With this optimum temperature, the element of moisture should always be present, as we find that nothing in nature will germinate without the necessary moisture.
By this we mean that the temperature should be moderately warm, ranging from about forty to one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, the optimum being about the body temperature 98.
He was inOptimum Pilot's Shape now, the most efficient of the four shapes alloted to the Pilot caste.
In four large groups of Americans and in one of Italians it has been found that those born in March, and therefore conceived in June at the time of optimum weather, live longer than those born at other seasons.
In all these countries the percentage of eminent people conceived when the optimum weather prevails rises much higher than does the corresponding percentage among ordinary people.
Nothing is more pleasant than a day of this optimum kind in May or June.
New Orleans mated chiefly under conditions of optimum temperature (21 to 27A deg.
Turtles under cover in daylight were usually seeking protection from either below-optimum or above-optimum temperatures.
The grassy prairies of Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and northern Texas seem to provide optimum habitat for ornate box turtles; in these areas box turtles are active on a majority of days from April to October.
A number of individuals with above-optimum body temperatures were found in the shade of trees or high weeds in early afternoon on hot days.
Unbroken expanses of tall grass seem not to be optimum habitat.
Optimum body temperatures may vary somewhat with the size, sex, or individual preference of the turtle concerned.
Fertility and Prenatal Mortality Eggs were incubated in the laboratory at more nearly optimum temperature and humidity than were eggs in natural nests.
There must be an optimum quantity of nucleoplasm with which the growth of the nucleus proceeds most favourably and rapidly, and this optimum will be represented in the normal size of the segmentation nucleus.
No doubt there is an optimum length of period for practice and an optimum interval, but too many factors enter in to make any one statement.
Thus the length of the optimum period must vary with the age of the learner, the subject matter, the stage of proficiency in the subject, and the particular learner.
For instance, the response is at its maximum at an optimum temperature, a rise of a few degrees producing a profound depression; the response disappears at the maximum and minimum temperatures, and is revived when brought back to the optimum.
At an optimumtemperature it reaches its greatest amplitude, and, again, beyond a maximum temperature it is very much reduced.
He's built to experiment, and if he's kept from experimenting for too long, he'll exceed the optimum randomity of his circuits.
His circuits would tend to exceed optimum randomity, and that would mean, in human terms, that he would be insane--and therefore worthless.
He'll tell you that 'the circuits exceeded their optimum randomity limit.
Only one child gave an age younger than 12 years as optimum for entering high school.
This concept of an optimum which is not a maximum difference between the leader and the led has very important implications for selection and training.
Why is 13 years to be chosen as the optimum age for the transition?
If the amount added is small it is assumed that its addition will not appreciably effect the optimum concentrations of nutrients, etc.
The seventy-two hour incubation period yields nearly optimum growth for this purpose.
Some of the first attempts in this laboratory at establishing the optimum yolk-to-citrate ratios are shown in Fig.
In order to define more clearly the optimum glycerol level, several ejaculates of semen were subsampled and portions were frozen after the addition of yolk-citrate extender and glycerol in varying quantities.
In the first efforts to find the optimum level of egg yolk, the level of yolk in the final frozen mixture was varied from about 6 to 46 percent.
In these experiments, the optimumlevels of citrate appeared to be lower than anticipated from the British work.
C and an optimum temperature for photosynthesis of about 40 deg.
A thermophilic strain of Chlorella with an optimum growth temperature of 39 deg.
Numerous studies with primate subjects, including several at Ames Research Center, have been devoted to developing methods for maintaining optimum performance in environments with limited sources of stimulation.
The optimum configuration of manned spacecraft will depend, in part, upon biomedical considerations.
The primary objective of their experiments was to determine the likelihood of contaminating Mars with Earth organisms should a space probe from Earth encounter an optimum microenvironment in terms of water and nutrients.
With a proportion of total liquid to cellulose of 27 : 1, and using sulphuric acid as the hydrolysing agent, the optimum results were obtained with acids of 0.
A similarly systematic investigation carried out upon pine sawdust established the following as optimum conditions: Proportion of total liquid 5 times wt.
For optimum action the temperature should not exceed 15-20°C.
This investigation was undertaken with one main object--to determine the optimum conditions of treatment of wood-cellulose and of wood itself for conversion into 'fermentable sugar.
But by forcing us to accelerate at optimum speed, you caused so much breakage of ship's stores that we'll have to put into Marsport for new stocks.
The Connie commander was ready to fire guided missiles, when his target suddenly, mysteriously, blasted into space at optimum acceleration.
You will reach optimumposition on the time-distance curve at twenty-three-oh-six.
We will reach optimum position at twenty-three-oh-six.
It has already been shown that the lactic-acid bacteria seems to find in the green cheese the optimum conditions of development; that they increase enormously in numbers for a short period, and then finally decline.
Agar, a gelatinous product derived from a Japanese sea-weed, has a much higher melting point, and can be successfully used, especially with those organisms whose optimum growth point is above the melting point of gelatin.
Cream ripened at low temperatures not infrequently develops a bitter flavor, showing that the optimum temperature for this type of fermentation is below the typical lactic acid change.
This comparatively high temperature favors especially the development of those forms whose optimum growing-point is near the air temperature.
For a cheese to possess all of these characteristics in an optimum degree is to be perfect in every respect--a condition that is rarely reached.
The amount of acidity that should be developed under natural conditions so as to secure the optimum quality as to flavor and aroma is the most important question in cream ripening.
They stood dripping in the Optimum Dome Conditions of the bright avenue.
An angle approximately halfway between the maximum and optimum angles.
Power, Margin of--The available quantity of power above that necessary to maintain horizontal flight at the optimum angle.
It is evident that the maximum, minimum andoptimum oxygen pressures for anaerobic bacteria are the same, namely, 0 mm.
For exact work the maximum, minimum andoptimum temperature must be ascertained by growing in "incubators" with varying temperatures.
The optimum temperature for growth is usually about the temperature of the natural environment and ordinarily one determines merely whether the organism grows at body temperature (37 deg.
Many soil organisms are known whoseoptimum is near 70 deg.
The optimum amount of moisture has not been determined with any great accuracy and certainly a rather wide range in percentage of water is permissible with many, though a liquid medium is usually most favorable for artificial growth.
The optimum temperature for development varies within rather wide limits for different organisms.
The optimumof the "hot spring" bacteria just mentioned is apparently that of the springs (93 deg.
Most enzymes have an optimumreaction of medium either acid, alkaline or neutral, depending on the particular enzyme, though some few seem to act equally well within a considerable range on either side of the neutral point.
In general it may be stated that the optimum temperature is approximately that of the natural habitat of the organism, though there are exceptions.
Optimum reaction for growth in bouillon, stated in terms of Fuller's scale.
Herein lies the value of decent respect for Appetite in securing optimum digestion and nutrition.
One of the rules which have governed my quest for optimum human nutrition in the midst of the twentieth century food supply and other conditions, has always been to go to Nature for final advice in the matter.
However, less than optimum temperatures, if they last for only short periods, are not necessarily lethal.
As most of their isolates died before reaching maturity, these workers concluded that the American cockroach does not thrive when individually isolated and that several individuals must be together for optimum development to occur.
Jolivet's hypothesis was the correct explanation and suggested that the higher optimum temperature requirements of crickets might be the regulating factor.