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Example sentences for "carving"

Lexicographically close words:
carved; carven; carver; carvers; carves; carvings; caryatid; caryatides; caryatids; carye
  1. The carving is very beautifully executed, and the hieroglyphs rise from a sunken surface, in a style known as "incavo relievo.

  2. In this mode of carving the figures never project beyond the surface of the stone, and consequently are not so liable to be chipped off as they would have been had they projected in "high relief.

  3. To their taste or design in working figures upon their garments, corresponds their fondness for carving in every thing they make of wood.

  4. The imitative arts being nearly allied, no wonder that, to their skill in working figures in their garments, and carving them in wood, they should add that of drawing them in colours.

  5. A steel table or carving fork, for example, is an important article of cutlery, although it is not a cutting tool.

  6. The famous manufacture of fine muslins is almost extinct, but the carving of shells, carried on from ancient times, is an important industry in the city.

  7. The manufactures consist of weaving, embroidery, gold and silver work, shell-carving and pottery.

  8. Mr. Tredgold said that no doubt that was the case sometimes, and was only recalled to the true position of affairs by the hungry captain marching up to the beef and carving for himself.

  9. Mr. Tredgold laid down the carving knife and fork.

  10. It is wonderful what people the English are for keeping up pretences.

  11. I seem to remember too, that it was understood that I was not a fit companion for them, and that our meetings had to be as unostentatious as possible.

  12. That great crisis of my boyhood stands out very vividly as an effect, as a sort of cardinal thing for me, but when I look for details, particularly details that led up to the crisis--I cannot find them in any developing order at all.

  13. I don't know," I said, evading a shameful difficulty.

  14. A certain gloom of manner and a pause was considered due to the sacred memory of Sir Roderick.

  15. This halfbrother, Archie Garvell, was a new factor in the affair.

  16. Six are of red granite, twelve of verde antico; the simple carving of the capitals belongs to a period when Byzantine art was at its best.

  17. The exquisite carving of the doorways, too, enriched with mother-of-pearl, attracts one as one passes through.

  18. She knew, however, that he was not examining the carving from the standpoint of a critic; and she waited silently for whatever was coming.

  19. He kept his eyes fixed upon that carving until--until.

  20. The subjects treated are too numerous for detailed treatment in this place, but the carving of vines and acorns and oakleaves will be readily admired.

  21. He mounted the bishop's seat, a stately throne, rich with the carving of the fifteenth century.

  22. The effigy of Sir John Speke rests in the chapel; the carving behind the figure is very elaborate.

  23. Like much of the carving in the cathedral that is attributed to this date, it was the work of De Montacute, a French artist.

  24. The carving shows foliage and finials of great beauty, and beneath the canopies are angel figures bearing the insignia of the Bishop's office.

  25. The gravestone of a standard-bearer, from the neighbouring station of Procolitia, shows a full-length carving of the dead warrior.

  26. An elaborate carving of three water nymphs, most probably meant to be in attendance on the goddess, is one of the few pieces of sculpture that are not greatly mutilated.

  27. On entering, he found the steward engaged in carving the pie, and presenting it on silver dishes to the duke and his guest.

  28. While the coffer stood on the slab it would have hidden the carving of the Resurrection; but on its removal on Easter Day, the carving would have stood in full view of the people, bright, no doubt, with colour and surrounded by lights.

  29. It is significant of the free way in which the masons were employed, that the carving varies very much on the two sides.

  30. The carving is very beautiful, and the delicately-wrought wings of the angels, which spread over the arches so as to fill the spandrels, are especially fine.

  31. An interesting feature of its exterior is that some of the old Early English carving was worked in with the masonry of the wall, by way of decoration, and very effective it is.

  32. There is a stone bench along the aisles on both sides, and on the north side some very fine specimens of Early English carving lie on the bench.

  33. The carving is very fine and varied; some of the capitals retain the old stiff-leaf foliage, while in some the leaves grow freely round the bell in the Decorated manner.

