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Example sentences for "quit"

Lexicographically close words:
quisiera; quiso; quisquam; quisque; quisquis; quitar; quitch; quitclaim; quite; quitrent
  1. But the coachman would not quit his hold.

  2. But I tell you, for all that, you shall not quit the shelter of my roof.

  3. Quit the country as soon as thou canst; and God's best blessings surround thy path and guard thee evermore.

  4. Go back to your room and reflect on that knowledge, and if it end in persuading you to quit this place at once, and never return to it, it will be a wise resolve.

  5. I shall leave this, therefore, as soon as I can conclude my arrangements to sell this place: you must quit it at once.

  6. It was now time for me to quit the happy valley, and I bade adieu to my kind friends near Hatszeg.

  7. Accordingly I paid my guide, and was not sorry to have done with him, he had so disgusted me about the fire, and I was especially glad to get quit of his wretched horse, which had greatly retarded our progress.

  8. This led to quarrels with the Metran, and he had forthwith to quit the State.

  9. With other beauties charm my partial eyes, Full in my view set all the bright abode, And make my soul quit Abelard for God.

  10. Our brethren so frantic Across the Atlantic, Who quit their old friends in a huff, In spite of their airs, Are at their last prayers, And of fighting have had quantum suff.

  11. We had not been long broken when General Butler found Himself so badly wounded, was forced to quit the ground; "My God!

  12. At my approach her trembling swains Shall quit well-cultivated plains, To seek the inhospitable wood; Or try, like swine of old, the flood.

  13. O then," brave Wolfe replied, "I quit the world with pleasure.

  14. Glorious danger now combines us, None but cowards quit the field.

  15. Thus from every bay of ocean, Flying back with sails unfurl'd, Tossed with ever-troubled motion, They shall quit this smiling world.

  16. Should they thence to fair Virginia, Bend a squadron to Dunmore, Still with fear and ignominy, They shall quit the hostile shore.

  17. One choice alone is left us, who hear that high behest-- To quit our claims to valor, or put them to the test!

  18. The inhabitants, their tenanciers, who pay only annual quit rent of about a dollar for one hundred acres, are at their ease and comfortable.

  19. All aliens will be required to take the oath of allegiance or immediately quit the Province.

  20. Already Mrs. Walker had been told that her husband must quit the country.

  21. I resolved not to go back to my lodging, but to quit Florence the moment I had secured my horse.

  22. Here was the means of freeing myself from debt at once, and of obtaining funds to quit Florence, nay Europe.

  23. To this he agreed with alacrity, and I was subsequently sorry for my pains, for the old bore did not quit me until we had all but reached the Nera, and saw the campanile of St. Juvenalis rising above Narni.

  24. Then I am wrong," I said; "yes, I fancy it would be well for him to quit Rome.

  25. I should say it would be well for him to quit Rome.

  26. I made up my mind to recover the gold tari I had pledged, and after that to buy a horse and quit Florence at once.

  27. Elizabeth upon the island often drove some of the Irish chieftains to quit their country for a time; a thing scarcely ever known before, where the Pale was so contracted and the power of the English kings so limited.

  28. The dearness of corn last year was such that thousands of families had to quit their dwellings, to seek means of life elsewhere; many hundred perished.

  29. Underwood's intense hatred of slavery caused him to quit Kentucky, in 1850, after having lived for six years in this State, and to return to Massachusetts, where he was admitted to the bar of Northampton.

  30. Realizing that Kentucky would oppose the emancipation of the slaves, in which he heartily believed, Breckinridge decided to quit the law and politics for the church.

  31. The fatal law of the studious temperament is, that in exercise itself it must find some intellectual charm, so that we quit our books in the library only to go and read the infinite book of nature.

  32. So much is expected of the rich man, both in business and in pleasure, that his time is not his own, and he could not quit his station if he would.

  33. So I told Frank I'd have to quit or tell them the straight truth about themselves.

  34. I suppose some day I must quit this and take to honest theft.

  35. He flung the door wide open, went out like a rocket, and bowled a man half over in his blind haste to be quit the place.

  36. Now," said the Count, "you must not quit the Hôtel de France even for a moment without my permission!

  37. At length, towards the close of the week, he was able to quit his bed and sit in a large chair by the window of his room.

  38. Espérance disdained to play the spy upon Massetti, but, nevertheless, he determined not to quit the immediate vicinity of the cabin and to be as watchful as circumstances would permit.

  39. The letter told the whole story, and the proof of its truth was furnished, for was she not at the appointed rendezvous, and was it not probable that the men and the nuns had seen Giovanni quit her and scale the garden wall?

  40. Finally we could stand it no longer; we were absolutely starving while Solara was heaping up riches, so we determined to quit the band.

  41. We are now about to quit this place forever!

  42. His Excellency the Count of Monte-Cristo, here present, has entered into a compact with the Procureur, pledging himself in the event of the prisoners' discharge to induce them to quit France immediately.

