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Example sentences for "prop"

Lexicographically close words:
proofreader; proofs; prooue; prooued; proove; propaedeutic; propaganda; propagandism; propagandist; propagandistic
  1. Operatives were set at work, to prop the streets, roads, palaces, and churches.

  2. When the motor caught, after I was sure it never would, the thunder of the prop brought giants running toward me from the far end of the field, their twenty-foot strides eating up the distance.

  3. The plane roared down the field, and they fell flat as the prop came at them.

  4. We went out and collected more stones with which to prop up the second screen of rock, which was not so thick as the first, and used Corkran's spade to hold it up at last.

  5. Prop up tent with our backs, leaning against the blast.

  6. They determined, in the first place, that there should be but one great social beam; and, in order that it should stand perfectly steady, they made it the duty of every citizen to prop its base.

  7. My spirits had long been gradually sinking; now that the prop of employment was withdrawn, they went down fast.

  8. The last inconvenience would soon have become intolerable, had I not found means to open and prop up the skylight, thus admitting some freshness.

  9. I am very old and very weak, and she is a dear child, the staff and prop of such a poor old creature as I am.

  10. She was the prop and stay of her parents' declining years, and they scarcely knew how sufficiently to testify the gratitude of their hearts, for the comfort and blessing which she was the means of affording them.

  11. And the coachman would grab at the nearest limb, extricate it and its belongings from the tangle, and prop the total mass against the first gate he passed.

  12. The average amateur young person is the main prop of music in this country.

  13. Alfred was strong in the belief that he could greatly aid Node with the clothes prop as before.

  14. Alfred had the clothes prop hidden in the barn below.

  15. He threatened to abandon the flight if he caught sight of a clothes prop in Alfred's hands.

  16. He never took his eyes off the boy until the prop was leaned against the fence in the yard of the owner.

  17. The door was fastened with a round iron prop that fitted into a socket in the floor, and was fastened to the door by a padlock.

  18. This prop we wrenched from its fastenings by reaching out through the diamond in the door, and then with it broke the lock, and the iron door swung back, giving us free egress to the room.

  19. South Korean chaebols, Japanese keiretsu, as well as American conglomerates frequently used these cheap funds to prop up their stock or to invest in real estate, driving prices up in both markets artificially.

  20. In one interview he says that IMF funds were used to prop up the ruble - in others, that they went into "the national pot" (i.

  21. They were supposed to prop up the banking system (especially SBS-Agro) and the ailing and sharply devalued ruble.

  22. They would have no more of that deceptive paradise, the promise of which had so long served to prop up social iniquity; they demanded that the question of happiness should be decided upon this earth.

  23. It was bad enough to discover that the religion on which he had been raised was a mere prop to the power of the chieftainship, that the mysterious Female Society was completely unable to see into a person's future.

  24. Then you pray, pray fervently, and the air gets stiller and stiller, and you dare not take your unwilling eyes off the timber shoring, lest a prop should fall, for lack of your moral support.

  25. You would never understand how and why we prop our roofs with those piles of sleepers.

  26. You say that Christianity is the prop of morals; but what more do you do?

  27. Perhaps that he is a son of the British Empire on which the sun never sets; perhaps that he is a prop of his Trades Union, or a class-conscious proletarian something or other; perhaps merely that he is a gentleman when he obviously is not.

  28. Many flaky slabs of stone were lying about, and it did not take long to prop the largest of these against a rock, so as to make a lean-to, and then to put two side-pieces to complete it.

  29. She was a devout Roman Catholic, and it is a creed which forms an excellent prop in hours of danger.

  30. What he did set out to do was to show how the feckless, unappreciated lout may realize that he has a soul, and how easily he stands alone without love of women or any other sentimental prop when he has found it.

  31. I rarely have less than fifty: they lie about on the floor or prop themselves up against the walls.

  32. Let us push aside the chest of drawers very quietly, softly raise the broken sash, prop it open with the Latin dictionary, lean our elbows on the sill, listen to the voices of the weary city, voices calling to us from the darkness.

  33. Our prop and stay from a convivial point of view was Jarman.

  34. He was not afraid of robbers; so on he went, with his Mother's great clothes-prop over his shoulder.

  35. He left the road, and plunged into the thick of the wood, where he amused himself by leaping with his clothes-prop till he found he had lost himself.

  36. Sure; I give him a dead one now an' then, just be way of puttin' in a prop for meself.

  37. Also, the sale had its moral side, since everyone knows that children are meant to be a prop and support to their parents.

  38. A great iron screw to prop their beam; a great iron purpose to prop their souls.

  39. The lower end of the prop rested against a fragment of rock that nature had placed at this particular spot.

  40. The annual $4 billion Soviet subsidy, a main prop to Cuba's threadbare economy, is likely to show a substantial decline over the next few years in view of the USSR's mounting economic problems.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prop" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    proper amount; proper condition; proper consistency; proper mode; proper motion; proper name; proper noun; proper object; proper order; proper person; proper place; proper position; proper quantity; proper size; proper time; properly made; properly speaking; properly understood; properly used; property right; property rights; proportional basis; propose amendments; proposed marriage; proprietary medicines; proprietatibus rerum