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Example sentences for "clone"

Lexicographically close words:
cloisters; cloistral; clok; cloke; clomb; clonic; clooas; cloos; cloot; clop
  1. Somewhere, it seems to me, in this vast range of material we ought to be able to find some variety or clone of these species that would be adapted to practically every part of the United States.

  2. A clone may be selected from a species population, from a botanical variety, from a cultivar, or from anyone of several types of hybrid complexes.

  3. The object of doing this was to be able, in the future, to refer by name to this particular clone and so avoid confusion with any later, and possibly inferior, forms of the same cross that might be produced.

  4. A clone is an individual propagated not from seeds but by asexual means, as by grafting, budding, cuttings, etc.

  5. In this way we insure the continuation of the "Dutchess" clone after our lifetimes.

  6. It recedes with the years, and I write out my life longhand, a letter to the me that I'll be when it's restored into a clone somewhere, somewhen.

  7. We can grow you a new clone and refresh it from your last backup.

  8. You need to be refreshed from your backup, get set up with a fresh clone and retire this one.

  9. Now, If you're ready to take the cure, I can retire this clone immediately and get you restored into a new one in 48 hours.

  10. They recovered me from backup and into a force-grown clone at Toronto General.

  11. I've drawn up the consent forms for the refresh and the new clone will be ready in an hour or two.

  12. The clone makers, companies that manufactured computers that operated the same software as ICP's, would be nearly shut down once ICP announced Joey as their new portable computing standard.

  13. Matthew, are you proposing we build an ICP clone computer?

  14. Though since the Clone folk did so well with the clean-run smuggling from the blessed Isle of Man, it is true that there are more of the Geordies than there used to be.

  15. It was Geordie of the Clone who cried to me.

  16. Ere we got down to the Clone we could hear, all about in the darkness, athwart and athwart, the clattering of chains, the stir of many horses, and the voices of men.

  17. The actions in which they had clone honour to the British name were forgotten: nothing was said of their victories; but not a moment was lost in bringing forward their defeat.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    clone; copy; counterpart; ditto; double; dupe; duplicate; duplication; facsimile; image; microfilm; mimeograph; model; quadruplicate; repetition; replica; replication; representation; reproduce; reproduction; spit; stat; trace; transcribe; triplicate; twin; spit; stat; trace; transcribe; triplicate; twin