They also translate and publish standard works of modern literature.
The Brahmin consented to live, on condition that Feizi should take an oath never to translate the Vedas nor to repeat to any one the creed of the Hindus.
It is difficult to translate them into a foreign tongue.
The main feature in their system is the prominence which they give to a study which I can only translate by the word "hypothetics.
Accordingly, there exists a class of men trained in soul-craft, whom they call straighteners, as nearly as I can translate a word which literally means "one who bends back the crooked.
Translate passages (given) from the works of English dramatists into the above-mentioned languages.
Somehow, my daily glimpse of Uncle Dick's garden soon came to symbolize for me a meaning easier to translate into life and soul than into words.
I remember that you said to me that he meant nothing to me because I had no human love in my heart to translatethe divine.
He walked down the side street, and looked mechanically at the sign again; but he could not translate it any more than he could the Doctor's last sentence, whose words he carried carefully in his memory.
But I always translateto you as much as I can, doctor.
Let us then translate it perturbation, which is by its very name pointed out to be something vicious.
Many an author, if compelled to translate his pompous and obscure book into its little clear content, would be as utterly spoilt as this man if he had to go naked.
But, ere we turn to the school of Fabriano, we may here translate from the original quaint Italian a letter from Ottaviano, illustrative of the early patronage of art by the Montefeltrian family.
The success of this depends so much upon secrecy that I wish you would translate this yourself, and give it to Barrere.
The delimitation of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh is not easy to follow, particularly in the Authorized Version, which not only does not translate very accurately, but uses some English expressions of uncertain meaning.
Ask that you may know the mysteries of God, and that you may translate and receive knowledge from all those ancient records which have been hid up, that are sacred, and according to your faith shall it be unto you.
He said that the prophet possessed a "Seer Stone," by which he was enabled to translate as well as from the Urim and Thummim, and for convenience he then [i.
He could not translate unless he was humble and possessed the right feelings towards everyone.
So I generally make him first translate it, and then write it down for me.
Well, that's not the worst of it, he uses that ugly German word for it, that vulgarians translate 'spitting.
It was with an eye to the advantage of writing in Latin that Bacon, as he himself expressly states, proceeded to translate his Essays into that language, under the title Sermones fideles; at which work Hobbes assisted him.
To this class of writers belong those translators who not only translate their author but also correct and revise him; a proceeding which always seems to me impertinent.
The answers we deemed advisable to give, were, as well as the interpreter could understand them and translate them into Japanese, noted down with the greatest exactness.
He then spoke to a man who was sitting by his side, and who held the post of interpreter, and commanded him to translate to us what he was about to say.
On this last point I will translate a remarkable sentence from the Greek rhetorician Aristides, [Note.
With the British South Africa Company it was a far different and infinitely more difficult performance, to translate the license to operate into action.
I will not give the native words but will translate into English the questions and answers as they were hurled back and forth.
Those who seek after it are called philosophers; and philosophy is nothing else, if one will translate the word into our idiom, than "the love of wisdom.
French: any selection from the first fifty lessons in Ollendorf, and to read, parse, and translate a passage.
To read, parse, and translate an easy passage from some Latin or French author (the use of a dictionary is allowed).
It is too immediate an attempt to translatelife into literature.
Footnote 1: The editor has sometimes found it very difficult totranslate the letters of this correspondent, out of bad spelling into English.
This I dictated to my amanuensis, pretending to translate it out of the paper I held in my hand, and which I took care to place before him, so that he should see it was really written in a foreign language.
No, sir, I do not want you to translate Goethe or anything belonging to him; nor do I want you to translate anything from the German; what I want you to do, is to translate into German.
I compiled the Chronicles of Newgate; I reviewed books for the Review established on an entirely new principle; and I occasionally tried my best to translate into German portions of the publisher's philosophy.
If you can read the Scriptures in Armenian, you can translate Z---.
I am willing to encourage merit, sir, and, as my good friend in his last letter has spoken very highly of your German acquirements, I have determined that you shall translate my book of philosophy into German.
It was not everyone of the booksellers' writers of London who was competent to translate the Haik Esop.
We may translate it "MNEME, a Principle of Conservation in the Transformations of Organic Existence.
I therefore began to translate his lecture at once, with the kind assistance of friends whose patience seemed inexhaustible, and found myself well rewarded for my trouble.
Yet, if we translate it throughout by "disposition," we shall see how little we are being told.