It was a disconcerted space of months as a walking mannequin with that one keen perception of seeing how the darkness of selfishness and destruction were there in all human pursuits.
I spent the intervening time in the outrageous shops, Bill stalking uneasily behind me, deferred to by the lithe, wonderfully coiffured, purring Goddesses who paraded mannequin after pretty mannequin before my startled eyes.
There is again a wicker Figure, 'Mannequin of osier:' the centre of endless howlings.
But in Thais, in Sur la Pierre Blanche, in Le Mannequin d'Osier, with what a comprehending sympathy he despises the human race!
The glide seems to be the ideal at which the modern woman aims in her walk, and the mannequin glides with every exaggeration.
It may be, of course, that the mannequin stage which the women of the comfortable classes have now reached is really a step towards a more sober dignity.
Not until she is sure that the visitor is worthy of the lure does the saleswoman order the mannequin to show these exclusive models.
The mannequins' ball gives to the mannequin at least one opportunity during the year for playing her role of elegante outside the establishment in which she is employed.
It is ill paid in a worldly sense, the virtue, and if the mannequin has that fact forced upon her by the show that passes before her--well, it is but one of the lessons of Vanity Fair.
The mannequin used to think that she who possessed it should be the proudest woman in the world, and twice the painter had been wakened to hear her murmuring rhapsodies of it in her sleep.
Mannequin Ridge was on the right flank with Doon Hill at the end of it, held by the enemy, though we could see the Staffordshires holding the ridge.
The Battalion sector was astride the Sequehart-Mericourt Road which ran due East along the valley South of Mannequin Ridge.
Meanwhile the enemy had been assembling out of sight behind Mannequin Ridge, and now suddenly attacked the Staffordshires heavily, driving them from their positions on the crest.
Colonel Griffiths wished to stop the attack at least until Mannequin Ridge was retaken, but, before anything could be done, the enemy opened a heavy artillery barrage on the lane, and the Colonel was badly wounded.
Meanwhile, all the afternoon and evening, the enemy kept making small attacks on Mannequin Ridge and towards Sequehart; several of these were broken up by Artillery fire, and after his first efforts he had no further successes.
At the third scrutiny Goby, Mannequin and Ledru, the three retiring Radical Senators, and Felix Panneton, Republican Progressive, were elected.
They blamed Mannequin for being the brother-in-law of a councillor in the Court of Appeal.
If it does not satisfy the mannequin demand for "beauty" it at least refuses to accept margarine substitutes.