Only among uncivilized tribes and in Asia do we find any great number of fundamentally different religious conceptions.
What a few of the more important of these new nineteenth-century forces have been, which have so fundamentally modified the character and direction of education, it may be worth while to set forth briefly, before proceeding further.
As a result, many of the fundamentally sound reforms for which he stood had to be worked out anew in the nineteenth century.
That the emphasis placed on the memory in education is fundamentally wrong, dwarfing the judgment and reason of the child.
It may rather be said that the biological laws of courtship fundamentally demand self-sacrifice of the male rather than of the female.
The two questions, however intimately they may be mingled, are fundamentally distinct.
The thinker who more clearly and fundamentally than others, and first of all, realized the dynamical relationships of prostitution, as dependent upon a change in the other social relationships of life, was James Hinton.
He had always been friendly, and though she fundamentally disapproved of his "ways," she was woman enough to be thrilled by his lurid reputation.
So Ellen had to remain--very much against the grain, for she was fundamentally respectable--a breaker of the law.
Yet the very next step in his life that he chronicles marks his outlook as fundamentally different.
And when Josephus comes to the part of Herod's life which even an historian laureate could not misrepresent to his credit, his family relations, he adopts a fundamentally pagan outlook.
For one the religious life of India isfundamentally monotheistic and Vishnuite: for another philosophic Sivaism is its crown and quintessence: a third maintains with equal truth that all forms of Hinduism are tantric.
But mathematics is, after all, notfundamentally different from the other sciences.
This inadequacy lies fundamentally in Aristotle's conception of observation which, as I have already noted, implies the recognition of an individual, that is, an object which is an embodied form or idea.
The present tense of formal logic governs fundamentally throughout the whole account.
These types, if they are genuine, are surely important; they may well prove to be, in many ways, fundamentally important.
For in so far as the situation is really personal, either member is fundamentally equal to the other and may be treated as embodying all the value of the situation.
The question that is at issue is fundamentally the question of the nature of consciousness, which is quite as important to philosophy as to psychology.
And fundamentally men are subject to the same fatality exactly; they cannot listen to reason unless they are reasonable; and it is unreasonable to expect that, being animals, they should be reasonable exclusively.
Marriage was still frankly and fundamentally (as it was in the following century and less frankly later) a commercial transaction.
And Guizot: "Popular education, to be truly good and socially useful, must be fundamentally religious.
The old classic Greek style is preserved, and, fundamentallyat least, the melody must be Grecian, although perhaps somewhat changed to suit our modern gamut.
While the four stages in development of belief are fundamentally distinct, they nevertheless overlap in such manner as apparently, and in a measure really, to coexist and blend.
No set rules can bring charm of voice and speech to a person whose feeling and habitual point of view are fundamentally wrong; the person whose habitual feeling and mental attitude are fundamentally right needs few or no rules.
The date line is fundamentally simple, but is difficult to explain.
It is a fine example of great ingenuity and constant trouble to operate a system which is fundamentally wrong according to our method of uniform hours at all seasons.
Exploration, though fundamentally a form of playful activity, has great practical value in making the child acquainted with the world.
Worry is fundamentally due to the necessity of doing something with any matter that occupies our mind; it is an imaginative substitute for real action.
Though often useful enough, they are not so fundamentally necessary as the reflexes.
Most persons who complain of poor memory would be {362} convinced by such an experiment that their memory wasfundamentally sound.
But really any science, however much it is applied, must remain fundamentally a pure science; that is, it must seek most of all to know and understand.
Woman is not looked upon as fundamentally "unclean," nor is she denied any right or any privilege which man enjoys.
But Plato's own theory of the function of art differed fundamentally {59} from that of Schopenhauer, and it is interesting to compare the two views.
That this pessimistic bias was fundamentally one of temperament, there can be no doubt.
No one claims that a Government should from time to time, according to its conceptions of justice, attempt fundamentally to recast the bases on which property is erected.
It is on the nature of that class-struggle in Britain that the security of life and property is fundamentally reposed.
The case of the Transvaal differs fundamentally from the case of the Orange River Colony.
But it was not before 1877 that a fundamentally new discovery in areography gave a truly sensational turn to speculation about life on ``the red planet.
The lunar craters differ from those of the earth more fundamentally than in the matter of mere size; they are not situated on the tops of mountains.
Fundamentally our actions are in an incomparable manner altogether personal, unique and absolutely individual--there is no doubt about it; but as soon as we translate them into consciousness, they do not appear so any longer .
It presupposes fundamentally different conceptions of religion, animism on the one side and anthropomorphic gods on the other.
Fundamentally the Osiris is a ka, but it is a ka which represents not only the outward shape, but the inner essence as well.