I remember I was pretty mad when my Eta Bita Pie brethren headed me up in a barrel and rolled me downhill into a creek without taking the trouble to remove all the nails.
He had made a bargain with a second-hand clothes-man downtown--split his wood all winter for the use of a dress suit that had lost its position in a prominent family and was going downhill fast.
Of all these movements, gravity assists those which are downhilland retards those which are uphill.
These rushing torrents of snow sweep their tracks clean of waste and are one of Nature's normal methods of moving it along the downhill path.
On the whole, therefore, the downhill movements prevail, and the mantle of waste, block by block and grain by grain, creeps along the downhill path.
The rifle rang through the mountains, a dozen blue grouse rattled out of the pines and swung downhill on wide, motionless wings, the ram toppled right over and went bumping down the gully out of sight.
He helped to unpack the horses, but he took so long to retrieve the bale which had gone downhill that some one had to lend him a hand even with the one beast which he unpacked.
Devil a bit, but it feels as if we were scrambling along side-hills instead of going steadily downhill all the time, though I daresay it is only my fancy.
Now follow that downhill, and if you lose sight of it look for another and follow that downhill too.
Plainly it was, now or never, the high tide of his affairs; and he drew the door as close as he durst, slipped a pebble in the chink, and made off downhill to find a cab.
Beyond this gate a lane, or cart-road, dipped steeply downhill to the right; and following it, we came on a high stone wall overtopped by trees.
My heart was drumming now, but terror held me to it--over this second ridge and downhill again.
While her speed on a level was most moderate, uphill it was actually glacial, and going downhill it was little better.
Now, it has been observed that a chap who starts downhill through the Archipelago commonly comes to an end of his journeying soon, and sometimes even sooner.
As Ramon's hands went up, he stepped out and, crouching behind the ridge, took the other's rifle and drove him downhill to his horse.
After the captives were arranged in line under a copal tree upon a little plateau, where the trail began to fall downhill on the other side, Bull stood frowning down from his height on the man whose face had aroused that haunting memory.
We begin by driving downhill, which is always a comforting thing to do, although we ought to have warmed to our work a little in order to get full value out of a downhill drive.
After putting ample brakes on the sledge-runners, we started off downhill in a south-easterly direction.
On December 29 we went downhillmore and more, and it was indeed tough work being a ski-runner.
The return, downhill as it was, did not take long, and soon we were able to tell our comrades that the prospects for the morrow were very promising.
Suddenly I saw Hanssen's dogs shoot ahead, and downhill they went at the wildest pace, Wisting after them.
It is then in the position of sliding downhill and instantly its speed increases in consequence.
He took but a step or two when his foot began to slide downhill along the foot rope faster than he dare move his hands along the hand ropes, with the result that he was very soon in a very uncomfortable position.
I guess those critters cut downhill amongst the trees yonder till they had got below a fold in the ground which would hide them.
For the band then shrieking and shouting behind them, and at that moment dashing downhill on their snowshoes, had set out to search for our hero and his friends.
He faced downhill without another word, while the Redskin fell in behind him.
That being so, ef they believe we mean to lie here and hold 'em from crossing the open, they'll leave a man just to show himself every now and then, while the rest of the party strikesdownhill and gets abreast of us.
At least I used to be in a circus, but I ran away last night, when my cage rolled downhill and broke.
Nero, the circus lion, who got loose from his cage when it rolled downhill in the storm and broke open, did this thing.
Next instant he was rolling over and over downhill with Kim at his throat.
But it was on the steep downhill marches, three thousand feet in three hours, that he went utterly away from Kim, whose back ached with holding back, and whose big toe was nigh cut off by his grass sandal-string.
Return to the Varennes-Four-de-Paris road, downhill road skirting the Meurissons ravine.
The road runs downhill and then rises across the shattered Hospices Wood.
The coach must have just started to move downhill when the robbers jumped out from the bushes," suggested Dave.
A downhill blaze moves less rapidly than one running up.
God knows how he has long hated his downhill course; and now--and now there is no reason, none in heaven above or earth beneath, why their paths should not for ever merge.
It is only that Miss Prue is goingdownhill rather quicker than before--that is all.
It is no longer only Jacob's 'missis' to whom the rapidity with which Miss Prue is going downhill is matter of outspoken compassionate wonder.
General Miles has acquired his knowledge of riding from wild Indians, and wild Indians go uphill and downhill as a matter of course at whatever gait they happen to be travelling.
I got up then, and we went downhill together towards the village lights.
It plopped and splashed, and went scurrying away downhill with the bubbling water.
Hardly was the imprecation out of my lips when there was a short sharp snort, and a black object flashed past me downhill at a hundred miles an hour.
Blown with my sharp rush and unduly excited, I missed the old lady entirely, or only hit her behind as she dived downhill through the high covert.
Twice I half pressed the trigger as a larger piece of the creature’s grey side was visible to me, picking his way slowly past me; but just as I was on the point of firing he turned and came downhill towards me.
Unluckily for me, she sighted me at the same moment, and with a loud sniff plunged straight downhill at a pace that, even had the covert not concealed her, would have rendered my chance of hitting her extremely problematical.
Their horses' flanks glistened with the sweat of hard travel and the riders rose hardly to the jerking downhill motion.
They were going downhillnow and Vernon strained his eyes to discover the lie of the country.
Bill, secure in his strength, would never have attempted it except for the fact that after one small ridge was climbed, the way was downhill clear to the cabin.
He was moving slowlydownhill when an accident caused a change of plan.
Flying downhillafter the troop, with a judicious use of his hooter he might have kept them all madly on the run, and even driven them before him into the arms of his amiable commander.
They returned to the track, and trotted downhill to meet the horsemen.
It is downhill all the way, and if you hold on behind me we shall go more quickly and more quietly than on horseback.
Downhill he often had to check his pace, and so could not take full advantage of the descents to give him impetus for the upward gradients of the switchback.
The main idea is, God is making this water run downhill just now, and it doesn't seem right for mortal man to stop it from running.
I found these waters running downhill as God Almighty had set 'em to running.
The man turned without another word, but with a last distrustful look, and plunged downhill into the scrub.
I lowered it with a short laugh of relief as our friends the hogs came trotting downhill to the gateway.
My father struck spur and rode forward, in time to catch at and check the leader of two horses slithering downhill tandem-fashion before the weight of a heavy cart.