We must get some lady to come here to chaperon you, and you will go out to balls and assemblies, and during the London season turn night into day.
Valentine Paget had her way, and when she made her debut in the world of fashion she was accompanied by no other chaperon than her handsome father.
Should you think that the presence of a chaperon implied that there would be young men in the party?
What was the use of a lady chaperonif she could not fill up the gaps with harmless inanities?
Perhaps there may be some couples, but they will be young and festive, and the chaperon will be a dear old thing with side-ringlets, who will let us do as we like, and take our part with the old man.
And this launched her into a humorously exaggerated account of what was involved in being secretary, chauffeur and chaperon to a successful opera star.
The sum of all the activities that Mary proposed for herself added up to a really exacting job; housekeeper, personal maid, chauffeur, chaperon and secretary.
Miss Wollaston saw them go with unconcealed dismay, but it was hard to see how even a conscientious chaperon could have prevented it so long as the child's elder brother would do nothing to back her up.
Mind you look up your duties as chaperon and eldest of the party.
But the young men did not appear to be repelled, and were both of them on most friendly terms with the visitor, while they regulated their conduct to Jeanie with a propriety and skill which any chaperonmight have envied.
Now, Joan's wisdom in the choice of a chaperon justified itself even more pointedly than when it had been a question of a pilot among shoals of tradespeople.
The yacht was to be delivered to him at Corsica, so that when the charming Miss Mordaunt and her chaperon steamed out of Nice Harbour, none of those who bade them farewell needed to know that Titania was to be disposed of.
Besides, she was fond of the Titania, and before she quite knew what she was doing, she had promised to chaperon Grierson Mordaunt's niece.
He is asked, and Mrs. Thorne is a patroness; she willchaperon me after I get there.
We both of us had set our hearts on seeing this german and would not give up, so you see there is an extra chaperon at your service.
I will wear my old black silk and look the chaperon all over--as good a one, I will wager, as any there.
I imagine she may get in touch with Mrs. Brock," replied the chaperon somewhat irritably; for she felt she had not made the best of impressions upon the Dean.
Secretly they wished that the ringleader might be sent to room elsewhere, but gossip whispered that the chaperon was especially interested in Clarice by reason of a long-standing friendship with one of the girl's relatives.
I don't know any more," interrupted the chaperon quickly.
The chaperon hurried out, and, quite shamelessly, the girls kept quiet enough to hear what was said in the hall.
She'll be living with lots of other students under the direct supervision of the house chaperon and the Dean; and Betsy is right near the college.
Now I'm in for it," thought Patricia, stooping to pick up the heavy volume; but the chaperon seemed oblivious to the change of girls at the Black Book.
It was advisable for her to have that lady's goodwill; for the appointments as chaperonin the various dormitories were made yearly, and Mrs. Vincent had reasons of her own for wishing to remain at Arnold Hall at least two years longer.
Nervously the chaperon of Arnold Hall told the events of her evening, passing rapidly over the fact that she had left Patricia practically alone in the house, and dwelling at some length on her own indisposition.
She is incompetent, and awfully silly at times; but, after all, she is our chaperon and we owe loyalty to her.
Mrs. Vincent," said Katharine one night when the chaperon came to her room to borrow a hat, "what did the Dean find out about the fire?
Not long ago, a noisy party on the top floor, one night when the chaperon was at a concert, had brought a shower of complaints from private houses surrounding Arnold Hall.
Baffled, rather annoyed, and wholly puzzled, the chaperon dismissed her.
This is, of course, an extraordinary case, but in a gross way it illustrates the lack of consideration often incident to the relation between chaperon and chaperoned.
It is, at such a juncture, the part of the chaperon to keep the conversational ball rolling,—in short, to act as if she were hostess.
A case in point occurs to the writer where a young man and his wife were asked to chaperon a party of young people to a popular rendezvous twelve or fourteen miles from the city in which they lived.
It is his place to escort the chaperon to the restaurant and to seat her at his right.
The duty of the chaperoned, is, in return, to make the position of chaperon as agreeable as possible, to defer to her in every way.
