One of the literary merits of the "Provincial Letters" is that they are really like letters; they are essentially a conversation by writing with other persons.
With Florian then the sense of home became singularly intense, his good fortune being that the special character of his home was in itself so essentially home-like.
Tobacco-pipe bowl, clay, white surface and grey core, essentially similar to no.
In any case, he was essentially a businessman whose establishment made ale as well as pottery for public consumption, and it is clear that by 1725 he was conducting a potter's business on a considerable scale.
In that sense Greek Moral Philosophy isessentially idealistic.
The Greeks never waver from the conviction that in the end moral conduct is essentially reasonable conduct.
And, in a letter to Mr. Pruen, "I have ever considered the variola and the vaccine radically and essentially the same.
He had lived free; his life was essentially spent, and in what must almost surely be his last illness we would not embitter the occasion by any restraint that was not absolutely unavoidable.
Not that the crowd at Narragansett is essentially other than the crowd at Newport--the two do not mix; but the difference is one of degree rather than kind.
Man is so essentially a gregarious animal that to come upon a lone house in a wilderness is more depressing than the forests.
On the wings of his imagination he visited the known earth and penetrated beyond the blue skies, he made the universe his home; and yet he was essentially and to the last an Englishman.
No man should surrender his individuality, should yield that within him which is peculiarly and essentially his own.
During a period of free and floating tradition, there is manifest room for the growth of essentially different modes of faith; but after the reception of a definite set of sacred books, the scope for change is much contracted.
Miracle, in its highest sense, is therefore essentially and undoubtedly an operation of the Divine mind upon the human mind.
With the essentially inward character of this crisis, the substance of the revelation involved in it strikingly corresponds.
Bunsen would recognize his own doctrine in this exposition we cannot say; but without intending in the least to make him responsible for it, we think it does not essentially deviate from his scheme of thought.
The British colonization in the New World differed essentially from any before attempted by the nations of modern Europe, and has led to results of immeasurable importance to mankind.
The advantages and difficulties of each were much alike, but the systems by which they improved those advantages and met those difficulties were essentially different.
But conversation which essentially entertains is not essentially nonsense.
An issue which is essentially general and impersonal is lost in the accidental conflicts of personalities, because the quality which plays the most important part is presence of mind, not correct reasoning.
There is something deliciously quiet and deliberate about humor, that is in perfect harmony with the English character; and we have been right in adopting the English name for the thing, seeing that the thing is essentially English.
That kind of wit, peculiar to the Irish, and commonly called Hibernianism, is an apparent congruity in things essentially incongruous.
The Parliamentary procedure of 1844 was essentially the procedure on which the House of Commons conducted its business during the Long Parliament.
The whole system of local government in Great Britain and Ireland is essentially democratic.
How is it that a bone in its stonelike hardness is essentially the same as the infinitely tender tissues of the eye?
How is it that a bone in its stonelike hardness is essentially the same as the exquisitely sensitive eye?
Normal blood albumen is essentially a compound of calcium and sodium into which iron and sulphur both enter.
His works need not be dwelt upon because his ideas do not differ essentially from those of M.
Sorel has an essentially mobile mind quick to catch an idea and to give it a somewhat new and original turn.
But theorizing does notessentially change the character of all syndicalist activities.
This form of cross does not essentially differ from the Maltese cross.
It is essentially the same symbol as the crux ansata, and is emblematic of the male triad and the female unit.
In this instance the Maltese cross is united with the symbol of the virgin, being essentially the same as Fig.
As all men are essentially human, so we may believe that their inventions will be characterised by the virtues and the failings of humanity.
But at least she was in blue, and a very neat and trim blue it was and essentially boyish with its soft collar rolling back sailor-wise from her slender throat.
And her sense of humor even in her remotest, happiest youth must have been of course essentially caustic!
On the essentially anti-religious rationalism of the whole Ionian movement, cp.
Nonetheless, heessentially stood for religious toleration: the new principle that was to change the face of intellectual life.
His most comprehensive biographer decides that he was "essentially orthodox," despite his uncanonical marriage with his second wife and his general reputation for sexual laxity.
That he was essentially a pantheist is now recognized by a number of writers.
He was essentially ondoyant et divers, as he freely admitted.
He was in fact, with all his dogmatic orthodoxy, too essentially in advance of his age to be otherwise than suspect to the typical ecclesiastics of any time.
I would suggest, therefore, that whenever a finite is contemplated in reference to the infinite, whether consciously or unconsciously, humour essentially arises.
You must bear in mind, in order to do justice to Rabelais and Sterne, that by right of humoristic universality each part is essentially a whole in itself.
In this shallow soil bananas not only grow luxuriously but have a remarkably delicate and delicious flavor, essentially their own.
The question turned essentially on the conduct of France towards our Dutch Allies.
For they were essentially men of the Eighteenth Century; and herein lay the chief cause of their failure against Revolutionary France.
An essentially philosophic movement at the outset, the French Revolution was now guided by demagogues and adventurers, whose only hope of keeping erect lay in constant and convulsive efforts forwards.
Thanks to the exertions of Dundas and the Wellesleys, the crisis was averted; but the policy which assured British supremacy in the East was essentially that of Pitt.
Do not the lips and tongue contributeessentially to speech?
They have no affectations of gentility; and by a natural consequence they are essentially free from all vulgarity.
The result of such an essentially debased state of feeling as this was not slow in declaring itself.
The Consul would certainly not grant those essentially necessary documents at two in the morning!
My housekeeper belonged to a respectable family, and wasessentially a person accustomed to respect herself.
It is essentially a disease of the early years of life, and the period between two and twelve years covers the vast majority of cases.
The old comedy, however, was essentially the product of its own age; it did not invite, or even permit, imitation.
The term is also applied to an electric or magnetic effect produced without direct contact and equal to the cause, being essentially its reproduction.
The Turks are essentially a warlike race, and commerce and art have not flourished with them.
There is something essentiallyhumorous about a man walking rapidly away from his home town to tell all men they should go back to their birthplaces.
One feels also the essentially patriarchal character of the harvest.
But in the case of Trendall we are bound to confess that the condition of his mind was essentially wavering.
He is essentially a man of the working class, and has, I believe, some Scottish blood in his veins, but he is a Londoner by birth, and passed all his early life in a London district.
Balfour is an aristocrat of aristocrats; Chamberlain is essentially a man of the British middle class--even what is generally called the lower middle class.