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Example sentences for "thoroughly"

Lexicographically close words:
thoroughbred; thoroughbreds; thoroughfare; thoroughfares; thoroughgoing; thoroughness; thoroughwort; thorow; thorowe; thorowly
  1. He was so thoroughly absorbed in his work, however, that he did not even see the diadem which he put aside.

  2. They promised themselves that, in the darkest hour of the following night, the work should be thoroughly completed.

  3. It consists in listening at doors, reading and replacing letters, and tricks of the kind which would be perfectly obvious if the person spying were not so thoroughly trustworthy--to outside appearance.

  4. His business at the outset is to be thoroughly agreeable and make himself well liked in the circle in which he moves.

  5. However, the stock was grown in thoroughly mixed soil in a coldframe and differences in performance of seedlings could hardly be attributed to soil heterogeneity.

  6. As our facilities are far too limited to thoroughly test the promising varieties, we have started to propagate them and offer them in many parts of the country and subject them to many different conditions.

  7. On days of moderate temperature I wet these bags thoroughly with water once a day but on very hot or windy days I often wet them twice.

  8. Stir the kernels thoroughly and often to get an even tan.

  9. It is unquestionably a thoroughly original production, and I fear that some readers may think I am trifling with them when I am quoting it literally.

  10. Sandy felt that it would have been some slight relief to his wounded feelings if he could find some one to whom he could thoroughly and heartily abuse Mr. Harman.

  11. So absorbed was he, so thoroughly frightened by this letter, that he forgot where he was.

  12. Hinton felt thoroughly angry; perhaps he had some cause.

  13. When Hinton awoke from his refreshing slumbers, the day was so well and thoroughly risen that a gleam of sunshine lay across his bed.

  14. But Francisco de Castro, the hopeless governor of the year before, was still at the head of affairs, and no man could have played more thoroughly into the hands of the French.

  15. He had previously sent over guerilla bands whose active movements thoroughly deceived the royalist generals as to his intended place of crossing.

  16. They were all thoroughly equipped and took with them a large supply of provisions and a great drove of hogs, five thousand in number, as some writers say.

  17. While the subject was being discussed by Bolivar and his staff, one of the guides of the army, who was thoroughly familiar with the country they occupied, stood near and overheard the conversation.

  18. Brought up amid the herds of half-wild cattle belonging to his father, who was a landholder in the Venezuelan plains, he became thoroughly skilled in the care of cattle and horses, and an adept at curing their disorders.

  19. During their next turn he entered the palace, now safe from their espionage, and sought the broad flight of stairs which led to the governor’s rooms with the confidence of one thoroughly familiar with the place.

  20. This was taking matters with a very high hand, and Leucha, who had no great moral strength, was thoroughly subdued.

  21. Honourable George, who was now at last thoroughly out of humour.

  22. She was so thoroughly disliked in the school that they positively rejoiced in this certainty, and forgave Agnes her mean trick of looking at the essay.

  23. I am pleased to find that you have taken so sensible a view of the matter, and that you understand so thoroughly your position under my roof.

  24. Three Egyptian battalions came up from Merawi to aid in the work, which not only included building the gunboats and barges, but executing the repairs to all the native craft, and putting them in a thoroughly serviceable state.

  25. It must be a gradual advance, and even then, if the Khalifa is beaten, it must be a considerable time before matters are thoroughly settled.

  26. The camp was thoroughly alive when he entered it.

  27. Gregory saw, with pleasure, that the Arabs were now thoroughly wound up to fighting point.

  28. Arabic, with which he knew the foreman must be thoroughly acquainted.

  29. Great numbers of the unwounded prisoners, and of the townspeople, were set to work to clean the streets; and, in a couple of days, the wider thoroughfares and avenues had been thoroughly cleansed.

  30. And at least, in a year or two, she may have thoroughly shaken off the cough, and that is everything.

  31. I sombrely, and began to search my luggage thoroughly for my missing inheritance.

  32. Young Lord Strepp was the first one thoroughly to collect himself.

  33. But their enthusiasm waxed high after they had thoroughly comprehended Paddy and his hair.

  34. If I can," muttered Paddy, fumbling with a lot of machinery so ingenious that it would require a great lack of knowledge to thoroughly understand it.

