rising rapidly, and I place more confidence in that classical deity, Mercury, than in a saint of so very questionable a character.
The barometer also becomes a very important instrument upon these occasions; the rapid rotatory motion of a column of the atmosphere necessarily occasions its fall, and this fall is always greatest at the centre of the storm.
Suddenly thebarometer fell after keeping somewhat high during the earlier hours of the day.
The barometer indicated an altitude of thirteen thousand feet above the level of the sea.
Suddenly the barometer fell more than a dozen millimeters and the "Albatross" paused in her ascent.
How to Make a Barometer [188] Atmospheric pressure is measured by the barometer.
But if a standard barometer is not available, the instrument, if accurately constructed, will calibrate itself.
The parts necessary to make a simple barometer are, a glass tube 1/8 in.
Before fastening the scale, the instrument should be compared with a standard barometer and the scale adjusted so both readings are the same.
Sudden changes in the barometerare followed by like changes in weather.
The drier the air, the higher does the mercury of the barometer rise.
When the barometerstands very low indeed, there is never much rain, although a fine day will seldom occur at such times.
Why does the barometerfall very low with SOUTH and WEST winds?
As the barometer will tell when wind, rain, or storm is at hand, the sailor can make his ship trim before it overtakes him.
When the sky is cloudless, and seems to promise fair weather, if the barometer be low, the face of the sky will soon be suddenly overcast.
The barometer is highest of all during a long frost; and it generally rises with a north-east wind.
In wet weather if the barometer falls, expect much wet.
Why do WINDS generally make the mercury of a barometer DROP?
As the external air presses upon the surface of the juice, it rushes into the cup unobstructed; as mercury rises through the tube of a barometer through similar pressure.
If the air be ever so moist, rain will never fall till cold air has been introduced to condense the vapour; and the moment that the cold air is introduced, the barometer will rise.
In frosty weather, the rise of the barometerpresages snow.
As men grow better they become like that glycerine barometer recently introduced, on which a fall or a rise that would have been invisible with mercury to record it takes up inches, and is glaringly conspicuous.
Professor McClure's barometer had a notable history in mountaineering.
This height was verified bybarometer in the hands of one party that reached the summit in the month of August of the present year.
They encamped again near the snow, and found their altitude greater than any yet reached, the barometer standing at 24.
That the barometer was most carefully handled at the time of observation will fully appear from the record below.
The brokenbarometer will appeal powerfully to every lover of science.
The sergeant, to whom the barometer was intrusted by Lieutenant Johnson, in putting up the instrument this morning, carelessly broke it; and thus ended the barometrical experiments in the most interesting portion of the route.
This was Bear Prairie, the altitude of which by the barometer was 2630 feet.
The thermometer and the barometer, hanging up inside of the half-opened awning, were always within sight, and a second barometer suspended outside was to serve during the night watches.
The face of the country was gradually rising, and, ere long, the barometer indicated a height of fifteen hundred feet above the level of the sea.
The doctor was busy observing the variations of the barometer and noting down the details of his ascent.
Found the barometer had got broken, which I was very sorry for.
We are much in want of rain, and thought we should have had some, but the barometer is rising this evening.
Thermometer 95 degrees in sun during the day; barometer 28.
Very cloudy this morning, although the barometer is rising.
In their centre the depression of the barometeris lowest, because the atmosphere there is lightest.
As the walls of the spiral are approached, the barometer rises.
The barometer had evidently fallen during the night.
In March of this year, at Strathmore, the barometer fell from 30.
An isobar is an imaginary line on the earth's surface, connecting places at which the mean height of the barometer at sea-level is the same.
Too smooth by half, sir, with thebarometer falling.
Never mind what the men say," said Reyburn, "while your barometer says nothing.
Shake a barometer in a dark room, and light will be produced in the empty part of it by the friction of the quicksilver electrifying the glass tube.
The barometer had been slowly but persistently falling during the two previous days; the dawn had been red and threatening, with a strong breeze from S.
The barometer was slowly but steadily rising; and everything seemed to point in the direction of fine weather.
The first barometer was a glass tube filled with quick-silver or mercury (Fig.
The party stopped about half-way down the mountain, allowing the barometer to rest there for some time, and observing it carefully.
Then one barometer was left at the foot of the mountain, and the other was carried to the summit, about three thousand feet high.
The mercury in the second barometer then stood more than three inches lower than at first.
For this purpose, however, a barometeris used that is more easily carried than a mercury barometer.
As thebarometer was carried down the mountain the mercury slowly rose until, at the foot, it stood at the same height as at first.
It is now known that when a barometer is carried up to a height of nine hundred feet, the mercury stands an inch lower than at the earth's surface.
During all this time the height of the mercury in the barometer which had been left at the foot of the mountain did not change.
Guericke's study of air-pressure led him to make a water barometer (Fig.
In the mean time Torricelli had performed his famous barometer experiment, and Otto von Guericke had astonished princes with proofs of the pressure of the air.
Torricelli and the Barometer Galileo had a pump which he found would not work when the water was thirty-five feet below the valve.
Whenever the heroines in Mrs. Radcliffe's tales start on their midnight ramble through subterranean passages and halls of horror, the barometer becomes agitated.
Ghosts are not so sensitive to the barometernow as they used to be, nor do they have such an active influence over the weather as did the Gothic phantoms.
The mercurial barometer reading by verniers to three places of decimals was set up and read, and the two aneroids were adjusted to read with it.
But the reading of the thermometer attached to the barometer is recorded as 20° F.
The reading of the mercurial barometer is a slower and more delicate business.
Sidenote: The Stars and Stripes] When the mercurial barometer had been read the tent was thrown down and abandoned, the first of the series of abandonments that marked our descent from the mountain.
A man in the show business has to study everything which may influence the attendance, but the behavior of my animals is a better barometer for local conditions than any aneroid which the Weather Bureau owns.
As he spoke, he casually tapped the barometer at the hall-door, as was his habit.
However, Mr Armstrong took the precaution to return to his own room for a moment to consult the barometer there.
At midnight the barometer was rising rapidly, and the wind gradually settled down into a clear hard gale, accompanied by a heavy sea, running down the coast from the north.
Meanwhile the barometer continued to descend rapidly, and at 2 P.
I embarked at Middlesbrough on the evening of October 13, intending to sail for Portsmouth at daybreak on the following morning; but, finding the wind from the south and the barometer depressed, our departure was deferred.
I cannot recall an instance of having experienced really bad weather when my reading of the barometerhad told me that it would be fine; but I have seen the weather-wisdom of many an old sea-dog at fault.
Meanwhile, thebarometer had gradually fallen to 29.