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Example sentences for "long period"

  • Draper's conclusion was that Europe, now in the fourth period, is hastening to a long period of decrepitude.

  • It is this state, which was reached only after a long period, not the original state of nature, that Rousseau considers to have been the happiest period of the human race.

  • He will now enter upon a long period of increasing harmony, which will be followed by an equal period of decline--like the way up and the way down of Heraclitus.

  • This was what did me harm with the old emperor, and it will weigh still more with the youthful Piso, who is naturally savage and has been exasperated by a long period of exile.

  • Now too Italy was smitten with new disasters, or disasters it had not witnessed for a long period of years.

  • The leading members of the senate were old and infirm, and enervated by a long period of peace: the aristocracy were inefficient and had forgotten how to fight: the knights knew nothing of military service.

  • The wind had freshened considerably about daylight, and throughout the day it blew nearly a gale from the south-east; it now looked so foul that I feared a long period of bad weather was about to commence.

  • On an inequality of long period in the Phil.

  • Fifty years is a long period in one man's history, and Sir George Airy may well be proud in looking back over this period to see how complete has been the success of his compass investigation.

  • In the first place we should be extremely cautious in inferring, because an area is now continuous, that it has been continuous during a long period.

  • Consider the seed which was sown by Christ; verily, it did not blossom until after a long period.

  • The senses have been developed by the mind during a long period of evolution and effort that surely would not have been given unless the object in view was worth it all.

  • Their directions to their students cover a great deal of ground, and extend over a long period of time, and many of the directions are quite complicated and full of detail.

  • The king was vanquished in battle, and led away prisoner; a numerous colony of captives and subjects was transplanted into Italy; and Rome, after a long period of defeat and disgrace, might claim the triumph of her Barbarian master.

  • A fierce controversy that broke out regarding the Chinese Rites[5] principally between the Dominicans and Jesuits, did much to retard the progress of the Catholic Church in the Celestial Empire for a long period.

  • More than once it was interrupted for a long period, and more than once, too, it was feared by many that it would result in promoting schism rather than unity.

  • These sufficiently show that the place continued through a long period to preserve its sacred character.

  • Between the creation of each class a long period elapses--a circumstance that may be regarded as an evidence of the originally independent character of each class.

  • The persistency of the old beliefs is a proof of the strong hold that they acquired, as also of the close bond uniting, at one time and for a long period, Hebrews and Babylonians.

  • They were the first in America to organize and sustain this demand over a long period of time.

  • There have been sporadic and isolated cases of hunger strikes in this country but to my knowledge ours was the first to be organized and sustained over a long period of time.

  • This reform movement, like all others when stretched over a long period of time, found itself confined in a narrow circle of routine propaganda.

  • Of number seven he finds it impossible to form any positive opinion, though he adds that the size of the old workings show that the old miners found the place worth their attention for a long period.

  • Then followed a long period of misgovernment, which culminated in the insurrection of 1830, to put down which the aid of British troops had to be called in.

  • In some cases where the shells have remained for a long period buried in a mud of some particular color, the shell receives the same color.

  • After a long period of contention Ma-tcĂ­-to and his followers withdrew to the mesa where Oraibi now stands, about 8 miles northwest from Shumopavi, and built houses a little to the southwest of the limits of the present town.

  • The whole village seems so irregular and crowded in its arrangement that it suggests a long period of occupancy and growth, much more than do the other villages of this (Jeditoh) group.

  • But by and by, after a long period of silence, he said: "Mr. Rogers is under the ground now.

  • Both of these have been mentioned in former chapters; one being the notion of a long period of dream-existence during a brief moment of sleep, and the other being the story of a mysterious visitant from another realm.

  • He concluded with some comments on the possibility of America following Rome's example, though he thought the vote of the people would always, or at least for a long period, prevent imperialism.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "long period" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dear ones; long absence; long ages; long breath; long day; long delay; long distances; long hair; long known; long lines; long nose; long pole; long rest; long shot; long stay; long stick; long stretch; long suit; long thoughts; long till; long tyme; long voyages; long year; longer knew; longer know; longer stay