Thus, he may reach Canton in China, by a westerly route around Cape Horn, or by an easterly route around the Cape of Good Hope.
She seemed never to have heard of the name of M'tela; yet this map's sole reason for being was that it indicated at least the beginning of a route to M'tela's country.
And, as far as Kingozi could see, the sole purport of the whole affair was not topography but a route to the country of M'tela!
We have reasons to believe that the water-holes on this route are mapped by the Germans.
Mali-ya-bwana was instructed to lead the way following the scraped places on the earth, the twigs bent over, and the broken branches by which Simba had marked his route for them.
After twenty minutes' brisk walk it became evident that they were approaching the route of march.
Over this part of the route were occasional remains of an old Roman road like the Appian Way, whose paving-stones still clung to their places with Roman tenacity.
The pianist's route took him from San Francisco to Oakland, San Jose, and Portland, Oregon.
One of these the virtuoso reserved for his private car, for he practices en route whenever there is a stop long enough to make it worth while.
To catch up with the miners the column marches in route step.
It is by this speedy route that Golding and Nevins make three trips to Paris.
It will not be necessary for me to consult with them; I have outlined myroute so that I can make connections on one road or another and go through to New York in sixty hours.
Then, taking a triangular route we sail past Hat Island to the first marker.
By this time Penny was familiar with the daily route of the River Queen and knew where it would dock to pick up and unload passengers.
In this manner was our march conducted--the route being towards Orizava.
The treaty of Guadalupe was at length concluded, and we had orders to prepare for the route homeward.
Still the route from Saint Louis to New Orleans was a direct one.
This route to Brussels and Ostend is much travelled by the English, in preference to continuing on the Rhine to Rotterdam.
The only village on the route worth mentioning is Genappe.
All right," said Keith in his turn, going along toward the saltwater side of the harbour as if it had been the route of his own choice.
Finally he grew afraid of being late and tumbled pell-mell downstairs, intent on turning to his old route by way of East Long Street.
He led the animal forward and struck out for a new route homeward, longer than that which he had been pursuing but free from thickets and pitfalls.
Having decided to move in the direction of Fort Lawrence, Sam Barringford led the way by the veryroute Joseph Morris had pursued.
From Schenectady General Prideaux moved up the Mohawk Valley, which was the most direct route to the lakes.
The town was scarcely left behind however, before the music came to an end, and the command moved on by the route step--that is, every soldier stepping out to suit himself.
Dear Teacher: Father thinks so favorably of your kind invitation that we venture to express our preference for a route of travel.
I thank the boys of the first class for their letters and suggestions about the route to be decided upon.
On entering Normandy, Master Lewis engaged passages on diligences, wherever a promise of a route amid pleasant scenery offered itself.
If I must go across the sea, I would prefer to go--anywhere you like, only take the shortest route and fastest steamer over the water.
The landscape along the route to Brussels was dotted with quaint windmills, reminding one of the old pictorial histories, in which Holland is illustrated by cuts of these workshops of the air.
The road is an excellent one; but I cannot quite agree with a remark which I heard made, that "La route vaut mieux que les souvenirs.
Especially am I glad to be in agreement with Lotze on a point which he reached by a different routeand from essentially different presuppositions.
Fortunately, the Dutchmen pursued a different route from that which they had intended, and they prosecuted the two officers for the offence of lying-in-wait with intent to murder.
For it involved the closing of the Dardanelles to Russia's corn export and the disappearance of the principal route for communications between the Tsardom and its Western allies.
Perhaps the first route of the Russian army would lie on the eastern bank of the rivers Torne-älf and Muonio-älf and lead to the Lyngen Fjord.
Delcassé and Sir Edward Grey to open the Dardanelles route for the Russian corn.
However, some individuals may arrive at the MTF that have not been decontaminated or that become contaminated en route to the MTF.
Loss of the oral route for administering medications to patients.
The patients may not have been decontaminated at the unit, or they may have become contaminated en routeto the MTF.
The use of these vehicles limits or prohibits en route medical care, but may be the only way to clear the battlefield and ensure timely care of patients at the hospital.
The penetration of agents by various routes need not be accompanied by irritation or delayed superficial damage to the absorbent surface, but there are often unique signs and symptoms identifiable by the route of entry.
Providing en routecare for casualties from the incident site to an MTF or designated location for further care.
Toxicity depends upon the route of entry and physical characteristics.
There are often unique signs and identifying symptoms depending on entry route (inhalation, ingestion, or dermal).
In taking this route though, I would generally be late at school, for there were so many little things to detain me--such as trying to catch the shadow of a flying sea gull, or trying to lasso sand crabs on my stick horse.
It was sixty miles around by the road to Cohglin's ranch, the route the wagon would have to go and about twenty-five or thirty on a straight line over the White Mountains.
He took the back track while I continued single handed, accompanied by Sam Coleman, whose route was the same as mine until arriving on the Rio Grande, where he would change his course to southward.
From the "Oaks" I went to Roswell on the Reo Pecos, a distance of one hundred and twenty-five miles, by the route I took.
After leaving Tulerosa our route lay across a young desert, called the "White Sands," a distance of sixty miles.
I then struck back to White Oaks over the same route I had come.
The route he and I had come was too far between ranches for him, traveling alone.
Our route lay over a wild strip of country where there was no trails nor scarcely any ranches--that is, until reaching the southern line of Kansas.
The next morning I made up my mind that I would take a new route to the "Oaks" by going around the mountains through Mr. Cohglin's range which was on Three Rivers, twenty odd miles north.
We may well ask by what routehe went, and to that question we shall get no certain answer.
I say I chose this route chiefly for the sake of seeing Stone.
But the lane which is the straight way and its continuation in the footpath across Swanscombe Park is undoubtedly the line of the Roman road and in all probability the route of Chaucer.
He discovered en route that Guth had really tried to get in touch with him, and in fact appeared greatly concerned over his failure to do so, for at Tanana he received another message, and again at St. Michaels.
An hour later he was en route for the sunny South, there being good and sufficient reasons why he preferred that direction to any other.
That day Louis switched from the narrow-countered bakery-lunch route to regular standard-gauge restaurants; he ordered clothes like a bookmaker's bride and he sent a cubic foot of violets to Miss Harris.
Every hour was carrying us farther and farther from the parallel most desirable for us to follow in our route to the westward.
What a mere toy we were to the billows, that jeeringly shouldered us from crest to crest, as from hand to hand lost souls may be tossed along by the chain of shades which enfilade the route to Tartarus.
The gentle Yillah was a seraph from the sun; Samoa I had picked off a reef in my route from that orb; and as for the Skyeman, why, as his name imported, he came from above.
By General Grant's directions the Sixth Corps had been following my route of march since the discovery, about 9 o'clock in the morning, that Lee had decamped from Amelia Court House.
Whole populations were turned out to salute him, and during the night the route over which the imperial carriages passed was illuminated by lighted piles of wood--an extensive line of fire in his honor.
The route the army had taken from camp to camp was marked by offensive evacuations.
However cozily she may sleep upon the rug, however certain her knowledge of the quickest route to the milkpans on the closet shelf, the cat is ever but a guest in the house.