  34. The piscina in the doorway should be noticed for its carving of a dog gnawing a bone.

  35. Just where it could be best seen from the transept, on the eastern end of the upper storey of the tomb under the canopy, is a carving of the Resurrection.

  36. It is enough to say of them that no finer examples of wood-carving can be seen in England.

  37. An ivory worker in Providence writes: "Women are employed in carving and turning in Russia, and carving in England.

  38. We have seen architectural and ship carving done by women; and it is our belief that almost any and every kind of carving could be done by them, if the wood were properly prepared, and they were carefully instructed.

  39. For some kinds of carving the design is drawn on paper and cut out; then it is placed on the block, which is prepared of a proper thickness, and the outline drawn with a pencil.

  40. A carver told me that furniture carving is sometimes done by women.

  41. Barbara Helena Lange, of Germany, earned celebrity in the seventeenth century, by engraving on copper, and carving figures in ivory and alabaster.

  42. It requires about six months to learn carving and sawing--polishing, not so long.

  43. Architectural carving is mostly done in pine, occasionally in oak.

  44. One species of carving common in Europe is that of saints and virgins for small churches.

  45. The style of carving on combs is very different from that worn a few years back.

  46. The carving is done with steel instruments, and requires considerable strength.

  47. On tortoise-shell combs the light carving might be done by women; the heavy cutting requires more strength.

  48. The portions of wood outside the design are then cut off with carving implements.

  49. Ship carvers cut figure heads for vessels; some of this carving is done in oak, some in pine.

  50. The casting of utsavavigrahas involves a greater variety of process than the carving of stone figures.

  51. In the Vizagapatam district, some artisans are engaged in the ivory-carving industry.

  52. Considering the very crude material on which he works, and the primitive methods of stone-carving which he continues to favour, the expert craftsman achieves quite a surprising degree of smoothness and polish.

  53. He will make a raft out of bamboo, a carving knife out of etah, a comb out of bamboo, a fishing-line out of fibre, and fire from dry wood.

  54. Anyone who has seen the celebrated temples of Southern India, for example, the Madura and Tanjore temples, and the carving on temple cars, can form some idea of the skill of South Indian stone-masons and carpenters.

  55. Here, mister, show me one or two of these long carving knives.

  56. The decline of the Mogul empire gave free play to the turbulent spirit of the Jats and Gujars, many of whose chieftains succeeded in carving out petty principalities for themselves at the expense of their neighbours.

  57. It is not unlikely that the houses of wealthy persons were distinguished by a good deal of ornamentation in carving and painting.

  58. Nave, choir, and transepts were ornamented with exquisite carving in stone and wood.

  59. This is true of many of the houses, indeed they are all fashioned on one model, and all plain in finish, extra carving or fine wood-work would only make more work for the busy little ants.

  60. It is worth visiting for some specimens of Cano's art which it contains, and for Mena's magnificent carving in the choir.

  61. In the ruder carving is seen an attempt on the part of the Moorish masons to copy the work of the more skilled craftsmen of Rome and Byzantium.

  62. With breathless interest he watched the cruel carving of her body into tiny pieces.

  63. Built of massive ebony with the most remarkable ivory carvings set in its gleaming black surface, artists, as many as could touch the material, had worked two years on the carving alone.

  64. It was a beautifully carved thing, hewn from the heavy granite that made up the core of this planet, with the same curious styling as other carving the Dusties had done.

  65. Few of them were still conscious when the Dusties had come silently, in the blizzard, eyes closed tight against the blast, to drag the people up into the hills, into caves and hollows that still showed the fresh marks of carving tools.

  66. The carved pulpit in the nave, however, is a veritable masterpiece of wood carving by Michel Van der Voort of Antwerp, and dates from 1723.

  67. After passing within the arches, however, the visitor forgets all this and is lost in wonder and admiration at the wealth of stone carving that decorates the walls on both sides of the main entrance.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carving" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bust; carving; doll; dummy; figure; figurehead; figurine; mannequin; marionette; model; monument; puppet; scarecrow; sculpture; snowman; statuary; statue; waxwork