If a young woman attend a ball in company with her mother or some other matron, she should return each time, after a dance, to the seat occupied by her chaperon and should direct her several partners to find her there.
It is also a pretty compliment for him to send to the chaperon at his afternoon or evening reception, flowers for her to wear.
It is the duty of the chaperoned to agree without demur to whatever the chaperon may suggest.
The question as to whether a young man must ask the services of a chaperon when he invites one young woman to accompany him to the theater is answered differently in different parts of the country.
The young girl may always have a chaperon to whom to refer as to the proprieties, but it is not the young girl who is most talked about.
He wrote telling me of a dear friend of his mother, who was soon to pass through Vienna, and who by some misfortune had been deprived of a position as companion and chaperon to a young girl who was travelling.
Couldn't you get a chaperonfor her, and bring her on to me?
She guessed her business of playing chaperon to the ranch girls would not be an easy one, if ever Jean got away from their western life into the gay society world of which she dreamed and talked.
I heard your chaperon say last night that you intended to give your own horses and caravan a rest.
Jack had guessed that her old and dearest friend had asked their chaperon to marry him and that Ruth was waiting to come to a decision, but Jack felt little doubt of her answer.
Tell me, Ruth, dear," she quoted mischievously from a volume of poems she and her chaperonhad just finished reading.
Jean inquired, as soon as their chaperonentered the breakfast room.
So please don't forget to ask your chaperon right away, so I can give my man the order for our horses.
However, Jean fled past her chaperon without a word and only a mischievous nod of her head.
The more I think of it the more I regret that my niece has missed the opportunity of going to Glengowrie, especially since I have learned that Mrs. Griffin is going to chaperon another young lady in her stead.
But I will promise you an invitation for your chaperon and arrange for the name of the lady later--n'est-ce-pas?
But tell me--what will your father and your mother say to this so rapidly changing from the one chaperon to the other?
I think a chaperonwould look very silly tagging along behind on a camel.
But Sissy blushed her most perfect disapproval when she played chaperon to her elder sister.
As she danced only the more sedate dances, because of that obtrusive tendency of the red sham to her skirt, Sissy was able to chaperon her senior all the more effectively at Crosby Pemberton's party.
As chaperon to Damaris how many desirable doors would be open to her!
Now, having analysed his host's character to his own satisfaction, he felt justified in giving himself a holiday from the office of chaperonand watch-dog.
I'll present you to a chaperon shortly--a Mrs. Norton, who is here with her daughter.
Bright morning on the mountain, a girl in an angry mood at his side, a seedy chaperon on his trail, an erring cook ahead.
Couldn't we find your mother somewhere, and get her to chaperon us for lunch?
Being a chaperon was a pleasant office to Professor Burgess today but for the task of throwing a barrier about Elinor every time Vic Burleigh came near.
At least the young folk for whom Professor Burgess was acting as chaperon took it so, and reveled in the right.
I want to take two boxes, and get Mrs. Charleford and Mrs. Scollard each to chaperon one half our party, and have as good a time as we can.
But the Mrs. Stewart from whom they would rent the room was to be above them, with her dancing school, to chaperon them, and perhaps their youth would make the little enterprise go the better.
The chaperon interposed, presenting to Miss Tomalin a gentleman who seemed very desirous of that honour, and Dyce stifled his annoyance in saying apart to Constance: "What barbarism this is!
The chaperon and Miss Bride were engaged in conversation with a man who stood behind them.
Their chaperon spoke with him; he learned that Lady Ogram did not feel quite equal to an occasion such as this, and had stayed at home.
The chaperon and Miss Tomalin were moving away; May cast a look at Lashmar, but he was unconscious of it.
Virginia's errand of mercy was not yet accomplished, and Aunt Martha in her character of anxious chaperon was not to be forgotten.
It was the chaperon who applied the firing spark to the electrical possibilities.
I've urged her to have a chaperon or a companion of some sort, but she won't do it.
She says a father is chaperon enough for her, and so we live alone in that big hotel, and I'm afraid it isn't right.
After a moment's quiet, the chaperon said: "I shall never mention this to the girl.