This new type of women will want to go about freely without an escort, to be free to travel alone, take rooms in hotels, sit in restaurants, and so forth.
All sorts of intermediate types--the majority of women will be intermediate types--will complicate the problem.
We hear from different sources that American women will attempt, to some extent, to be registered this year as voters, and we hope so brave an example will become a contagion.
The day cannot be far distant when Dakota's women will be free; for the most intelligent men, and those occupying the most prominent positions in our territory, are avowed friends of suffrage.
Multitudes of women will never be mothers; and those more fortunate may find even the usefulness of their motherhood surpassed by what they do in other ways.
Women will also be sure to bring special sympathy and intelligent attention to the wrongs of children.
The first step towards the enfranchisement of women willblow to the winds the tradition of the angelic superiority of women.
What a dark page the present political position of women will be for the future historian!
To celebrate the Fortieth Anniversary of this event, an International Council of Women will be convened under the auspices of the National Woman Suffrage Association, in Albaugh's opera house, Washington, D.
The act of voting occupies but little time in itself, and the vast majority of women will attend to their family and social affairs to the neglect of the State, just as men do to their individual interests.
I doubt if women will ever be regarded quite as human beings so long as they paint, wear fantastic coiffures, hobble along on foolish heels, and are clad in over tight short skirts.
By doing this a considerable number of women will be immensely helped.
Women will parade or even fight for their rights] It is safe to say that no woman, in our own country at least, escapes entirely the unrest which this controversy has brought.
Propositions for so amending their constitutions as to extend the elective franchise to women will be voted upon by the people in four of the Western States within the coming two years.
Women will not be voters possibly for some years to come; it is not desirable that the franchise should come too quick; but they are certain to have the full privilege of citizenship in the end.
New claims will arise; women will demand a vote; lads from twelve to twenty-one will think their rights not enough attended to; and every man who has not a farthing will demand an equal voice with any other in all acts of state.
The young State of Kansas is fitly the vanguard of this cause, and the signs of the agitation therein hardly allow a doubt that the citizenship of women will be ere long recognized in the law of the State.
I like to have the subject proposed, and argued, and agitated, and kept up, in hopes that a generation of women will be educated for it.
The time will come when all women will be just as free to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as men.
And I must be allowed to call her a modest woman, before I dismiss this part of the subject, by saying, that till men are more chaste, women will be immodest.
The comparison with the rich still occurs to me; for, when men neglect the duties of humanity, women will do the same; a common stream hurries them both along with thoughtless celerity.
In the future, one thing is sure: a lot of women will go wrong, as the saying is, under the new conditions, with liberty and their own money and all.
He insisted on paying Marie Louise's driver, though she said, "Women will never be free so long as men insist on paying all their bills.
In the next war millions of women will live in tents the way the men do.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "women will" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.