  43. All Catholic priests and missionaries were warned to quit the kingdom immediately, and all parents and guardians to recall their children from Catholic schools, and young men from Catholic colleges on the Continent.

  44. The rector of the parish, struck by many of the words which fell from her in her trances, regarded her as a religiously inspired person, and recommended her to quit the village, and enter the convent of St. Sepulchre at Canterbury.

  45. As to the religious grievances, no concession was made, and scarcely had the deputies reached home, when a proclamation appeared ordering all the Catholic clergy to quit Ireland on pain of death.

  46. No sooner did this imbecile quit the coast than fifty richly laden vessels entered the port of Lisbon.

  47. Many Catholics made haste to quit their native country, and the rest prepared to sacrifice both property and personal liberty.

  48. Hastings concluded his speech by hotly declaring that if the king was brought to London by an army, he would quit the council and the kingdom.

  49. His letters were intercepted and, in his indignation, he gave out that he would quit the kingdom.

  50. Henry only replied by upbraiding her with living in shameful adultery, and insisting that Albany should quit Scotland, or that he would make war upon it.

  51. It is related of him that while busily engaged with his works for the king, he was so much annoyed and interrupted by a nobleman of the court, that he ordered him to quit his studio, and on his refusing, pushed him downstairs.

  52. Bid the professor quit His fraudulent pedantries, and do i' the world The thing he would teach others.

  53. He must at once come home with me, and quit A course of life that cannot be allowed.

  54. I had thought to quit life with my tale untold: but you have not appealed to me in vain!

  55. Perhaps you long to visit the world--to quit these obscure haunts which you are fatigued in admiring?

  56. My comrades intend to quit the country before to-morrow; nay, half are already gone; by daybreak I myself will be some miles hence, and separated from each of them.

  57. But as I am now about to quit you, and as you confess you feel for me a sister's affection, will you give me leave to speak to you as a brother might?

  58. He had arranged that he would, towards midnight or later, quit his lodging; and about a mile from the town, Houseman had engaged to have a chaise in readiness.

  59. But it yet wants several days to my marriage; quit the neighbourhood now, and a month hence let us meet again.

  60. You wish that I should quit these scenes, where, to my judgment, a certain advantage waits me, solely that I may lighten your breast of its selfish fears.

  61. Having delivered me up to sign this, Jeremy Stickles was quit of me, and went upon other business, not but what he was kind and good to me, when his time and pursuits allowed of it.

  62. And in that fearful moment, with my soul almost looking out of my body, expecting notice to quit it, what do you think I did?

  63. Yet I was not quit of danger now; for they might come through that second gap, and then would be sure to see me, unless I crept into the uncut thicket, before they could enter the clearing.

  64. But they are in the depths of mine, and I cannot be quit of them.

  65. For otherwise I must have had no dinner, being unpersuaded, even by that, to quit my survey of the valley.

  66. As day broke they felt the cold more keenly; for it is as if Night, when she arises to quit the earth, gathered all her strength about her to leave the traces of her presence as deep as possible.

  67. My compliments to your king," said Media to the chamberlains, "and say the royal notice to quit was duly received.

  68. One only restriction was placed upon them: on no account must they quit the isle assigned them.

  69. Will you quit driving your sleet upon us?

  70. The horses quit the earth, the guns fly into the air, and the ample folds of the burnous float and unroll themselves in the wind, thrown back by the vigourous arms of the children of the desert.

  71. Some never quit the neighbourhood of their lair, and are called dolly, that is, keeping to the house.

  72. The horsemen who accompany the expedition have nothing to do, so long as their foe does not quit the broken ground.

  73. Every day, about three or four in the afternoon, the lion and lioness quit their lair to make a distant reconnaissance, with the object, no doubt, of procuring food for their litter.

  74. Quit your racket and let me get on my clothes!

  75. If I were in your place, I'd start to catching butterflies, and quit fooling.

  76. But 'tis no matter--we are well quit of her, meseemeth.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandon; abdicate; abjure; abort; abscond; acquit; act; atone; bear; behave; belay; blow; cancel; carry; cease; chuck; clear; compensate; comport; conduct; decamp; defect; demean; depart; deport; desert; desist; despair; disappear; discard; discharge; discontinue; disuse; drop; emigrate; end; evacuate; exit; flee; forsake; free; give; halt; hold; indemnify; jettison; jilt; knock; leave; liquidate; maroon; pack; pay; preclude; pull; quit; recompense; recoup; redress; refrain; refund; reimburse; relinquish; remove; renounce; repay; requite; resign; retire; retreat; reward; satisfy; scrub; secede; settle; ship; square; stall; stand; stay; step; stop; surcease; surrender; terminate; throw; vacate; vanish; waive; withdraw

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    quit rent; quit their; quite alone; quite another; quite ashamed; quite certain; quite close; quite cold; quite correct; quite distinct; quite easily; quite gone; quite independent; quite independently; quite like; quite modern; quite naked; quite natural; quite otherwise; quite ready; quite right; quite smooth; quite still; quite the; quite unconscious; quite variable