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Example sentences for "infinitely"

Lexicographically close words:
infinie; infiniment; infinit; infinita; infinite; infiniteness; infinites; infinitesimal; infinitesimally; infinitesimals
  1. Our Epic, not Arms and the Man, but Tools and the Man; an infinitely wider kind of Epic.

  2. No landlord Edmund becomes infinitely admirable in his sleep.

  3. For we are to bethink us that the Epic verily is not Arms and the Man, but Tools and the Man,--an infinitely wider kind of Epic.

  4. From which I infer that the inner sphere of Fact, in this present England as elsewhere, differs infinitely from the outer sphere and spheres of Semblance.

  5. Hell generally signifies the Infinite Terror, the thing a man is infinitely afraid of, and shudders and shrinks from, struggling with his whole soul to escape from it.

  6. Still he infinitely preferred frolicking about on deck, or swinging by his tail to a horizontal spar, slung for his accommodation.

  7. I prefer Jack in his uniform, I own, and he looks infinitely better in it than he does in top-boots and a hunting-coat, when he is eclipsed by many of the young farmers who have not two ideas to string together.

  8. Commander Babbicome was the only one who had suffered damage, and he had received a bloody nose by a blow from his horse's head, but he was infinitely the most irate.

  9. This made his behaviour infinitely more discreditable.

  10. A dinner of herbs was infinitely better than none at all.

  11. Time is (5) Space is (5) Matter is infinitely infinitely infinitely divisible.

  12. In the same way, in the case of the equally unjust decision of the judge, the difference, whether he has erred or been bribed, is so infinitely great.

  13. Matter is infinitely divisible," is placed at the beginning of the proof of the first proposition of mechanics as established truth, having appeared and been proved as the fourth proposition in the Dynamics.

  14. Thus the distinction between the phenomenon and the thing in itself now received an infinitely greater significance, and a very much deeper meaning.

  15. But what the hen is now able to do in the external world, through the medium of this organ, is, as accomplished by means of something secondary, infinitely less important than what it did in its original form, for it made itself.

  16. Hence the brutes have infinitely less to suffer than we have, because they know no other pains but those which the present directly brings.

  17. So infinitely pathetic was this dumb show of farewell, for no word passed between them while he was present, that not only his barbed gibes, but the questions that he meant to ask, died upon the lips of Montalvo.

  18. Natural species, on the other hand, have been modified exclusively for their own good, to fit them for infinitely diversified conditions of life, to avoid enemies of all kinds, and to struggle against a host of competitors.

  19. The possibility of selection rests on variability, and this, as we shall see in the following chapters, mainly depends on changed conditions of life, but is governed by infinitely complex and unknown laws.

  20. Precisely the same view may be extended to the infinitely numerous and diversified units of which the whole body of one of the higher animals is composed; the separated particles being our gemmules.

  21. These almost infinitely numerous and minute gemmules are contained within each bud, ovule, spermatozoon, and pollen-grain.

  22. Your letter conveys a grave charge against my personal veracity, a matter of infinitely greater importance to me than the receipt or non-receipt of a medal.

  23. There is infinitely less steady valour in the soldiery of any nationality than the civilian who idealises it imagines.

  24. But God's being like man, though infinitely exalted above him, and unspeakably perfected in every faculty and power, puts to shame these dark vagaries about the inutility of delegated powers.

  25. But who would ever recognise their Father and Jesus in the person of a boundless, centreless being, of no body or parts, infinitely expanded.

  26. It may be instructive to contrast this with the case of an infinitely narrow annular aperture, where the brightness is proportional to J0^2(z).

  27. When K, K' are regarded as defined in terms of h by the differential equation, the ratio K'/K is an infinitely many valued function of h.

  28. The bands are thus of the same width as those due to two infinitely narrow apertures coincident with the central lines of the retarded and unretarded streams, the subject of examination being itself a fine luminous line.

  29. According to common optics, where images are absolute, the diffraction pattern is supposed to be infinitely small, and two radiant points, however near together, form separated images.

  30. This is tantamount to an assumption that [lambda] is infinitely small.

  31. If we suppose the diameter of the lens to be given (2R), and its focal length f gradually to increase, the original differences of phase at the image of an infinitely distant luminous point diminish without limit.

  32. The integrations may also be effected by means of polar co-ordinates, taking first the integration with respect to [phi] so as to obtain the result for an infinitely thin annular aperture.

