Every science is continually learning that its supposed solutions are only apparent because the "solution" solves, not the actual problem, but one which has been made up.
Wrestling with the problem, there is evolution of new technique to control inquiry, there is search for new facts, institution of new types of experimentation; there is gain in the methodic control of experience.
The possible misunderstanding is, I think, actual in the reference to "our needs" as a criterion of the correctness of truth of an idea or plan.
In any case the quantity of elementary existences which constitutes the criterion of measurement is dependent upon the very judgment which is assumed to be regulated by it.
The analytic conception of the moral criterion provides--logically--for deliberate blunting of susceptibilities.
When he refers to their practical character it is only to indicate a criterion by which to avoid purely verbal disputes.
It is inquiry emancipated, universalized, whose sole aim and criterion is discovery, and hence it marks the terminus of our description.
The melody, then, is the criterion of the pupil's purpose.
The only question would appear to be, whether the test which is here proposed as an unconditional criterion of truth should be allowed any the smallest degree of credit.
Juxtaposition is a very unsafe criterionof continuity.
Defn: Any test or criterion by which the qualities of a thing are tried.
Hence the peculiar force of the word, as indicating a trial or criterion of the most decisive kind.
A word which was made the criterion by which to distinguish the Ephraimites from the Gileadites.
How can it be just, to make the agreement between an opponent's opinion and our own the criterion of his proper conduct of the inquiry?
Thus would arise a new criterion of judgment between differing systems; for that system must possess most truth which creates the most intelligence and virtue.
All that is required with respect to property is to obtain it honestly, and not employ it criminally; but it is always criminally employed when it is made a criterion for exclusive rights.
If, in order to avoid this danger, a small quantity of property be fixed, as the criterion of the right, it exhibits liberty in disgrace, by putting it in competition with accident and insignificance.
If therefore property, whether little or much, be made a criterion, the means by which that property has been acquired ought to be made a criterion also.
In any view of the case it is dangerous and impolitic, sometimes ridiculous, and always unjust, to make property the criterion of the right of voting.
It is the innate character of the thing to act in this manner, and the criterion by which it may be known, whether in politics or religion.
When we consider how many ways property may be acquired without merit, and lost without a crime, we ought to spurn the idea of making it a criterion of rights.
When its claim to represent the Christianity of the apostles is once made out, it is fairly regarded as the criterion of everything else that appeals to their authority.
Philosophers have amused themselves with the difficulty of finding a scientific criterion between the experiences of the sleeping and the waking state, i.
By what criterion do we recognise any ancient population to have been Celts?
Although we must define the Supreme Being as a personality to satisfy our moral consciousness, we must not, we are told, make the same moral consciousness the criterion of the attributes of that personality.
How is it possible then that Reason or "the moral nature in man" can approve as good, or appreciate the fitness of, doctrines which in their very nature are beyond the criterion of reason?
The doctrine, therefore, is the realcriterion of the miracle which, without it, is necessarily an object of doubt and suspicion.
According to Justin, the Old Testament contained all that was necessary for salvation, and its prophecies are the sole criterion of truth, the Memoirs, and even Christ himself, being merely its interpreters.
Obviously, there is no ground for accepting from a fallible Church and fallacious tradition doctrines which, avowedly, are beyond the criterion of reason, and therefore require miraculous evidence.
If error has its martyrs, what is the sure criterion of truth?
Perhaps there is no better criterion of judgment as to the true domestic condition of any people, than the current value at which a man's labor is estimated.
As a rule, however, all through the cities, the price at first asked for an article need not be taken by the purchaser as any real criterion of its value.
Whatever mitigates the woes, or increases the happiness of others, this is my criterion of goodness; and whatever injures society at large, or any individual in it, this is my measure of iniquity.
And the challenge was accepted by Decatur, though he 'had long since discovered, that fighting duels is not even an unerring criterion of personal courage.
The demand and sale are widely taken as the criterion of excellence, or they are at least sufficient encouragement of further work on the line of the success.
This criterion is accepted by the publisher, whose business it is to supply a demand.
It cannot be employed as a criterion of the progress of the case, as it may persist for months after all other signs and symptoms have disappeared.
In experiments carried out on rats to test the diets in respect to the water-soluble and the fat-soluble vitamines, the weight curve is used as the main criterion to judge whether the foodstuff is adequate.
It is impossible not to admire in a measure some of the feats of this kind performed by Cowley, Crashaw, and Donne; but common sense intimates that the real criterion of the merit of a comparison is its justice.
Neither pity nor terror can be excited on such terms; if Aristotle's criterion be sound, Aurengzebe is no tragedy at all.
Yet the position of woman throughout history serves as the criterion of the freedom of the people or an age.
Surely woman need not hesitate to estimate her status by a criterion of dignity sustained by such authority.
Will you just state our criterion once more, with the limitation attached; and then I shall know better whether we are certainly agreed in the criterion we ought to employ?
Exactly so, as a postulate from our experience, as a generalized assumption that our experience may be taken as a specimen and criterion of all experience.
The degree to which the infection tainted the clergy was no criterion at all of the sympathy of the people.
What is the criterionof universal 'spiritual truth,' if there be any?
Do you not perceive that, if our experience and that of the immense majority, or of all about us, be not a sufficient criterion of the laws of nature, our argument falls to the ground?
We have no criterion for separating what is thus divine from what is merely human.
At a great service at St. Paul's, he notes the glory alike of sight and sound as 'possessing that remarkable criterion of the sublime, a grand result from a combination of simple elements.