  35. And any how I had lied so thoroughly to Lord Strepp.

  36. I am afraid you can have no choice in the matter," says Cynthia, now thoroughly awakened and full of importance at the prospect.

  37. The scheme had been thoroughly matured in my mind.

  38. We were both of us thoroughly awake by now and fully bent on assuaging our distresses.

  39. Indeed it seemed to involve such a degree of initiative on their part to kick two persons who after all were not thoroughly and effectually knocked down, that one by one they followed the example of the squire and slunk away.

  40. A thoroughly fine book from start to finish.

  41. That worthy shrew, having thoroughly aroused her honest husband, did not think fit to interpose any active resistance to his commands, but contented herself by staying below, and in delivering a shrill monologue from the foot of the stairs.

  42. So thoroughly did Mr. Fielding enter into this plan, that very soon Sir Thomas began to babble in his talk with a most unwonted levity, and even essayed to sing a song.

  43. We were thoroughly wearied and footsore too.

  44. It was a part of his training to do earnestly and thoroughly what he had to do, even though it was distasteful, and it was not long before he was spoken of as one of the most promising members of the school.

  45. It was all thoroughly uninteresting and commonplace.

  46. From the moment that Mrs. Davis had taken charge of him, he had shown a love for her and confidence in her care that had thoroughly touched that good woman's heart.

  47. It is not so much the prudery about sitting like men that excites the wrathful indignation of the opponents of cross-saddle riding as the apparent difficulty of deciding upon the thoroughly neat and workwoman-like costume.

  48. Strongly as I advocate early tuition, if a girl has not mounted a horse up to her thirteenth year, my advice is to postpone the attempt, unless thoroughly strong, for a couple of years at least.

  49. They would not be saleable till four years old, but seven shillings a week would give them a run at grass and a couple of feeds of oats till such time as they be thoroughly taken in hand, conditioned, and taught their business.

  50. It is, on a thoroughly trained horse, so agreeable that the uninitiated at once acquire confidence on horseback.

  51. It is of first-class importance that a lady's saddle should be made by a respectable and thoroughly competent saddler.

  52. Each time after use, the sweat should be thoroughly washed out of the sponge; to ensure best results, attention to scrupulous cleanliness is absolutely essential.

  53. At no time are the beauties of the female form divine displayed with such witching grace, the faultless flowing lines so attractively posed, the tout ensemble so thoroughly patrician.

  54. Their designs are good, and the material thoroughly to be relied upon.

  55. That the bits and stirrup be burnished as bright as a Life Guardsman's cuirasse, the saddle and bridle perfectly clean, and the horse thoroughly well groomed, goes without saying.

  56. Thus, it is very harmful to one in an exalted position if it is given out that he was at one time bibacious, but succeeded in thoroughly curing his appetite.

  57. He realized thoroughly how much depended on his promptness.

  58. He was beginning to understand very thoroughly by this time that war was not what he had always dreamed.

  59. As they made their way homeward, thoroughly worked up by the excitement of their adventure, Harry wondered whether his father would let him undertake this service Colonel Throckmorton had suggested.

  60. I will take the poorest acre of stubble ground, and if too wet for corn in the first place, I will thoroughly drain it with a Shanghae plow and four yoke of oxen in three hours.

  61. Johnstone;" and we find in his recent essays, evidence of how thoroughly practical he has made the system of Elkington in his own State.

  62. In land thoroughly drained, this warm water cannot rise above the drains, and so cannot defend the soil from frost.

  63. I can as thoroughly drain an acre of ground in this way as any that can be found in Seneca County.

  64. The fear is, that crops will suffer in time of drought, if thoroughly drained.

  65. Illustration: PART OF FIELD Thoroughly Drained BY B F.

  66. To thoroughly drain the worst of your clay subsoil, it may require a drain once in eight feet, and they can be made so cheaply that I can afford to make them at that distance.

