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Example sentences for "norm"

Lexicographically close words:
nopal; nopody; noptera; nor; norice; normal; normality; normalization; normalized; normally
  1. The conception of unity in variety as organic represents an ideal or norm for art, which is only imperfectly realized in many works.

  2. In art, the suasion of the norm should be absolutely free, with no penalty except isolation from the best.

  3. This norm does not exclude from the sphere of painting the expression of the relation of man to his fellows; it simply confines painting to the delineation of momentary and self-sufficient glimpses of social life.

  4. The measure of this is partly subjective and irreducible to rules; yet experience in the arts establishes a norm or schema of appreciation through the process of comparison, largely unconscious, by which what we call good taste is acquired.

  5. Hence its organization is in perfect harmony with the divine object and norm of Christian union and fellowship.

  6. Martin Luther and his immortal assistants, exactly agrees with the Word of God, which we regard as the only infallible norm of faith and life: 1.

  7. Organizations effected in harmony with the divine object and norm of Christian fellowship are true visible churches, i.

  8. According to the constitution of 1828, therefore, Tennessee recognized the Holy Scriptures as the only norm and rule of doctrine and life.

  9. The Lutheran Confessions were the living norm of both their preaching and their practise.

  10. There has been a continuous social effort to establish as a norm the woman whose vocational proclivities are completely and "naturally" satisfied by child-bearing and child-rearing.

  11. Known officially as "OIR Notice CP75," Hague's statement left little doubt that segregation would remain the norm in most instances.

  12. However, let us examine the Confucian ethics which formed the basis and norm of all government in the family and nation, and are summed up in the doctrine of the "Five Relations.

  13. One has but to read their favorite scripture, to see the norm upon which the gorgeous art of Japan has been developed.

  14. To doubt the validity of the norm is out of question; one might as well criticize the sun and moon as the style of Louis Quatorze.

  15. Within the norm the French are keenly sensitive, their feeling for relations is very sure; the slightest deviation is observed.

  16. Norm Boody was closer to the phone and answered it.

  17. Norm Boody came out of the house with Roy Starr's rifle.

  18. While she poured coffee into the cups on the kitchen table, Robinson cornered Norm Boody and led him into the living room.

  19. They carried Roy Starr out that night, and it was close to midnight before they met Norm Boody and the party who had come in search of them.

  20. Norm told you I saw the phantom once, didn't he?

  21. Norm Boody sprang toward the door and held it open.

  22. Norm Boody came up from the barn with two steaming pails of milk.

  23. Norm Boody had been studying them curiously.

  24. Norm Boody, a well fed duplicate of Slim Summerville, was clad in a heavy overcoat drawn over a flannel night-shirt.

  25. Norm Boody gulped from the bottle, choked and spewed the whiskey on the snow.

  26. In the case of a legal norm the tribunal and the executive organs should be indicated as far as possible.

  27. In other words each norm should be studied in connection with the way in which it is "codified" (i.

  28. By definition a given norm or rule is Legal if it is enforced by a direct, organized, and definite social action.

  29. Without the norm the social action would be mere violence.

  30. The legality of his act is based upon the existence of a certain norm and the existence of a form of active and regulated social support which enforces this norm.

  31. Without the social enforcement the norm would be a moral or customary rule; so enforced, it may properly be called a law.

  32. And it is in just such a mutual connection of a norm and social enforcement that the fundamental feature of legality may be seen.

  33. There remains the doctrine of the Rational Social Will as furnishing the norm of conduct.

  34. The three doctrines, that the norm of moral action is to follow nature, that it is to aim at the attainment of perfection, and that it is the realization of one's capabilities, have much in common.

  35. As the appeal to human nature, or to nature in a broader sense, left the norm for the guidance of human actions somewhat vague, so the appeal to the principle of self-realization seems to leave one without very definite guidance.

  36. But when we admit this, we do not necessarily have to look for a new norm by which to judge conduct.

  37. It still remains to find a norm of conduct, and evolutionists, like other men, may develop ethical systems which are not identical.

  38. Russia was still struggling with the establishment of a linguistic norm out of the ecclesiastic Slavic and the spoken idiom, while its literature was but a feeble reflex of French pseudo-classicism.

  39. But is it quite so certain that there is no fixed norm of beauty imaginable?

  40. The variations from the norm of the verse are those described on p.

  41. What Hellas had achieved supplied no norm or method for the arts in this new service.

  42. Lorenzo, compared with Greek sculpture, the norm and canon of the perfect in that art, may be called an invasion of the realm of poetry or music.

  43. So does the sinner in his own way: but his norm is erroneous and therefore destined to fail.

  44. The work takes us forward in time beyond even the latest S[=u]tras, but the content is such as to show that formal Brahmanism in this latest stage still keeps to its old norm and to Brahmanic models.

  45. Subsequently he is the secondary parent as a kind of Noah; but Yama, in later tradition his brother, has taken his place as norm of the departed fathers, Pitaras.

  46. Norm can take that and show it to him as a sign that you've changed your mind.

  47. Already Norm had apparently forgotten that he was one who used frequently to make a similar complaint.

  48. If, then, the norm of the theocratic relationship assumed in the redaction of the Book of Judges is to be sought in a written Torah, this can indubitably only be that of Deuteronomy.

  49. In the case of the books of Judges and Samuel it is not perhaps possible to decide with perfect certainty what was the norm applied by the last reviser in forming his estimates of the past.

  50. Against this supposition there is nothing to be alleged, and it is the rational one, for this reason, that it was not Ezekiel but the Priestly Code that furnished the norm for the praxis of the later period.

  51. The time of Moses is invariably regarded as the properly creative period in Israel's history, and on that account also as giving the pattern and norm for the ages which followed.

  52. In the historical section he attempts to derive the norm of the different poetic forms, not from one or two great works as Aristotle had done, but from the whole history of literature.

  53. According to Scaliger, the epic, which is the norm by which all other poems may be judged and the chief of all poems, describes heroum genus, vita, gesta.

  54. The application of this norm to human relations was a direct result of the belief that it was of divine origin.

  55. Monogamy, however, ceases to be a norm of custom.

  56. Revenge, thus, is changed into punishment, and custom is displaced by the norm of law, which grows up out of repeated decisions in the adjudication of similar cases.

  57. The ethical norm was not, at the outset, religious in sanction, as is usually believed; it acquired this character only through the medium of the world-ruling divine personality.

  58. He has taken the immediate apprehension of sensible objects in a state of mind centring about the pleasure and pain of an individual, to be the norm of knowledge.

  59. Similarly a phenomenalism, like that of Hume, takes immediate presence to sense as the norm of being and knowledge.

  60. As such, it also represents a species that has evolved away from the procyonid norm and portrays the extreme in climate specialization.

  61. H]{b} that is higher than the procyonid norm appears to be the cornerstone of its success.

  62. This suggests that Bassariscus astutus is a species that evolved away from the norm for procyonids with low [.

  63. In the norm of this cycle, the animal brothers-in-law help the hero perform tasks which the king requires all suitors for his daughter's hand to perform.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "norm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    normal children; normal condition; normal individuals; normal life; normal persons; normal salt; normal school; normal schools; normal sexual; normal space; normal state; normal times; normally self