There never was such barefaced exploitation as was used on behalf of this proposition.
The rest was barefaced fraud for the purpose of deceiving the millions of investors and speculators throughout the country who are dependent upon the daily press and "market letters" for information in regard to investments for their savings.
Of this affliction the Assyrians gathering far off upon the horizon are evidently to be the instruments.
Gone the hideous nightmare world when people had stood barefaced and lonely, without bodily friends or dependents.
It is difficult to hear these barefaced allegations, in utter disregard of the prodigious testimony afforded by his long career, without wonder at the extent to which prejudice and invention can be carried.
I hope Lord Neville has not been a Job's postman; for as far as I can see, Satan does just as barefaced cruelties now as he did thousands of years ago.
Servants, men and women, are getting beyond all belief; they do such barefaced things as never was.
She was constantly taken in by barefaced impostors, yet at times, and in an accidental way, hit on wonderfully accurate estimates of persons whom the general public credited with widely different qualities.
I have seldom seen sobarefaced an exhibition of selfishness.
Once in a mad-house, the sanest man is mad, however interested and barefaced the motive of the relative who has brought two of the most venal class upon the earth to sign away his wits behind his back.
For, unless you could prove informality, barefaced negligence, or mala fides, what does it come to?
Such were the barefaced impostures which this "par nobile fratrum" desired Christopher of Würtemberg to publish for their vindication among the Lutherans of Germany.
It must be admitted that the diplomacy of the sixteenth century was sufficiently barefaced in its impostures.
This open disregard of the sanctity of a pledged word, this barefaced indifference to the presence of him who stood to represent it, was positively indecent.
To get rid of the inward desire is the essential thing, and to mimic the real thing without it is barefaced hypocrisy and useless slavery.
That at least is a lie, a barefaced attempt to injure her!
How could he wilfully distort facts in this barefaced way?
In delineating and drawing to life the representation of my assailant, aggressor, and barefaced calumniator.
Thus ends one of the most barefaced swindles of the ages; and my friend William is responsible for the nefarious and systematic machinery of roguery and persecution injected into the play to satisfy Christian hate against the wandering Jew.
My mother, who was standing up behind, lifted up her eyes at my barefaced assertion.
This, if it takes place, will be one of the grossest and most barefaced jobs that ever were perpetrated; but I think it can never be.
Often have I observed Chinamen address myself and others just as mendacious nursery-maids address children, as if we were incapable of seeing through their barefaced lies and shallow deceit.
Yes, of public opinion, I grant you; but surely you cannot pretend, father, that such gross and barefaced flattery as that can be termed public opinion?
He calls that paragraph gross and barefaced flattery, and myself a staryrayotype!
I advanced that immense amount, and whose securities I had fancied unexceptionable, defrauded me in the mostbarefaced manner!
Leontius stood so much in awe of Flavian and Diodorus while they were only laymen, that in compliance with their demands he deposed Aëtius that most impious and barefaced blasphemer of all the Arians, from the rank of deacon.
Duplicity and hypocrisy are here very common indeed, more so than dissimulation anywhere else; butbarefaced knaves and impostors must always make indifferent courtiers.
But then the fashion of barefacedinfidelity was as much the order of the day as that of external sanctity is at present.
But all at once the scheme broke down, it suddenly occurring to him that this was rather a clumsy way, and too barefaced to begin with.
Clearly she did not think his barefaced praise of her person an insult now.
The barefaced robber sold them in Lund to a buying company from Salt Lake.
No, only it makes this difference: both things will then be barefaced robbery.