  67. We have thoroughly tested the matter; and in all kinds of soil, give a decided preference to spades as broad at the point as at the heel.

  68. Nature has herself thoroughly drained a large proportion of the soil.

  69. The fact is, that Nature drains thoroughly the greater portion of all our lands; so that artificial drainage, though it may remove surplus water from them more speedily in Spring, cannot make them more dry in Summer.

  70. With the ivy wreathing tower and porch, and moss and lichens encrusting its old plastered walls, Tugford church looks thoroughly in keeping with its secluded sylvan situation.

  71. We now step inside the church, an ancient timeworn structure whose low grey stone walls, narrow windows and simple bell-cot, look thoroughly in keeping with the circumjacent landscape.

  72. To be thoroughly acquainted with this combination of influences is the very first step towards an understanding of Greek art.

  73. Art with the Egyptians was thoroughly polychromatic; they tinted granite, of whatever colour, with a red pigment, so that the stone might have its proper divine colour, hallowed by the priests.

  74. The subject, in these Archaic vases and vessels, is not yet thoroughly purified, for amongst the heroes we see Gorgons with spread wings and lolling tongues.

  75. The one was a spiritual movement, the other thoroughly material.

  76. Your father wants you, Azizan,' she said half in a dream, and the sound of her own voice woke her thoroughly to darkness.

  77. The impression left on the ex-Minister was that Alexander understood his ally thoroughly and feared him greatly.

  78. I have wished to write you this letter so that you may thoroughly know my thoughts once for all.

  79. Aylmer had so thoroughly appreciated the little drama of joy, disillusion and consolation shown in the expression in Dilly's lovely little face.

  80. Whether she had ever thoroughly understood it may be doubted.

  81. I beg your pardon, Bruce,' said Edith, now feeling thoroughly in the wrong, and looking round the room.

  82. But it did show that when the Catholic sentiment in France was thoroughly roused, the dynasty itself must bend before it or be swept away.

  83. Both sovereigns were thoroughly veracious--in Carlyle’s sense of the word.

  84. For some time she resisted this thoroughly Scotch demand.

  85. But most of them were thoroughly loyal, and there was really much to be said for the more cautious policy.

  86. The only agreeable thing about him was his conversation, in which he shone, so that people who did not thoroughly know him always at first gave him credit for more ability than he possessed.

  87. This was thoroughly understood by every missionary who crossed the sea; and if Campion never alluded to it even in his most familiar conversations he must have had an extraordinary control over his tongue.

  88. This was made from deerskins, thoroughly cured and also smoked, so that they should be less liable to the attacks of insects.

  89. He was thoroughly conversant with the native tongue, and his Arte was reprinted in Merida, in 1859, as the best work of the kind which had been produced.

  90. He was there to catch and punish the gold robbers, and he had no intention of making a move until he was thoroughly familiar with his surroundings and the situation in general.

  91. The two stood there and thoroughly abused each other, mixing their abuse with fighting words.

  92. So freely were the Pinkerton rifles brought into play during this trouble that the people of New York state became thoroughly aroused and forced the legislature to pass an anti-Pinkerton bill.

  93. It was also determined to pump streams of oil upon the barges with the aid of the borough fire-engines and, having once thoroughly soaked the craft with the inflammable fluid, dynamite, the men thought, ought to do the rest.

  94. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thoroughly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolutely; altogether; blast; carefully; clean; cold; completely; dead; deeply; depth; detail; diligently; downright; earnestly; entirely; full; fully; hook; ideally; immaculately; industriously; intensely; largely; length; lovingly; outright; painstakingly; perfectly; plumb; purely; quite; roundly; tenderly; terribly; thoroughly; through; totally; unconditionally; utterly; very; wholesome; wholly

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    thoroughly cooked; thoroughly dissolved; thoroughly done; thoroughly good; thoroughly mixed; thoroughly understood; thoroughly washed; thoroughly well