While the foregoing statements throw light upon the ideas associated with the Middle and show that Rome was originally a dual state, the following facts furnish indications of a quadruplicate division.
Polaris and circumpolar rotation and the quadruplicateorganization of the Cosmos suggested by these natural phenomena, it was only the form or shape of the cross which underwent a change at a certain period.
As the Calendar periods will be discussed in my monograph on the subject, I shall only mention here a fact showing how completely the quadruplicate idea had influenced native speculation.
The glyph which covers his face bears a native cross-symbol and this, as well as the cruciform figure, the centre of which he occupies, conveys the idea of quadruplicate power.
The majority of tree-symbols, however, exhibit a quadruplicate division as in fig.
Quadruplicate division of capital and state, four fields of heaven, p.
Moreover, as has already been pointed out, the thunder god was usually ruler of the winds, and thus another reason for his quadruplicate nature was suggested.
It was a necessary result of such a division that the chief officers of the government were four in number, that the inhabitants of town and country, that the whole social organization acquired a quadruplicate form.
Fourfold; doubled twice; four times repeated; as, a quadruplicate ratio, or a quadruplicate proportion.
Dear Sir, Having heard that a vessel is soon to go to Cadiz from Baltimore, I embrace the opportunity to send a quadruplicate of my last letter, and to add thereto the little information which this inactive season affords.
Sir, I cannot suffer the post of this day to depart without acknowledging the receipt of the quadruplicate of the 2d of last March, and another of the 22d of May.
I will not repeat what I have said on this subject in my last, a quadruplicate of which is enclosed, as is also a cypher.