T is the old spirit of England that has conquered, as it ever will, when fighting for its rights against those who would rob it of them.
A bare trifle, but I'll not further rob ye, lad, till I get to the end of my purse.
Tew rob a genuine Son o' Liberty," he whined, "ez hez allus stood by the cause!
Servants out of government are like soldiers without an officer, fit for nothing but torob and plunder; without order, and without orders, they neither know what to do, or are directed how to do it.
Pleasures rob the tradesman, and how, then, can he call them innocent diversions?
Transfer her interest to her room as a whole, with your chair as a part of it, and you immediately robmost of these details of their earlier importance in her mind.
Bedroom suites are so much alike in general appearance, and usually displayed in ways which so thoroughly rob them of individuality that it is dangerously easy to show too many.
With windows on two or three sides of the room, such papers on the remaining wall spaces rob the room of balance, 3.
It was broken-in and tamed; its exuberance was checked, its follies were chastised.
Not that its strength was impaired, or its vitality diminished.
According to the other method, he begins by examining his ideas.
The superstition of Europe, instead of being diminished, was only turned into a fresh channel.
Our view of this vast process may be made clearer by comparing it with the opposite condition of Greece.
The adoration of the dead, and particularly the adoration of martyrs, was one great point of opposition between the orthodox church and the Manichaeans (Beausobre, Histoire Critique de Manichee, vol.
Carolan, 'the last of the ancient Irish bards,' died in 1738.
As to the worship of Siva in the time of Alexander the Great, see Thirlwall's History of Greece, vol.
The two writers who have inquired most carefully into the method which political economists ought to follow, are Mr. John Mill (Essays on Unsettled Questions of Political Economy, 1844, pp.
This monstrous creation of an awe-struck fancy has a wife Doorga, called sometimes Kali, and sometimes by other names.
Billy quivered, yet his adroit senses caught at a straw in the words, "as rob me!
Terrible as was her grief, her heart had its comfort in the thought--who could rob her of that for ever?
There was a way to give her what was his very own, which wouldrob no one and serve her well indeed.
You can't see that you'd insult your sister as well as--as rob me.
But do you seriously suggest that only infidels rob churches?
He felt that his client was a ruffian of the deepest die: that his sole object was to rob his sister, and that he had no case which it would be possible even to bring before a jury.
But av' she lives he shall niver rob a penny from her.
Of is u 't lijf verdraeyt van op de jacht te rijden, Of door een harden val gebracht in bitter lijden?
Soo haest als dit besluyt is by de wet (rechtbank) genomen, Soo siet men op de zael terstond een priester komen, Die heeft het jonge paer versegelt in de trou.
Laws cannot deprive us of it: Pope's bulls cannot rob us of it.
They rob us of the bread of life, and do not give us in its stead so much as a stone.
Love is without Pleasure; And that women's bounties rob men of their treasure!
That, both daughter to a Peer, And most rich and lovely were; When a brainless Gull should dare In her favours with him share; Or the action of a Player Rob him of a hope so fair.
Neither shall a snowy breast, Wanton eye, or lip of ruby Ever robme of my rest!
Once having learnt that a footman was to join his master at Windsor with a portmanteau full of notes and money, he rode out to rob him, but was recognized by an old victim.
Supposing that these evil-doers were concealed in the lower rooms when we entered, they could rob and murder us with little fear of discovery.
These are comfortable convictions; they rob life of many small miseries.