  33. Persecution brightens and solidifies hope, and thus may become infinitely sweet and blessed.

  34. That gift, truly received by any man, will infallibly lead to a kindred (though infinitely inferior) self-surrender.

  35. What he promised was no more than what Christ requires from each of us, no more than what Christ was infinitely glad to have laid at His feet.

  36. The imagination was forced to rise into altitudes infinitely ancient and dizzy with distance, as if into the cold colours of primeval dawns, or into the upper strata and dead spaces of a daylight older than the sun and moon.

  37. But I felt it as much or even more in things infinitely more ancient and remote; in those monuments like mountains that still seem to look down upon all modern things.

  38. I entertained the Maids of Honor (among whom there was one I infinitely esteemed for her many and extraordinary virtues[31]) at a comedy this afternoon, and so went home.

  39. For never a woman walked to the altar but believed, in her heart of hearts, that she was giving infinitely more than she received.

  40. As though she were some formless spirit, remote, yet infinitely near, she looked at Clancy Deane.

  41. He was infinitely removed from any man she had ever dreamed of.

  42. He dwelt on the fact for a while, not that he had ever aimed at riches, but because his financial position was infinitely better than ever before.

  43. And now we have Dean Stanley, certainly a much smaller man than Maurice, and infinitely smaller than Coleridge, continuing the traditions of the school, of which let us hope he will be the last teacher.

  44. Truth is always simple and the same, but error is infinitely diverse.

  45. The beauty of the shores was infinitely varied, and unspoiled by any sign of the presence of man.

  46. Canada and the United States are infinitely the richer for the tough, strong, fearless, honest men that were dispersed from these lonely straths to make new homes across the sea.

  47. Cobbens might interpret an expression of approval on her part as a sign that she forgave him for humiliating her protégé and had outgrown her fancy, but to Leigh such an expression would mean infinitely more.

  48. But how different the actual case, how infinitely worse!

  49. The only thought that floated through his mind as he knelt there was one concerning the infinitely small in nature.

  50. She gained infinitely more than she lost by this more intimate view.

  51. The farms of the fertile tracts of California were infinitely greater, the methods by which they were worked more modern, but about these smaller homesteads hung an atmosphere of history and romance.

  52. Accustomed though he had been to lonely vigils, he was impressed by the juxtaposition of the minute and the infinitely vast, of the transient and the eternal.

  53. He seems mightily pleased with me, which I am glad of; but I do find infinitely my concernment in being careful to appear to the King and Duke to continue my care of his business, and to be found diligent as I used to be.

  54. And he took care to have the room-door shut, but there were about twenty gentlemen there: and myself infinitely pleased with the novelty.

  55. But the house is most excellently furnished, and brave rooms and good pictures, so that it do please me infinitely beyond Audley End.

  56. Pen are to be Controller jointly, which I am very glad of, and better than if they were either of them alone; and do hope truly that the King's business will be better done thereby, and infinitely better than now it is.

  57. And so to the play again; where the King and Queene by and by come, and all the Court; and the house infinitely full.

  58. I went from table to table to see the Bishops and all others at their dinner, and was infinitely pleased with it.

  59. I find Nell come again, which I am glad of; but was most infinitely displeased with her being put to act the Emperour's daughter, which is a great and serious part, which she does most basely.

  60. The play was a new play: and infinitely full; the King and all the Court almost there.

  61. It is a remarkable thing how infinitely naked all that end of the town, Covent-Garden, is at this day of people; while the City is almost as full again of people as ever it was.

  62. The incubation period of scarlet fever is much shorter than in rötheln, and all of the constitutional symptoms are, as a rule, infinitely graver.

  63. Davaine has shown that an infinitely small amount of a chemical poison, free from bacteria, can kill quickly.

  64. And this is worthy of note here, that their poetry in art was infinitely more beautiful than their written poetry.

  65. Illustration: 164] Let us draw now a comparison between the condition of a fool and that of a wise man, and see how infinitely the one outweighs the other.

  66. If the mothers among my readers are shocked at the want of decorum in my friend Judy, I would just say, that valuable as propriety of demeanour is, truth of conduct is infinitely more precious.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "infinitely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abroad; absolutely; broadly; cease; completely; constantly; continually; dead; downright; endlessly; essentially; eternally; extremely; forever; fundamentally; immeasurably; immensely; incessantly; indefinitely; infinitely; interminably; most; perennially; perfectly; permanently; perpetually; profusely; purely; radically; steadily; totally; unconditionally; utterly; vastly

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    infinitely better; infinitely divisible; infinitely more; infinitely obliged; infinitely small