The love-season is the carnival of egoism, and it brings the touchstone to our natures.
Applied to Sir Willoughby, as to thousands of civilized males, the touchstone found him requiring to be dealt with by his betrothed as an original savage.
If it were permitted to harbour any doubt whether you have chosen wisely, or if there were any need to apply a special test, there could be no surer touchstone than this.
Likelihood is the touchstone to which all extraordinary statements are brought, although, as Lord Beaconsfield used to tell us, "it is the unexpected that happens.
His whole attitude is simply an insistence that utility is the touchstoneof institutions, and he may claim to be the first thinker who attempted its application to the whole field of political science.
Of course, it is out of Touchstonethat Shaw has evolved his Jack Tanner.
In the meantime the elder son rode into the world to find the touchstone of the trial of truth; and whenever he came to a place of habitation, he would ask the men if they had heard of it.
And I am come to marry the maid, for I have brought the touchstone of truth.
Thus water impregnated with an Acid, or with any Neutral Salt, is hard with regard to Soap, and incapable of dissolving it; and hence it follows, that Soap is a sort of touchstone for trying the purity of water.
The claim for recognition, when brought to the touchstone of these principles, is easily disposed of.
At the touchstone of unquestioned rules of interpretation its odious character disappears, and astonishment prevails that the public mind for so long a period could have been perverted with regard to its true meaning.
This law, when ascertained, is the touchstone of moral rectitude.
Were there not required to establish it, both the sanction of time and the touchstone of experience, which made manifest the truth of their principles and the exactness of their reasonings?
But the revolution which they produced in society became fatal to themselves; for there is nothing which better exposes the faults and errors of a system, and undeceives men on the subject, than the touchstone of experience.
I have always prided myself of a certain Touchstone element in my nature.
Which brings me back, although I'm aware of glaring psychological flaws, to my Touchstone and Audrey prelude.
Never did blackbird, drenched with may, Chuckle as Touchstone chuckled on that ride.
In this chapter there are some passages that may serve as a kind of touchstone by which a young lady may examine the heart of her lover.
Power is the one universally recognized touchstone by which we judge God and man.
And this is the sure touchstone by which to detect the real thing of light and the make-believe.
The touchstone won't be service but personal love.
Yea, in my opinion, the Lord Jesus committed it to record, for that he liked it, and for that it will pass for some kind of touchstone of prayer that is made in good sense of sin and of God, and of need of his goodness and mercy.
Since the Senator spoke, I sent into the other room for the Declaration of Independence, in order to read a sentence which is beyond question the touchstone of our institutions, to which all the powers of a State must be brought.
And yet accuracy is surely the touchstone of all Art.
Horses and traps alike are enviably perfect, and--mark the touchstone of civilization--the lamps are in their sockets!